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R Scripts


Handling date and time formats in ASP using VBScript is easy, we can get the current time or date
which it will be in server side scripting the server data/time. To print the current date (today) :

Dim currentDate
Response.Write currentDate

The output is: 19-5-2012, to print the current date and time (Hour: Minute: Second)

Dim currentDate
currentDate = Now
Response.Write currentDate

The output is: 19-5-2012 11:34:01, we can customize the format used to print the data/time using function SetLocal function, here we use UK English format.

Dim currentDate, LocaleVar
LocaleVar= SetLocale(2057) ' UK
currentDate = Now
Response.Write currentDate

This code snippet declares two variables, "currentDate" and "LocaleVar". The "LocaleVar" variable is set to the value returned by the built-in SetLocale function, which is used to set the locale for the server. The argument passed to the function (2057) is the LCID (locale identifier) for the United Kingdom. The LCID is a unique number that represents a specific language and region and is used to set the regional settings for the server. The "currentDate" variable is set to the value returned by the built-in Now function, which returns the current date and time. The final line of the code, Response.Write currentDate, writes the value of the "currentDate" variable to the web page using the built-in Response.Write method. This will output the current date and time in the format that is specific to the UK locale. t's worth noting that the SetLocale function is a VBScript function, one of the server-side scripting languages that ASP supports. It's used to change the default locale of the server, it takes one parameter which is the LCID of the locale you want to set. This code snippet demonstrates the usage of built-in functions such as SetLocale and Now to set the locale and get the current date, respectively; it also shows how to write output to a web page in ASP using the Response.Write method.

The SetLocal could takes many values that define the NLS services ( Sorting, Time + Data Formatting) , here is some values :
locales/languages with an assigned Locale ID (LCID). The purpose of the document is to help developers who are defining NLS services (sorting, time/date formatting, and keyboards/IMEs) for locales that do not yet have native support in Windows to avoid conflict.

