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Ajax without javascript

Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:37 am

Ajax without Javascript ... This is not true. You can't do AJAX tricks without JavaScript. "keep Javascript simple"... unless you have no choice. The best productivity and results are based on understanding. Ajax and web applications provide great advantages with understanding.
Application ScreenShot
Screenshot.jpg (88.75 KiB) Viewed 5298 times

I started Ajaxion to learn Ajax and I finished by using it to enhance a web page in an old web application, under maintenance. Many thanks to my good colleague, Marius Francu, that supported the first "real world" usage of Ajaxion.

The idea here is simple: there is an Ajaxion Javascript layer between the hosting page in the browser and the web server. The Ajaxion Javascript layer defines Ajaxion events enclosing Ajax calls to the web server. The web server runs some C# code (Java coming soon) to consume the Ajaxion events and their Ajax calls. The Ajaxion Javascript layer uses the object XMLHttpRequest to make HTTP calls to the web server. These calls are nearly the same POST or GET but in asynchrony with the normal host page life-cycle.

The meaning of Ajaxion is to build further Ajax-enabled controls, more than are currently used. Ajaxion is simple so it can be controlled / customized easily based on what someone could need, e.g. changes in the event monitoring, after that it can be used for specific controls.
Using the code

Further register the "AjaxionTest" web application into IIS, e.g. like this:
  • Go within the IIS hosting directory (e.g. "c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\").
  • Extract the .zip content; you should got the new directory "AjaxionTest" (e.g. "c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\AjaxionTest").
  • Register the new directory "AjaxionTest" as "AjaxionTest" web application (e.g. from the properties dialog of the "AjaxionTest" directory, shown by the IIS management console)

    Once you have AjaxionTest on your IIS you can take advantage on the great debug power of Visual Studio.
    A short guide for the code

    Ajaxion relies in:

  • Ajaxion.js - that hosts a class like Javascript that initiates the Ajax calls.
  • AjaxionEvents.js to define the Ajaxion events hosting the Ajax calls and their callback Javascript functions - used to update the host page's target HTML elements.
  • The C# class AjaxionEventConsummer that consumes the Ajaxion events with their Ajax calls.
How to get an Ajax enabled HTML element by using Ajaxion

Register the Ajaxion Javascripts to be used in the host page, e.g. see head of Default.aspx. Choose a HTML element's event to trigger the Ajaxion events:

javascript code
'imageUrl', GetImageUrl);"

// or e.g. set the HTML event from the C# class of the host page

// (be careful, both methods are used):

'imageUrl', GetImageUrl);");

Register the Ajaxion event (e.g. "imageUrl") and the callback function (e.g. "GetImageUrl") in the host page specific script (e.g. DefaultAspx_AjaxionEvents.js)

javascript code
// Register Ajaxion event "imageUrl"

function GetEventParameters(eventId)
ajaxion.ShowStatus('status', 'Processing...', 'coral');
ajaxion.ShowStatusGif('statusGif', 'images/processing.gif');

var parameters = '';

switch (eventId)
case 'imageUrl' :
ajaxion.SetEventMonior('imageUrl', '');
parameters = window.document.getElementById('dropDown').value;
return parameters;

// Ajaxion event "imageUrl" callback function.

// This updates the host page after the Ajax call for the

// Ajaxion event was consumed.

function GetImageUrl()
if (ajaxion.request.readyState == 4
|| ajaxion.request.readyState == 'complete')
window.document.getElementById('image').src =
window.document.getElementById('image').title =

And, last but not least, the C# code to consume the "imageUrl" Ajaxion event (in this example there is a web service method):

csharp code
public void GetImageUrl()
Thread.Sleep(700); // Only to see status change, ajax effect

string eventId;
if (this.Context.Request.QueryString["imageUrl"] == null)
eventId = "imageUrlIe6";
eventId = "imageUrl";

