Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:37 am
'imageUrl', GetImageUrl);"
// or e.g. set the HTML event from the C# class of the host page
// (be careful, both methods are used):
'imageUrl', GetImageUrl);");
// Register Ajaxion event "imageUrl"
function GetEventParameters(eventId)
ajaxion.ShowStatus('status', 'Processing...', 'coral');
ajaxion.ShowStatusGif('statusGif', 'images/processing.gif');
var parameters = '';
switch (eventId)
case 'imageUrl' :
ajaxion.SetEventMonior('imageUrl', '');
parameters = window.document.getElementById('dropDown').value;
return parameters;
// Ajaxion event "imageUrl" callback function.
// This updates the host page after the Ajax call for the
// Ajaxion event was consumed.
function GetImageUrl()
if (ajaxion.request.readyState == 4
|| ajaxion.request.readyState == 'complete')
window.document.getElementById('image').src =
window.document.getElementById('image').title =
public void GetImageUrl()
Thread.Sleep(700); // Only to see status change, ajax effect
string eventId;
if (this.Context.Request.QueryString["imageUrl"] == null)
eventId = "imageUrlIe6";
eventId = "imageUrl";
AjaxEventConsummer callback = new AjaxEventConsummer(this.Context,
eventId, "image/GIF");
callback.ConsumeEvent("images/" + callback.Parameters);
catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
catch (Exception ex)
FileLog.LogLine("\nException: " + ex.Message +
"\nTrace: " + ex.StackTrace);
The Salajax Class.
Ajax class that allows use of the back button and bookmarks.
Written by Nigel Liefrink.
| This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or |
| implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, |
| fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the |
| authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other |
| liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising |
| from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other |
| dealings in the software.
14-05-2007 : v2.0 Initial version release.
//set up the salajax settings.
var sal = new salajax();
sal.Debug = 0;
sal.EnableBackButton(true); //turns on the back buttons.
//saves state in the clients cookies so bookmarks will work provided they haven't deleted their cookies.
sal.OnStart = 'TestOnStart()';
//enables a script to run before the request is made. e.g. change pointer/icon/loading section of page.
sal.OnEnd = 'TestOnEnd()';
//enables a script to run after the request is returned. e.g. change pointer/icon/loading section of page.
sal.PresendHtml = '<img border="0" src=""/>';
sal.OnError = 'DefaultOnError()';//set a function to pass to if there is an error.
sal.OnErrorHtml = '<img border="0" src="" />
<font color="red">Error!</font>';
//When calling etInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse and there is an error, this will be displayed.
sal.EvalScripts = true; //if set to true, will evaluate any javascript in the responseText.
//NOTE: to use functions returned in your responseText you must declare the functions in your ajax
//response like this:
// var FunctionToChange = function(var1,var2)
// {
// //do stuff
// }
this.KeepDotNetViewState = true; //if set to true will post the current viewstate when using .NET
//end setting the salajax settings.
Some examples of main usage in web page:
sal.PassAjaxResponseToFunction('/myscript.*?getsomehtml=1', 'FunctionToHandleTheResponse');
sal.PassAjaxResponseToFunction(document.forms[0], 'FunctionToHandleTheResponse');
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse('/myscript.*?getsomehtml=1', 'id_of_div');
//using get and string of id div.
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse(document.forms[0], object);
//using post and object to change the innerhtml of.
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse('form', 'id_of_div');
//using post ('form' will submit forms[0]'), object to change the innerhtml of.
Read function definitions for more detail.
function salajax()
this.Debug = 0;//1=Debug, 2=Verbose - will cause alert statements to popup.
this.PresendHtml = 'Loading...';
//TODO: use an image. When set to null, this will leave the current html until the response is returned.
this.OnStart = '';//set a function to pass to eval.
this.OnEnd = '';//set a function to pass to eval.
this.OnError = 'DefaultOnError()';//set a function to pass if there is an error.
this.OnErrorHtml = '<font color="red">Error!</font>';
//When setting InnerHtml and there is an error this will be displayed. Set to null to turn this feature off.
this.EvalScripts = false;
//if set to true, will evaluate any javascript in the responseText.
this.KeepDotNetViewState = false;
//if set to true will post the current viewstate when using .NET
this.EnableBookmarkDays = 600;
//how many days to keep the bookmarks..
