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diskfree and disk total from cdr's

Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:48 pm

I currently use C-Builder 5 and I am trying to get the diskfree and disk totals
from CDR's that haven't been closed yet... using the code below they always
come back as 0... though if I check the 'My computer', 'properties', the proper
amounts show up...

__int64 AmtFree = DiskFree(jkc);
__int64 Total = DiskSize(jkc);
AnsiString S;
S.sprintf("%I64d percent is free: %I64d KB", AmtFree*100/Total, AmtFree/1024 );

note also that fixed disks as well as CDRW's (drag and drop) work fine...

Re: diskfree and disk total from cdr's

Wed Jul 04, 2007 12:42 pm

rsmith5413 wrote:I currently use C-Builder 5 and I am trying to get the diskfree and disk totals
from CDR's that haven't been closed yet... using the code below they always
come back as 0... though if I check the 'My computer', 'properties', the proper
amounts show up...

__int64 AmtFree = DiskFree(jkc);
__int64 Total = DiskSize(jkc);
AnsiString S;
S.sprintf("%I64d percent is free: %I64d KB", AmtFree*100/Total, AmtFree/1024 );

note also that fixed disks as well as CDRW's (drag and drop) work fine...

Thank you for posting this here. :biggrin:

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