AjaxEventConsummer callback = new AjaxEventConsummer(this.Context,
eventId, "image/GIF");
callback.ConsumeEvent("images/" + callback.Parameters);
catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException)
catch (Exception ex)
FileLog.LogLine("\nException: " + ex.Message +
"\nTrace: " + ex.StackTrace);

The functionality demonstrated is (in the order it appears):

  • The exchange of a simple text between two text boxes, but the Ajaxion calls are targeted to the C# code of the host page or of other pages (be careful with the encapsulation).
  • An XML test, using a call to a web service. I like here (unless there is no choice) to handle XML in C# rather than something like Javascript. I value this more to stay as simple as possible - a simple layer to forward XML call parameters and some HTML as a call response.
  • An approach to start and monitor a thread running on the server.
  • Some image retrieval, also when you get the image binary e.g. from a database.
  • Some drag'n drop.
  • And, last but not least, a demo with a user control, the most appropriate usage of Ajaxion.

javascript code
The Salajax Class.
Ajax class that allows use of the back button and bookmarks.
Written by Nigel Liefrink.

| This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or |
| implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, |
| fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the |
| authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other |
| liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising |
| from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other |
| dealings in the software.

14-05-2007 : v2.0 Initial version release.

//set up the salajax settings.
var sal = new salajax();
sal.Debug = 0;
sal.EnableBackButton(true); //turns on the back buttons.

//saves state in the clients cookies so bookmarks will work provided they haven't deleted their cookies.
sal.OnStart = 'TestOnStart()';

//enables a script to run before the request is made. e.g. change pointer/icon/loading section of page.
sal.OnEnd = 'TestOnEnd()';

//enables a script to run after the request is returned. e.g. change pointer/icon/loading section of page.
sal.PresendHtml = '<img border="0" src="http://www.ajaxload.info/cache/ff/ff/ff/00/80/ff/24-1.gif"/>';

sal.OnError = 'DefaultOnError()';//set a function to pass to if there is an error.

sal.OnErrorHtml = '<img border="0" src="http://www.register.com/images/icons/error_icon.gif" />

<font color="red">Error!</font>';

//When calling etInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse and there is an error, this will be displayed.

sal.EvalScripts = true; //if set to true, will evaluate any javascript in the responseText.

//NOTE: to use functions returned in your responseText you must declare the functions in your ajax
//response like this:
// var FunctionToChange = function(var1,var2)
// {
// //do stuff
// }
this.KeepDotNetViewState = true; //if set to true will post the current viewstate when using .NET

//end setting the salajax settings.

Some examples of main usage in web page:
sal.PassAjaxResponseToFunction('/myscript.*?getsomehtml=1', 'FunctionToHandleTheResponse');
sal.PassAjaxResponseToFunction(document.forms[0], 'FunctionToHandleTheResponse');

sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse('/myscript.*?getsomehtml=1', 'id_of_div');

//using get and string of id div.

sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse(document.forms[0], object);

//using post and object to change the innerhtml of.
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse('form', 'id_of_div');

//using post ('form' will submit forms[0]'), object to change the innerhtml of.

Read function definitions for more detail.

function salajax()
this.Debug = 0;//1=Debug, 2=Verbose - will cause alert statements to popup.
this.PresendHtml = 'Loading...';

//TODO: use an image. When set to null, this will leave the current html until the response is returned.
this.OnStart = '';//set a function to pass to eval.
this.OnEnd = '';//set a function to pass to eval.
this.OnError = 'DefaultOnError()';//set a function to pass if there is an error.
this.OnErrorHtml = '<font color="red">Error!</font>';

//When setting InnerHtml and there is an error this will be displayed. Set to null to turn this feature off.
this.EvalScripts = false;
//if set to true, will evaluate any javascript in the responseText.
this.KeepDotNetViewState = false;
//if set to true will post the current viewstate when using .NET
this.EnableBookmarkDays = 600;
//how many days to keep the bookmarks..
//TODO: Possibly save state on server, send the key in the request to the server or make a seperate ajax call to get and save state...
//this.SaveStateOnServer = false;
//if set to true will send the key name with the request.