//TODO: Possibly save state on server, send the key in the request to the server or make a seperate ajax call to get and save state...
//this.SaveStateOnServer = false;
//if set to true will send the key name with the request.
//Also Available are these two functions.
var _backButtonEnabled = false;
var _bookmarksEnabled = false;
var _savedstate = new Object();
var _savedkeys = new Array();
var self = this;
//enables back button and storing of state keys in the # of the url.
//will also start polling for any changes to the hash, so as to update the ajax section of the page.
this.EnableBackButton = function(blnEnable)
_backButtonEnabled = blnEnable;
//Default Function to call when there is an error.
var DefaultOnError = function()
alert('There was an error loading the data. Sorry for the inconvenience.');
Gets the response stream from the passed url, and then calls the
callbackFuntion passing the response and the div_ids.
<param name="url">The url to make the request to get the response data.</param>
<param name="callbackFunction">The function to call after the response has been recieved. the response
<b>must</b> always be the first argument to the function.</param>
var sal = new salajax();
sal.PassAjaxResponseToFunction('?getsomehtml=1', 'FunctionToHandleTheResponse');
function FunctionToHandleTheResponse(response){
var data = response.split(';');
document.getElementById('d1').innerHTML = data[0];
document.getElementById('d2').innerHTML = data[1];
document.getElementById('d3').innerHTML = data[2];
this.PassAjaxResponseToFunction = function (urlOrForm, callbackFunction)
if(this.onStart != '')
var xmlhttp = new this.GetXmlHttp();
//now we got the XmlHttpRequest object, send the request.
if(this.Debug >= 2)
if (xmlhttp)
xmlhttp = this.SetReadyStateForFunction(xmlhttp, callbackFunction)
this.SubmitXmlHttp(urlOrForm, xmlhttp, 'f|'+callbackFunction);
///Sets the innerHTML property of obj_id with the response from the passed url or form./
///<param name="urlOrForm">The url or form to submit to make the request to get the response data.</param>
///<param name="obj_id">The object or the id as a string of the object to set the innerHTML for.</param>
var sal = new salajax();
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse('?getsomehtml=1', 'id_of_div'); //using get and string of id div.
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse(document.forms[0], object);//using post and object to change the innerhtml of.
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse('form', object);//using post ('form' will submit forms[0]'), object to change the innerhtml of.
this.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse = function (urlOrForm, obj_id)
if(this.onStart != '') {
var xmlhttp = new this.GetXmlHttp();
//now we got the XmlHttpRequest object, send the request.
if (xmlhttp)
if(typeof obj_id == 'string')
obj_id = document.getElementById(obj_id);
xmlhttp = this.SetReadyStateForInnerHtml(xmlhttp, obj_id)
if(this.PresendHtml != null)
obj_id.innerHTML = this.PresendHtml;
var bb_div_id =;
this.SubmitXmlHttp(urlOrForm, xmlhttp, 'h|'+bb_div_id);
Browser Compatability function.
