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IT Executive / Assistant Manager by ilaowaivisa on Mon May 16, 2011 10:27 am
About us.

Ilaowai.net is the leading company offering a complete range of services for expatriates and foreign companies in China. We pride ourselves as a group offering efficient and high quality services, including but not limited, to the domain of:
Visa related application and consultation services,
Incorporation of corporate identity application and consultation services,
Accounts and Taxation related reports, management and consultation services.
In accordance to our expansion plans, we are currently recruiting dynamic and high caliber personals to join us for an exciting and rewarding career.

About the position.

We are currently recruiting for the position of IT Executive / Assistant Manager for our headquarters based in Guangzhou, China.

Job Description
Developing, maintaining and updating of company website and web based applications.
Maintaining and ensuring that the company’s internet based applications are well protected from various internet security risks.


[ Continued ]

Blog feature added by codemiles on Fri Mar 11, 2011 10:54 pm
1 out of 52 out of 53 out of 54 out of 55 out of 5
Dear members,
Today, we have integrated a blog module to CODEMILES community .Blog module provides a big set features to each users. Users have the full control over their blogs. They can customize its content and share it with CODEMILES visitors. Users can comment on blog topics and also rank it. CODEMILES community has a good search Google rank, which means that CODEMILES bloggers can see their own posts ranked well over the web.
Come on, we are waiting your contribution…


BizTalk Server Services by Microsoft Gold Certified Company by JohnnyCash on Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:40 am
BizTalk is a powerful software developed by Microsoft to bring all the enterprise activities on single platform. It offers high-end interactive and sharing features for internal and external users. Microsoft BizTalk Server allows to automate your business processes with advanced integration and updation functionalities. These days, it is a highly emerging enterprise information sharing technology to connect inside and outside users.

Hire BizTalk Experts India for Collaborative Application Development
Build an effective and efficient application with BizTalk for rapid business expansion. You can hire BizTalk developers to create shared application that links up your management, executive staff, suppliers, partners, and customers. The solution permits for information exchange that enhances communication across users. You can also build Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Business Process Management (BPM) solutions.

Build Microsoft BizTalk...

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Just need to complete my program for snake game by behumanizer on Wed Aug 17, 2011 8:17 am
Program below is working i just don't know what to do for the algorithm on keyevents for right,left,up and down
The code like y+=10; is just my assumption for the snake movement.....
I believe below the path.reset() code has to be change since stack is being use...
Can anyone help me program to run correctly?

* PROVIDE THE MISSING CODE in the keyPressed() method
* in order to move the 'snake' around the interface
* by pressing:
* --> cursor keys
* --> CTRL-Z to 'undo' last move
* --> CTRL-Y to 'redo' past/last move

package midterms;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.border.*;

public class Snakes extends JPanel implements KeyListener {
final static long serialVersionUID = 1;
final private int WIDTH = 600;
final private int HEIGHT = 400;

LinkedList<Point> snake = new LinkedList<Point>();
Stack<Point> undo = new...

[ Continued ]

Common Techniques used by Enterprises to Secure Data by extendcode on Fri Sep 07, 2012 1:58 pm
In today’s digital age information is power and all critical information is currently stored on protected servers operated by companies themselves or by 3rd party operators. If a company cannot protect its data from access by unauthorized individuals, the result can be devastating for the company itself as well as all vendors and stakeholders involved with the company. Such critical data which are usually protected using leading information security services can be used by unauthorized individuals to commit crimes such as insider trading, tender fixing etc. Countries all over the world have laws to prevent such unauthorized data access and non-compliance with the guidelines is cognizable offence with the companies paying hefty fines to the government, if the data security measures are breached. However, a common question that arises is how to companies ensure that their data stays protected from access by unauthorized individuals. Some of the security solutions designed to ensure proper d...

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