//Also Available are these two functions.

var _backButtonEnabled = false;
var _bookmarksEnabled = false;
var _savedstate = new Object();
var _savedkeys = new Array();

var self = this;

//enables back button and storing of state keys in the # of the url.
//will also start polling for any changes to the hash, so as to update the ajax section of the page.
this.EnableBackButton = function(blnEnable)
_backButtonEnabled = blnEnable;

//Default Function to call when there is an error.
var DefaultOnError = function()
alert('There was an error loading the data. Sorry for the inconvenience.');

Gets the response stream from the passed url, and then calls the

callbackFuntion passing the response and the div_ids.

<param name="url">The url to make the request to get the response data.</param>

<param name="callbackFunction">The function to call after the response has been recieved. the response

<b>must</b> always be the first argument to the function.</param>

var sal = new salajax();

sal.PassAjaxResponseToFunction('?getsomehtml=1', 'FunctionToHandleTheResponse');

function FunctionToHandleTheResponse(response){

var data = response.split(';');
document.getElementById('d1').innerHTML = data[0];
document.getElementById('d2').innerHTML = data[1];
document.getElementById('d3').innerHTML = data[2];

this.PassAjaxResponseToFunction = function (urlOrForm, callbackFunction)
if(this.onStart != '')
var xmlhttp = new this.GetXmlHttp();
//now we got the XmlHttpRequest object, send the request.
if(this.Debug >= 2)

if (xmlhttp)
xmlhttp = this.SetReadyStateForFunction(xmlhttp, callbackFunction)
this.SubmitXmlHttp(urlOrForm, xmlhttp, 'f|'+callbackFunction);


///Sets the innerHTML property of obj_id with the response from the passed url or form./
///<param name="urlOrForm">The url or form to submit to make the request to get the response data.</param>
///<param name="obj_id">The object or the id as a string of the object to set the innerHTML for.</param>
var sal = new salajax();
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse('?getsomehtml=1', 'id_of_div'); //using get and string of id div.
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse(document.forms[0], object);//using post and object to change the innerhtml of.
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse('form', object);//using post ('form' will submit forms[0]'), object to change the innerhtml of.
this.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse = function (urlOrForm, obj_id)

if(this.onStart != '') {

var xmlhttp = new this.GetXmlHttp();
//now we got the XmlHttpRequest object, send the request.
if (xmlhttp)
if(typeof obj_id == 'string')
obj_id = document.getElementById(obj_id);

xmlhttp = this.SetReadyStateForInnerHtml(xmlhttp, obj_id)

if(this.PresendHtml != null)
obj_id.innerHTML = this.PresendHtml;

var bb_div_id = obj_id.id;
this.SubmitXmlHttp(urlOrForm, xmlhttp, 'h|'+bb_div_id);


Browser Compatability function.
Returns the correct XMLHttpRequest depending on the current browser.
this.GetXmlHttp = function() {
var xmlhttp = false;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject)// code for IE
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
catch (e)
xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch (E) {
return xmlhttp;

this.GetPostDataFromForm = function(theform)
var theData = '';
var eName = '';

theData = 'ajax=true&';
for( var i=0; i<theform.elements.length; i++ )
eName = theform.elements[i].name;
if(eName == '')
eName = theform.elements[i].id;

if(this.Debug >= 2)

if( eName && eName != '')

if( eName == '__EVENTTARGET'
|| eName == '__EVENTARGUMENT'
|| eName == '__VIEWSTATE' )
if(eName = '__VIEWSTATE' && this.KeepDotNetViewState)
theData += '__VIEWSTATE=' + escape(theform.__VIEWSTATE.value).replace(new RegExp('\\+', 'g'), '%2b') + '&';
theData = theData + escape(eName) + '=' + escape(theform.elements[i].value);
if( i != theform.elements.length - 1 )
theData = theData + '&';
}//end for
if(this.Debug >= 1)
return theData;

