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array in function by farahinsamsudin on Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:35 am
i cant compile my coding because a several error. i'm try to find it by change its syntax. but it does not work. can anyone help me?

the question ask to display student name, total marks, and status.

import java.io.*;
import java.lang.*;

public class Assignment1 {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String studName[] = {"Aminah Binti Samad", "Putra Bin Abdul", "Muadz Bin Kassim", "Kaisara Binti Dollah", "Rahaman Bin Ismail"};
      int test1[] = {90, 45, 78, 80, 60};
      int test2[] = {40, 80, 78, 95, 93};
      int Marks = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
      String[] status = new String[5];
      CalculateMarks(test1, test2, Marks);
      DetermineStatus(Marks, status);
      Display(studName, Marks, status);
   public static void CalculateMarks(int test1[], int test2[], int Marks[])
      for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
         int temptotalMarks = 0;

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Split Specific or All Pages of PDF & Save Each Page as new file by saaspose on Wed Feb 06, 2013 7:29 am
This technical tip allows developers to split all or specific pages of a PDF file and save each page as a new PDF or any supported format using Saaspose.Pdf REST API in your .NET applications. Input PDF file needs to be uploaded in root folder of Saaspose Storage before running this code.Saaspose.Pdf is a REST API to create, edit & manipulate PDF files. It also convert PDF file to DOC, DOCX, HTML, XPS, TIFF etc. It is platform independent REST API & working with web, desktop, mobile or cloud applications alike. Some important steps for performing this task are to build URI to split PDF pages, sign URI, further process JSON response, Parse the json string to JObject, build URI to download split pages and save split PDF pages as PDF.

Sample Code for Splitting all pages to new PDFs


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Extract Text from PDF Files, Convert MS Word Document in Android by saaspose on Fri Feb 01, 2013 8:35 am
Saaspose development team is pleased to announce the release of Saaspose SDK for Android. It is great news for all Android developers to enjoy a whole new experience of document manipulation in the cloud. We have been working on Saaspose SDK for Android to facilitate the android developers with feature-rich APIs round the globe.

Saaspose REST APIs gives developers total control over documents and file formats on all platforms. We have developed SDKs for these file format APIs to help you utilize these feature-rich APIs in you applications for quick file processing. You can now use Saaspose APIs in your Android applications and take document manipulation experience to another level. Whether its text extraction from PDF files or conversion of MS Word document to different file formats, Saaspose REST APIs have much more to offer for your Android applications. You can extract text from documents, calculate formula in worksheets, convert PDF to images, extract images and slides from presentations...

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BizTalk Server Services by Microsoft Gold Certified Company by JohnnyCash on Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:40 am
BizTalk is a powerful software developed by Microsoft to bring all the enterprise activities on single platform. It offers high-end interactive and sharing features for internal and external users. Microsoft BizTalk Server allows to automate your business processes with advanced integration and updation functionalities. These days, it is a highly emerging enterprise information sharing technology to connect inside and outside users.

Hire BizTalk Experts India for Collaborative Application Development
Build an effective and efficient application with BizTalk for rapid business expansion. You can hire BizTalk developers to create shared application that links up your management, executive staff, suppliers, partners, and customers. The solution permits for information exchange that enhances communication across users. You can also build Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and Business Process Management (BPM) solutions.

Build Microsoft BizTalk...

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BYOD and its Impact on Enterprise Mobility Market by extendcode on Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:58 pm
Many CIOs (Chief Information Officers) look back to the early days of enterprise mobility as the good old days, when things were just so much simpler for them. There were few mobility devices and fewer platforms, which made it much easier to implement security solutions. Most of the enterprise employees were baby boomers and the attempts to circumvent company security were much fewer. In those early days, the mobility devices were mostly company owned and provided to the employees for carrying out the company’s work. The cost of buying and maintaining such devices was considered to be a necessary evil by most companies in those days. At that point, few people could have predicted that there was a storm coming.

The storm came with the introduction of the first Apple iPhone, intensified with the advent of devices powered by Google’s android and the whole enterprise mobility landscape started to change at a rapid pace. The availability of iPhone and Android powered devices, which were cap...

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