Returns the correct XMLHttpRequest depending on the current browser.
this.GetXmlHttp = function() {
var xmlhttp = false;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject)// code for IE
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch (E) {
return xmlhttp;
this.GetPostDataFromForm = function(theform)
var theData = '';
var eName = '';
theData = 'ajax=true&';
for( var i=0; i<theform.elements.length; i++ )
eName = theform.elements[i].name;
if(eName == '')
eName = theform.elements[i].id;
if(this.Debug >= 2)
if( eName && eName != '')
if( eName == '__EVENTTARGET'
|| eName == '__EVENTARGUMENT'
|| eName == '__VIEWSTATE' )
if(eName = '__VIEWSTATE' && this.KeepDotNetViewState)
theData += '__VIEWSTATE=' + escape(theform.__VIEWSTATE.value).replace(new RegExp('\\+', 'g'), '%2b') + '&';
theData = theData + escape(eName) + '=' + escape(theform.elements[i].value);
if( i != theform.elements.length - 1 )
theData = theData + '&';
}//end for
if(this.Debug >= 1)
return theData;
Sets up the xmlhttp object to pass the responseText to a the specified callbackfunction.
Private method.
this.SetReadyStateForFunction = function (xmlhttp, callbackFunction)
var debug = this.Debug;
var onEnd = this.OnEnd;
var onError = this.OnError;
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState==4)
{//we got something back..
if (xmlhttp.status==200)
var response = xmlhttp.responseText;
var functionToCall = callbackFunction+'(response)';
if(debug >= 2){
if(onEnd != '')
if(onError != '')
if(debug >= 1)
return xmlhttp;
Sets up the xmlhttp object to update the innerHTML of the obj_id with the responseText.
Private method.
this.SetReadyStateForInnerHtml = function (xmlhttp, obj_id)
var onEnd = this.OnEnd;
var debug = this.Debug;
var onError = this.OnError;
var self = this;
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState==4)
{//we got something back..
if (xmlhttp.status==200)
if(debug >= 1){
obj_id.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
if(onEnd != '')
if(onError != '')
obj_id.innerHTML = self.OnErrorHtml;
if(debug >= 1)
return xmlhttp;
Evaluates any javascript that is in the responseText.
**NOTE: if you want to use functions that are in the responseText, the function must be written as a variable.
(this can easily be achieved by swapping the name and the function declaration around and adding an '=' sign.)
AFunctionInTheResponse = function(some, vars)
//do stuff with some vars
NOT: function AFunctionInTheResponse(some, vars){ // this will not work. }
Private Method.
this.EvaluateScripts = function(responseText)
var matchAll = new RegExp('(?:<script.*?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)', 'img');
var scripts = '';
while (scripts = matchAll.exec(responseText))
Submits the initialised xmlhttp object to the server.
and updates the address bar if back button is enabled.
Private Method.
this.SubmitXmlHttp = function (urlOrForm, xmlhttp, callid)
//quick param for submitting the first form
if(urlOrForm == 'form'){
urlOrForm = document.forms[0];
var bb_params;
if(typeof urlOrForm == 'string')
{ //it a get request.
var url = urlOrForm;
if(url.indexOf('?') == 0)//is shortcut link
url = document.location.pathname+url;
bb_params = '|g|'+url+'|'+callid
{ //it is a form.... submit all the values
var f = urlOrForm
var theData = this.GetPostDataFromForm(f);
if(f.action == null || f.action == "")
f.action = document.location.pathname;
if(f.action.indexOf('?') == 0)
f.action = document.location.pathname+f.action;
}'POST', f.action, true);
bb_params = theData+'|p|'+f.action+'|'+callid
Updates the address bar and adds the saved params using the hashlistenter.
//extra vals stored as | [posttype(g=get,p=post) | url/action | f=function,h=setinnerhtml | funcname or divname
var UpdateAddressBar = function(address) {
var split = address.split('|');
//the last is the Div that was changed.
var keyn = split[split.length-1]; //use this as the key to store the data.