Sets up the xmlhttp object to pass the responseText to a the specified callbackfunction.
Private method.
this.SetReadyStateForFunction = function (xmlhttp, callbackFunction)
var debug = this.Debug;
var onEnd = this.OnEnd;
var onError = this.OnError;

xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState==4)
{//we got something back..
if (xmlhttp.status==200)
var response = xmlhttp.responseText;
var functionToCall = callbackFunction+'(response)';
if(debug >= 2){

if(onEnd != '')

if(onError != '')
if(debug >= 1)

return xmlhttp;

Sets up the xmlhttp object to update the innerHTML of the obj_id with the responseText.
Private method.
this.SetReadyStateForInnerHtml = function (xmlhttp, obj_id)

var onEnd = this.OnEnd;
var debug = this.Debug;
var onError = this.OnError;
var self = this;

xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function ()
if (xmlhttp && xmlhttp.readyState==4)
{//we got something back..
if (xmlhttp.status==200)
if(debug >= 1){
obj_id.innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;


if(onEnd != '')

if(onError != '')
obj_id.innerHTML = self.OnErrorHtml;
if(debug >= 1)
return xmlhttp;

Evaluates any javascript that is in the responseText.
**NOTE: if you want to use functions that are in the responseText, the function must be written as a variable.
(this can easily be achieved by swapping the name and the function declaration around and adding an '=' sign.)

AFunctionInTheResponse = function(some, vars)
//do stuff with some vars
NOT: function AFunctionInTheResponse(some, vars){ // this will not work. }
Private Method.
this.EvaluateScripts = function(responseText)
var matchAll = new RegExp('(?:<script.*?>)((\n|\r|.)*?)(?:<\/script>)', 'img');
var scripts = '';
while (scripts = matchAll.exec(responseText))

Submits the initialised xmlhttp object to the server.
and updates the address bar if back button is enabled.
Private Method.
this.SubmitXmlHttp = function (urlOrForm, xmlhttp, callid)
//quick param for submitting the first form
if(urlOrForm == 'form'){
urlOrForm = document.forms[0];

var bb_params;

if(typeof urlOrForm == 'string')
{ //it a get request.
var url = urlOrForm;
if(url.indexOf('?') == 0)//is shortcut link
url = document.location.pathname+url;

bb_params = '|g|'+url+'|'+callid
{ //it is a form.... submit all the values
var f = urlOrForm
var theData = this.GetPostDataFromForm(f);
if(f.action == null || f.action == "")
f.action = document.location.pathname;
if(f.action.indexOf('?') == 0)
f.action = document.location.pathname+f.action;

xmlhttp.open('POST', f.action, true);
bb_params = theData+'|p|'+f.action+'|'+callid


Updates the address bar and adds the saved params using the hashlistenter.
//extra vals stored as | [posttype(g=get,p=post) | url/action | f=function,h=setinnerhtml | funcname or divname
var UpdateAddressBar = function(address) {

var split = address.split('|');
//the last is the Div that was changed.
var keyn = split[split.length-1]; //use this as the key to store the data.
var hash = hashListener.getHash().substring(1);//remove the '#'
var hashkeys = hash.split(':');
var keysaved = false;
var stateIsSavedAs = '';

{ //check cookies to see if the state has been saved in da cookie
var cs = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var c=0;c<cs.length;c++)
var ckey = cs[c].substring(0,cs[c].indexOf('=')).trim()
var ckeyn = ckey.split('@');
ckeyn = ckeyn[0];
var cval = cs[c].substring(cs[c].indexOf('=')+1,cs[c].length);
if(keyn == ckeyn && cval == address)
var stateissaved = cs[c].split('=');
stateIsSavedAs = stateissaved[0].trim();

//check in the state object
if(stateIsSavedAs == '')
for(var i=0;i<_savedkeys.length;i++)
var skey = _savedkeys[i];
var skeyn = skey.split('@');
skeyn = skeyn[0];
//alert('Checking if Saved\n'+'Key:'+_savedkeys[i]+'\n'+address + ' ==\n'+ _savedstate[_savedkeys[i]]);
if(skeyn == keyn && address == _savedstate[skey])
stateIsSavedAs = skey; //set to the key that has been saved.

