Sat Nov 08, 2008 11:34 pm
int main()
char * ptr1 = (char *) malloc (10);
// allocating 10 bytes
int * ptr2 = (int *) calloc (10, sizeof(int));
// allocating 40 bytes let sizeof int = 4 bytes)
float * ptr3 = (float *) calloc (15, sizeof(float));
// allocating 60 bytes
return 0;
#include "leak_detector_c.h"
int main()
char * ptr1;
int * ptr2;
float * ptr3;
ptr1 = (char *) malloc (10);
// allocating 10 bytes
ptr2 = (int *) calloc (10, sizeof(int));
// allocating 40 bytes let sizeof int = 4 bytes)
ptr3 = (float *) calloc (15, sizeof(float));
// allocating 60 bytes
return 0;
# gcc -c leak_detector_.c
# gcc -c test.c
# gcc -o memtest leak_detctor_c.o test.o
# ./memtest
# cat /home/leak_info.txt
address : 140668936
size : 10 bytes
file : test.c
line : 5
address : 140669560
size : 60 bytes
file : test.c
line : 7
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "leak_detector_c.h"
#undef malloc
#undef calloc
#undef free
static MEM_LEAK * ptr_start = NULL;
static MEM_LEAK * ptr_next = NULL;
* adds allocated memory info. into the list
void add(MEM_INFO alloc_info)
MEM_LEAK * mem_leak_info = NULL;
mem_leak_info = (MEM_LEAK *) malloc (sizeof(MEM_LEAK));
mem_leak_info->mem_info.address = alloc_info.address;
mem_leak_info->mem_info.size = alloc_info.size;
strcpy(mem_leak_info->mem_info.file_name, alloc_info.file_name);
mem_leak_info->mem_info.line = alloc_info.line;
mem_leak_info->next = NULL;
if (ptr_start == NULL)
ptr_start = mem_leak_info;
ptr_next = ptr_start;
else {
ptr_next->next = mem_leak_info;
ptr_next = ptr_next->next;
* erases memory info. from the list
void erase(unsigned pos)
unsigned index = 0;
MEM_LEAK * alloc_info, * temp;
if(pos == 0)
MEM_LEAK * temp = ptr_start;
ptr_start = ptr_start->next;
for(index = 0, alloc_info = ptr_start; index < pos;
alloc_info = alloc_info->next, ++index)
if(pos == index + 1)
temp = alloc_info->next;
alloc_info->next = temp->next;
* deletes all the elements from the list
void clear()
MEM_LEAK * temp = ptr_start;
MEM_LEAK * alloc_info = ptr_start;
while(alloc_info != NULL)
alloc_info = alloc_info->next;
temp = alloc_info;
* replacement of malloc
void * xmalloc (unsigned int size, const char * file, unsigned int line)
void * ptr = malloc (size);
if (ptr != NULL)
add_mem_info(ptr, size, file, line);
return ptr;
* replacement of calloc
void * xcalloc (unsigned int elements, unsigned int size, const char * file, unsigned int line)
unsigned total_size;
void * ptr = calloc(elements , size);
if(ptr != NULL)
total_size = elements * size;
add_mem_info (ptr, total_size, file, line);
return ptr;
* replacement of free
void xfree(void * mem_ref)
* gets the allocated memory info and adds it to a list
void add_mem_info (void * mem_ref, unsigned int size, const char * file, unsigned int line)
MEM_INFO mem_alloc_info;
/* fill up the structure with all info */
memset( &mem_alloc_info, 0, sizeof ( mem_alloc_info ) );
mem_alloc_info.address = mem_ref;
mem_alloc_info.size = size;
strncpy(mem_alloc_info.file_name, file, FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
mem_alloc_info.line = line;
/* add the above info to a list */
* if the allocated memory info is part of the list, removes it
void remove_mem_info (void * mem_ref)
unsigned short index;
MEM_LEAK * leak_info = ptr_start;
/* check if allocate memory is in our list */
for(index = 0; leak_info != NULL; ++index, leak_info = leak_info->next)
if ( leak_info->mem_info.address == mem_ref )
erase ( index );
* writes all info of the unallocated memory into a file
void report_mem_leak(void)
unsigned short index;
MEM_LEAK * leak_info;
FILE * fp_write = fopen (OUTPUT_FILE, "wt");
char info[1024];
if(fp_write != NULL)
sprintf(info, "%s\n", "Memory Leak Summary");
fwrite(info, (strlen(info) + 1) , 1, fp_write);
sprintf(info, "%s\n", "-----------------------------------");
fwrite(info, (strlen(info) + 1) , 1, fp_write);
for(leak_info = ptr_start; leak_info != NULL; leak_info = leak_info->next)
sprintf(info, "address : %d\n", leak_info->mem_info.address);
fwrite(info, (strlen(info) + 1) , 1, fp_write);
sprintf(info, "size : %d bytes\n", leak_info->mem_info.size);
fwrite(info, (strlen(info) + 1) , 1, fp_write);
sprintf(info, "file : %s\n", leak_info->mem_info.file_name);
fwrite(info, (strlen(info) + 1) , 1, fp_write);
sprintf(info, "line : %d\n", leak_info->mem_info.line);
fwrite(info, (strlen(info) + 1) , 1, fp_write);
sprintf(info, "%s\n", "-----------------------------------");
fwrite(info, (strlen(info) + 1) , 1, fp_write);
Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:48 am
#include <iostream>
#include <crtdbg.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define DEBUG_NEW new(_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define new DEBUG_NEW
HANDLE hLogFile;
_CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_WARN, hLogFile);
_CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ERROR, hLogFile);
_CrtSetReportFile(_CRT_ASSERT, hLogFile);
_CrtSetDbgFlag( _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_LEAK_CHECK_DF) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
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