var hash = hashListener.getHash().substring(1);//remove the '#'
var hashkeys = hash.split(':');
var keysaved = false;
var stateIsSavedAs = '';
{ //check cookies to see if the state has been saved in da cookie
var cs = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var c=0;c<cs.length;c++)
var ckey = cs[c].substring(0,cs[c].indexOf('=')).trim()
var ckeyn = ckey.split('@');
ckeyn = ckeyn[0];
var cval = cs[c].substring(cs[c].indexOf('=')+1,cs[c].length);
if(keyn == ckeyn && cval == address)
var stateissaved = cs[c].split('=');
stateIsSavedAs = stateissaved[0].trim();
//check in the state object
if(stateIsSavedAs == '')
for(var i=0;i<_savedkeys.length;i++)
var skey = _savedkeys[i];
var skeyn = skey.split('@');
skeyn = skeyn[0];
//alert('Checking if Saved\n'+'Key:'+_savedkeys[i]+'\n'+address + ' ==\n'+ _savedstate[_savedkeys[i]]);
if(skeyn == keyn && address == _savedstate[skey])
stateIsSavedAs = skey; //set to the key that has been saved.
//work out the old key
var oldkey = '';
for(var i=1; i<hashkeys.length; i++)
var hashkey = hashkeys[i].split('@');
var hashkeyn = hashkey[0];
var hashkeye = hashkey[1];
if(hashkeyn == keyn)//this section has been changed by an ajax request.
//if the state hasn't been saved we need to create a new key.
if(stateIsSavedAs == '')
key = keyn +'@'+g_eventCount;
SaveState(key, address);
//alert('Created New Key:'+key);
else //just save the state
key = stateIsSavedAs;
//alert('Key is saved:'+key);
SaveState(key, address);
if(oldkey == '')
} else {
hash = hash.replace(oldkey, key);
//Used for saving the state of an ajax request.
var SaveState = function(key, data)
_savedstate[key] = data;
createCookie(key, data, self.EnableBookmarkDays);
//TODO:Store state information on server via ajax requests? Cookie is limited to 4K. (not much)
//Gets the state of an ajax element.
var GetState = function(key)
if(_bookmarksEnabled && _savedstate[key] == null)
return readCookie(key);
} else {
return _savedstate[key];
//TODO:Get state information from server via ajax requests?
//Private Function to update all the ajax elements
//from the keys that are contained in the hash of the url.
var UpdateAjaxDivs = function()
//TODO: get key from the address bar
// return state information from a cookie
// or on the server using the key as a reference.
var hash = hashListener.getHash();
hash = hash.substring(1);
if(hash != '')
var savedkeys = hash.split(':');
for(var i=1;i<savedkeys.length;i++)
//TODO: keep/find the last state of this div
//So we don't make any uneeded ajax requests divs, ie already set.
var data = GetState(savedkeys[i])
if(data != null)
var data = data.split('|');
if(data.length >= 4)
var funcdiv = data.pop();
var fh = data.pop();
var url = data.pop();
var postget = data.pop();
var xmlhttp = self.GetXmlHttp();
//now we got the XmlHttpRequest object, send the request.
if (xmlhttp)
if(self.onStart != '')
if(fh == 'h')
var fd = document.getElementById(funcdiv);
if(fd == null)
//setTimeout(this.PollForStateChange, this.BBPoleTime);
xmlhttp = self.SetReadyStateForInnerHtml(xmlhttp, fd)
} else {//set for function.
xmlhttp = self.SetReadyStateForFunction(xmlhttp, funcdiv)
//set the inner html if we are affecting a div.
if(self.PresendHtml != null)
fd.innerHTML = self.PresendHtml;
//send the request via ajax
if(postget == 'p')
//reconstruct theData
var theData = data.pop();'POST', url, true);
if(self.Debug > 0){
} else {//g'GET',url,true);
}//if data.length
} //end for
}else{//no hash
//if set to true will store state information in cookies
//on the clients computer.
this.EnableBookmarks = function(blnEnable)
_bookmarksEnabled = blnEnable
If the back button is enabled this method will watch for changes to the hash
and update the ajax areas when a change is detected.
this.PollForStateChange = function()
hashListener.onHashChanged = UpdateAjaxDivs
{//disable back button - could potentially remove other instances that are monitoring.