//work out the old key
var oldkey = '';
for(var i=1; i<hashkeys.length; i++)
var hashkey = hashkeys[i].split('@');
var hashkeyn = hashkey[0];
var hashkeye = hashkey[1];

if(hashkeyn == keyn)//this section has been changed by an ajax request.

//if the state hasn't been saved we need to create a new key.
if(stateIsSavedAs == '')
key = keyn +'@'+g_eventCount;
SaveState(key, address);
//alert('Created New Key:'+key);
else //just save the state
key = stateIsSavedAs;
//alert('Key is saved:'+key);
SaveState(key, address);

if(oldkey == '')
} else {
hash = hash.replace(oldkey, key);


//Used for saving the state of an ajax request.
var SaveState = function(key, data)
_savedstate[key] = data;
createCookie(key, data, self.EnableBookmarkDays);
//TODO:Store state information on server via ajax requests? Cookie is limited to 4K. (not much)


//Gets the state of an ajax element.
var GetState = function(key)
if(_bookmarksEnabled && _savedstate[key] == null)
return readCookie(key);
} else {
return _savedstate[key];
//TODO:Get state information from server via ajax requests?

//Private Function to update all the ajax elements
//from the keys that are contained in the hash of the url.
var UpdateAjaxDivs = function()
//TODO: get key from the address bar
// return state information from a cookie
// or on the server using the key as a reference.
var hash = hashListener.getHash();
hash = hash.substring(1);
if(hash != '')
var savedkeys = hash.split(':');
for(var i=1;i<savedkeys.length;i++)
//TODO: keep/find the last state of this div
//So we don't make any uneeded ajax requests divs, ie already set.

var data = GetState(savedkeys[i])
if(data != null)
var data = data.split('|');
if(data.length >= 4)
var funcdiv = data.pop();
var fh = data.pop();
var url = data.pop();
var postget = data.pop();

var xmlhttp = self.GetXmlHttp();
//now we got the XmlHttpRequest object, send the request.
if (xmlhttp)
if(self.onStart != '')

if(fh == 'h')
var fd = document.getElementById(funcdiv);
if(fd == null)
//setTimeout(this.PollForStateChange, this.BBPoleTime);
xmlhttp = self.SetReadyStateForInnerHtml(xmlhttp, fd)
} else {//set for function.

xmlhttp = self.SetReadyStateForFunction(xmlhttp, funcdiv)

//set the inner html if we are affecting a div.
if(self.PresendHtml != null)
fd.innerHTML = self.PresendHtml;

//send the request via ajax
if(postget == 'p')
//reconstruct theData
var theData = data.pop();

xmlhttp.open('POST', url, true);

if(self.Debug > 0){


} else {//g
}//if data.length
} //end for
}else{//no hash

//if set to true will store state information in cookies
//on the clients computer.
this.EnableBookmarks = function(blnEnable)
_bookmarksEnabled = blnEnable

If the back button is enabled this method will watch for changes to the hash
and update the ajax areas when a change is detected.
this.PollForStateChange = function()
hashListener.onHashChanged = UpdateAjaxDivs
{//disable back button - could potentially remove other instances that are monitoring.
//hashListener.onHashChanged = function(){}
}//END salajax_class

String.prototype.trim = function() {return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");}
//String.prototype.ltrim = function() {return this.replace(/^\s+/g,"");}
//String.prototype.rtrim = function() {return this.replace(/\s+$/g,"");}

