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Defining Enum in C++
cpp code
/* C enumerate type creates symbolic names.  The names have integer
values. */
#include <stdio.h>

/* This assigns the names Sun through Sat to the values 0 through 6.
They are constants, and cannot be changed. It also defines the
tag daynames which can be used to declare a variable of this type. */
enum daynames { Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat};

/* This just defines the names */
enum {SEC = 1, MIN = 60, HOUR = 60*60, DAY = 24*60*60};

int main()
/* Declare a variable of type enum daynames. It is really
just an integer, of some size picked by the implementation
large enough to hold all the enumeration values. */
enum daynames today;

/* This defines some names, each one taking the value one greater
if than the last, if not given a specific value. The variable
dd can hold any of the enumeratoin values. */
enum { DINK, DANK = 5, DUNK, DONGLE = 4, DANGLE, DROP } dd;
int n;

/* Days of the week. These are just integer codes. */
for(today = Mon; today <= Fri; ++today)
printf("%d ", today);

/* Using the second value constants. */
printf("Three days, four hours, and 28 minutes is %d seconds.\n",
3*DAY + 4*HOUR + 28*MIN);

/* Enum type variables are just integers. Enum values are just
integers. */
dd = 2;
printf("%d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", DINK, DANK, DUNK, DONGLE, DANGLE,
DROP, dd);

The identifier after the enum keyword (dynamics for instance), is called in tag. In C++, it is also a type name, just as the name of a class. In plain C, it can be used with the enum keyword to create variables of the enumerated type.

Some languages, such as Pascal and Ada, contain a carefully designed and restricted enumerated type. The C version is much more flexible, or useless, depending on your viewpoint.

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