//hashListener.onHashChanged = function(){}
}//END salajax_class
String.prototype.trim = function() {return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");}
//String.prototype.ltrim = function() {return this.replace(/^\s+/g,"");}
//String.prototype.rtrim = function() {return this.replace(/\s+$/g,"");}
/* Backward compatability. */
function PassAjaxResponseToFunction(urlOrForm, callbackFunction)
var sal = new salajax();
sal.PresendHtml = null;
sal.OnError = '';
sal.ErrorHtml == null;
sal.PassAjaxResponseToFunction(urlOrForm, callbackFunction);
/* Backward compatability. */
function SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse(urlOrForm, obj_id)
var sal = new salajax();
sal.PresendHtml = null;
sal.OnError = '';
sal.ErrorHtml == null;
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse(urlOrForm, obj_id);
//This ensures that bookmarks cannot be overridden by replacing the key values saved in cookies.
//NOTE: cookies do have a limitation in size of data that can be saved..
//NOTE: ints may eventually run out and cause issues
//TODO: fix these potential problems.
function GetSafeEventCount()
var retVal = 0;
var cs = document.cookie
cs = cs.split(';');
for(var c=0;c<cs.length;c++)
var ckey = cs[c].substring(0,cs[c].indexOf('='))
var ckeyn = ckey.split('@');
if(ckeyn[1] != null && ckeyn[1] > retVal)
retVal = ckeyn[1];
return parseInt(retVal);
var g_eventCount = GetSafeEventCount();
| Hash Listener 1.0 |
| Created by Erik Arvidsson |
| ( |
| For WebFX ( |
| Basic object to allow updating the hash part of the document location. |
| Copyright (c) 1998 - 2005 Erik Arvidsson |
| Basic object to allow updating the hash part of the document location. |
| Mozilla always adds an entry to the history but for IE we add an optional |
| flag whether to add an entry to the history and if this is set an iframe is |
| used to support this behavior (this is on by default). |
| |
| When the hash value changes onHashChanged is called. Override this to do |
| your own callbacks. |
| |
| Usage: Include script |
| Override onHashChanged: hashListener.onHashChanged = fn |
| |
| Known issues: Known to not work with Opera |
| Not tested with KHTML/Safari |
| Might interfere with other iframe based loading |
|- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or |
| implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, |
| fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the |
| authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other |
| liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising |
| from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other |
| dealings in the software. |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| ... removed standard license part of header for now... |
| 2005-05-15 | First version |
| Created 2005-05-15 | All changes are in the log above. | Updated 2005-05-15 |
//Note that I have made some changes to this class in order to get it to work with salajax class.
var hashListener = {
ie: /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent),
ieSupportBack: true,
hash: document.location.hash,
initialised: false,
check: function () {
var h = document.location.hash
var h2 = this.hash
if (h != h2) {
this.hash = h;
init: function () {
// for IE we need the iframe state trick
if ( && this.ieSupportBack) {
var frame = document.createElement("iframe"); = "state-frame"; = "none";
var self = this;
// IE
if ("onpropertychange" in document && "attachEvent" in document) {
document.attachEvent("onpropertychange", function () {
if (event.propertyName == "location") {
} else {
// poll for changes of the hash
window.setInterval(function () { self.check() }, 100);
this.initialised = true;
setHash: function (s) {
this.hash = '#'+s;
// Mozilla always adds an entry to the history
if ( && this.ieSupportBack) {
//if (this.hash != '' && this.hash != document.location.hash) {
document.location.hash = this.hash;
getHash: function () {
return document.location.hash;
writeFrame: function (s) {
var f = document.getElementById("state-frame");
var d = f.contentDocument || f.contentWindow.document;;
d.write("<script>window._hash = '" + s + "'; window.onload = parent.hashListener.syncHash;<\/script>");
syncHash: function () {
var s = this._hash;
if (s != '' && s != document.location.hash) {
document.location.hash = s;
onHashChanged: function () {}
function createCookie(name, value, days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
else var expires = "";
document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;
function eraseCookie(name) {
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