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Working and Life by DrRakha on Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:06 pm
Well , I started to hate my current job ,programming and solving the same type of bugs , I lost my goal and interest in it , when I think about people around ,I see that most of them work by the relation win-to-win. They always looking for money, but in fact money is not the only thing which will make someone happy. (Yes it is important), but it is not the main reason to be happy in your life, sometimes you see a man has millions then he kills himself. Well don’t that I am rich and I will kill myself: D, actually I don’t have a car. This life is a big race … rate race. Who will win??!

Make your business more beneficial with seo service by nilguy25 on Fri Mar 25, 2011 11:28 am
The internet has untouched the way so as to businesses sell dramatically in the onwards decade. Most businesses at the moment rely on their website to generate leads, sales or significance in the upshot or service they plug. Because of the prominence in search engines whilst it comes to driving frequent to a website, SEO Services allow increased in popularity. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of humanizing your website's grade in the search engines in support of keywords linking to your position.

Online marketing on the undivided has risen in popularity, with the digit of specialists in various areas growing speedily. Such areas include SEM (Search Engine Marketing) and SEO.

Both SEM and SEO consultants are particularly comfortable to come up to by online and a digit of businesses service competitively priced services of specialists they might in no way truly unite in person. But with increasing facts of SEO companies setting up in offices in cities all greater than...

[ Continued ]

Blog feature added by codemiles on Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:54 pm
1 out of 52 out of 53 out of 54 out of 55 out of 5
Dear members,
Today, we have integrated a blog module to CODEMILES community .Blog module provides a big set features to each users. Users have the full control over their blogs. They can customize its content and share it with CODEMILES visitors. Users can comment on blog topics and also rank it. CODEMILES community has a good search Google rank, which means that CODEMILES bloggers can see their own posts ranked well over the web.
Come on, we are waiting your contribution…


help me by nirmalj on Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:45 am
i have doubt in string ,in the programm string is a data type or not

public class Name

public static void main(String args[])
String s="welcome";

pls help me IMP URGENT abt compression in java by tanmay005 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 11:15 am
i am tanmay from india studying in final year computer engineering
my final year mini project is "Multimedia file compressor using netbeans"
we are facing many problems in implementing diff algos such as huffman RLE and etc etc.....
so pls if u r havin any project of image,audio compression using netbeans
pass it to me....i badly need yur help.... pls reply me if u r havin some modules of image n audio compression....
we are also using encryption and decryption algorithms....pls help
pls pass me your email id so dat i can send u some of our GUI images.....

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