/* Backward compatability. */
function PassAjaxResponseToFunction(urlOrForm, callbackFunction)
var sal = new salajax();
sal.PresendHtml = null;
sal.OnError = '';
sal.ErrorHtml == null;
sal.PassAjaxResponseToFunction(urlOrForm, callbackFunction);

/* Backward compatability. */
function SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse(urlOrForm, obj_id)
var sal = new salajax();
sal.PresendHtml = null;
sal.OnError = '';
sal.ErrorHtml == null;
sal.SetInnerHTMLFromAjaxResponse(urlOrForm, obj_id);

//This ensures that bookmarks cannot be overridden by replacing the key values saved in cookies.
//NOTE: cookies do have a limitation in size of data that can be saved..
//NOTE: ints may eventually run out and cause issues
//TODO: fix these potential problems.
function GetSafeEventCount()
var retVal = 0;
var cs = document.cookie
cs = cs.split(';');
for(var c=0;c<cs.length;c++)
var ckey = cs[c].substring(0,cs[c].indexOf('='))
var ckeyn = ckey.split('@');
if(ckeyn[1] != null && ckeyn[1] > retVal)
retVal = ckeyn[1];
return parseInt(retVal);
var g_eventCount = GetSafeEventCount();

| Hash Listener 1.0 |
| Created by Erik Arvidsson |
| (http://webfx.eae.net/contact.html#erik) |
| For WebFX (http://webfx.eae.net/) |
| Basic object to allow updating the hash part of the document location. |
| Copyright (c) 1998 - 2005 Erik Arvidsson |
| Basic object to allow updating the hash part of the document location. |
| Mozilla always adds an entry to the history but for IE we add an optional |
| flag whether to add an entry to the history and if this is set an iframe is |
| used to support this behavior (this is on by default). |
| |
| When the hash value changes onHashChanged is called. Override this to do |
| your own callbacks. |
| |
| Usage: Include script |
| Override onHashChanged: hashListener.onHashChanged = fn |
| |
| Known issues: Known to not work with Opera |
| Not tested with KHTML/Safari |
| Might interfere with other iframe based loading |
|- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or |
| implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, |
| fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the |
| authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other |
| liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising |
| from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other |
| dealings in the software. |
| - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - |
| ... removed standard license part of header for now... |
| 2005-05-15 | First version |
| Created 2005-05-15 | All changes are in the log above. | Updated 2005-05-15 |
//Note that I have made some changes to this class in order to get it to work with salajax class.
var hashListener = {
ie: /MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent),
ieSupportBack: true,
hash: document.location.hash,
initialised: false,
check: function () {
var h = document.location.hash
var h2 = this.hash

if (h != h2) {
this.hash = h;
init: function () {

// for IE we need the iframe state trick
if (this.ie && this.ieSupportBack) {
var frame = document.createElement("iframe");
frame.id = "state-frame";
frame.style.display = "none";

var self = this;

// IE
if ("onpropertychange" in document && "attachEvent" in document) {
document.attachEvent("onpropertychange", function () {
if (event.propertyName == "location") {
} else {
// poll for changes of the hash
window.setInterval(function () { self.check() }, 100);
this.initialised = true;
setHash: function (s) {
this.hash = '#'+s;
// Mozilla always adds an entry to the history


if (this.ie && this.ieSupportBack) {
//if (this.hash != '' && this.hash != document.location.hash) {
document.location.hash = this.hash;
getHash: function () {
return document.location.hash;
writeFrame: function (s) {
var f = document.getElementById("state-frame");
var d = f.contentDocument || f.contentWindow.document;

d.write("<script>window._hash = '" + s + "'; window.onload = parent.hashListener.syncHash;<\/script>");
syncHash: function () {
var s = this._hash;

if (s != '' && s != document.location.hash) {
document.location.hash = s;
onHashChanged: function () {}

function createCookie(name, value, days) {
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
else var expires = "";
document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";

function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;

function eraseCookie(name) {

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