Language - Country/Region LCID Hex LCID Dec
Afrikaans - South Africa 0436 1078
Albanian - Albania 041c 1052
Alsatian 0484 1156
Amharic - Ethiopia 045e 1118
Arabic - Saudi Arabia 0401 1025
Arabic - Algeria 1401 5121
Arabic - Bahrain 3c01 15361
Arabic - Egypt 0c01 3073
Arabic - Iraq 0801 2049
Arabic - Jordan 2c01 11265
Arabic - Kuwait 3401 13313
Arabic - Lebanon 3001 12289
Arabic - Libya 1001 4097
Arabic - Morocco 1801 6145
Arabic - Oman 2001 8193
Arabic - Qatar 4001 16385
Arabic - Syria 2801 10241
Arabic - Tunisia 1c01 7169
Arabic - U.A.E. 3801 14337
Arabic - Yemen 2401 9217
Armenian - Armenia 042b 1067
Assamese 044d 1101
Azeri (Cyrillic) 082c 2092
Azeri (Latin) 042c 1068
Bashkir 046d 1133
Basque 042d 1069
Belarusian 0423 1059
Bengali (India) 0445 1093
Bengali (Bangladesh) 0845 2117
Bosnian (Bosnia/Herzegovina) 141A 5146
Breton 047e 1150
Bulgarian 0402 1026
Burmese 0455 1109
Catalan 0403 1027
Cherokee - United States 045c 1116
Chinese - People's Republic of China 0804 2052
Chinese - Singapore 1004 4100
Chinese - Taiwan 0404 1028
Chinese - Hong Kong SAR 0c04 3076
Chinese - Macao SAR 1404 5124
Corsican 0483 1155
Croatian 041a 1050
Croatian (Bosnia/Herzegovina) 101a 4122
Czech 0405 1029
Danish 0406 1030
Dari 048c 1164
Divehi 0465 1125
Dutch - Netherlands 0413 1043
Dutch - Belgium 0813 2067
Edo 0466 1126
English - United States 0409 1033
English - United Kingdom 0809 2057
English - Australia 0c09 3081
English - Belize 2809 10249
English - Canada 1009 4105
English - Caribbean 2409 9225
English - Hong Kong SAR 3c09 15369
English - India 4009 16393
English - Indonesia 3809 14345
English - Ireland 1809 6153
English - Jamaica 2009 8201
English - Malaysia 4409 17417
English - New Zealand 1409 5129
English - Philippines 3409 13321
English - Singapore 4809 18441
English - South Africa 1c09 7177
English - Trinidad 2c09 11273
English - Zimbabwe 3009 12297
Estonian 0425 1061
Faroese 0438 1080
Farsi 0429 1065
Filipino 0464 1124
Finnish 040b 1035
French - France 040c 1036
French - Belgium 080c 2060
French - Cameroon 2c0c 11276
French - Canada 0c0c 3084
French - Democratic Rep. of Congo 240c 9228
French - Cote d'Ivoire 300c 12300
French - Haiti 3c0c 15372
French - Luxembourg 140c 5132
French - Mali 340c 13324
French - Monaco 180c 6156
French - Morocco 380c 14348
French - North Africa e40c 58380
French - Reunion 200c 8204
French - Senegal 280c 10252
French - Switzerland 100c 4108
French - West Indies 1c0c 7180
Frisian - Netherlands 0462 1122
Fulfulde - Nigeria 0467 1127
FYRO Macedonian 042f 1071
Galician 0456 1110
Georgian 0437 1079
German - Germany 0407 1031
German - Austria 0c07 3079
German - Liechtenstein 1407 5127
German - Luxembourg 1007 4103
German - Switzerland 0807 2055
Greek 0408 1032
Greenlandic 046f 1135
Guarani - Paraguay 0474 1140
Gujarati 0447 1095
Hausa - Nigeria 0468 1128
Hawaiian - United States 0475 1141
Hebrew 040d 1037
Hindi 0439 1081
Hungarian 040e 1038
Ibibio - Nigeria 0469 1129
Icelandic 040f 1039
Igbo - Nigeria 0470 1136
Indonesian 0421 1057
Inuktitut 045d 1117
Irish 083c 2108
Italian - Italy 0410 1040
Italian - Switzerland 0810 2064
Japanese 0411 1041
K'iche 0486 1158
Kannada 044b 1099
Kanuri - Nigeria 0471 1137
Kashmiri 0860 2144
Kashmiri (Arabic) 0460 1120
Kazakh 043f 1087
Khmer 0453 1107
Kinyarwanda 0487 1159
Konkani 0457 1111
Korean 0412 1042
Kyrgyz (Cyrillic) 0440 1088
Lao 0454 1108
Latin 0476 1142
Latvian 0426 1062
Lithuanian 0427 1063
Luxembourgish 046e 1134
Malay - Malaysia 043e 1086
Malay - Brunei Darussalam 083e 2110
Malayalam 044c 1100
Maltese 043a 1082
Manipuri 0458 1112
Maori - New Zealand 0481 1153
Mapudungun 0471 1146
Marathi 044e 1102
Mohawk 047c 1148
Mongolian (Cyrillic) 0450 1104
Mongolian (Mongolian) 0850 2128
Nepali 0461 1121
Nepali - India 0861 2145
Norwegian (Bokmål) 0414 1044
Norwegian (Nynorsk) 0814 2068
Occitan 0482 1154
Oriya 0448 1096
Oromo 0472 1138
Papiamentu 0479 1145
Pashto 0463 1123
Polish 0415 1045
Portuguese - Brazil 0416 1046
Portuguese - Portugal 0816 2070
Punjabi 0446 1094
Punjabi (Pakistan) 0846 2118
Quecha - Bolivia 046B 1131
Quecha - Ecuador 086B 2155
Quecha - Peru 0C6B 3179
Rhaeto-Romanic 0417 1047
Romanian 0418 1048
Romanian - Moldava 0818 2072
Russian 0419 1049
Russian - Moldava 0819 2073
Sami (Lappish) 043b 1083
Sanskrit 044f 1103
Scottish Gaelic 043c 1084
Sepedi 046c 1132
Serbian (Cyrillic) 0c1a 3098
Serbian (Latin) 081a 2074
Sindhi - India 0459 1113
Sindhi - Pakistan 0859 2137
Sinhalese - Sri Lanka 045b 1115
Slovak 041b 1051
Slovenian 0424 1060
Somali 0477 1143
Sorbian 042e 1070
Spanish - Spain (Modern Sort) 0c0a 3082
Spanish - Spain (Traditional Sort) 040a 1034
Spanish - Argentina 2c0a 11274
Spanish - Bolivia 400a 16394
Spanish - Chile 340a 13322
Spanish - Colombia 240a 9226
Spanish - Costa Rica 140a 5130
Spanish - Dominican Republic 1c0a 7178
Spanish - Ecuador 300a 12298
Spanish - El Salvador 440a 17418
Spanish - Guatemala 100a 4106
Spanish - Honduras 480a 18442
Spanish - Latin America 580a 22538
Spanish - Mexico 080a 2058
Spanish - Nicaragua 4c0a 19466
Spanish - Panama 180a 6154
Spanish - Paraguay 3c0a 15370
Spanish - Peru 280a 10250
Spanish - Puerto Rico 500a 20490
Spanish - United States 540a 21514
Spanish - Uruguay 380a 14346
Spanish - Venezuela 200a 8202
Sutu 0430 1072
Swahili 0441 1089
Swedish 041d 1053
Swedish - Finland 081d 2077
Syriac 045a 1114
Tajik 0428 1064
Tamazight (Arabic) 045f 1119
Tamazight (Latin) 085f 2143
Tamil 0449 1097
Tatar 0444 1092
Telugu 044a 1098
Thai 041e 1054
Tibetan - Bhutan 0851 2129
Tibetan - People's Republic of China 0451 1105
Tigrigna - Eritrea 0873 2163
Tigrigna - Ethiopia 0473 1139
Tsonga 0431 1073
Tswana 0432 1074
Turkish 041f 1055
Turkmen 0442 1090
Uighur - China 0480 1152
Ukrainian 0422 1058
Urdu 0420 1056
Urdu - India 0820 2080
Uzbek (Cyrillic) 0843 2115
Uzbek (Latin) 0443 1091
Venda 0433 1075
Vietnamese 042a 1066
Welsh 0452 1106
Wolof 0488 1160
Xhosa 0434 1076
Yakut 0485 1157
Yi 0478 1144
Yiddish 043d 1085
Yoruba 046a 1130
Zulu 0435 1077
HID (Human Interface Device) 04ff 1279

M. S. Rakha, Ph.D.
Queen's University

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