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Re: PHP Phone Book

Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:09 am

thank you sir for your comment

Re: PHP Phone Book

Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:17 am

msi_333 wrote:
strandcentury wrote:in the package there is no sql file for the mysql database - how to I set up the database without the sql file, since I do not know the database structure. Please help! Voip Provider List and Voip Equipment

This was better than good... It was GREAT.
Thank you.

Re: PHP Phone Book

Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:56 pm

is it possible to make more nuber fileds like home numer filed and mobilenumber filed? how many changes does it need?

great script btw!

Re: PHP Phone Book

Thu Apr 02, 2009 8:24 am

mileloader wrote:* Project Name:   PHP Phone Book
* Programmer:   mileloader
* Type:   Web
* Technology:  PHP / Apache
* IDE:   Dreamwaver
* Description:   This a php- Free Phone Book Project using Mysql database server and Apache web server.It is so simple to understand.
It provide the following functions:

1. Login and Register.
2. Add Contacts.
3. Show Contacts .
4. Delete Contacts .
5. Search Contacts .
6. Remove Contact.

Thank you for those information. You are right, the database server are very easy to understand. With your help, now I know.

Re: PHP Phone Book

Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:24 pm


Re: PHP Phone Book

Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:30 pm

couldnt find any help threads about the script and "mileloader" havent been online for a while but i'll trt:P i get a fault message likte this:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: _SESSION in Show_Contact.php on line 14

have no idea what it, but it dont load the pbook

Re: PHP Phone Book

Wed Apr 08, 2009 6:20 pm

this post must be delete this project is not fully workin too many bugs too many errors i ll fix then when i ll have the time and will post again the beta released fully working with all the stuff need and all the errors fixed ...
this is a common error i have seen it too..

Re: PHP Phone Book

Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:35 am

you mean , it didn't works with you .

Re: PHP Phone Book

Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:52 am

NO mate i mean for a common use to try to make it run without knowleage of php and it tools he wont be able to make it run ..
what is the poin to post a finished project witch in order to run needs php installed in your computer and sql server and apache..
when it is called a finished project you have to download it and be able to use double click and make it work...
so i would recomened someon to change the sql database and recreate it in sql little or something so it can work directly ..without any php or anything so it is called finished individual project thats the project called so and i think most of you would agree with this i wrote a code witch works and try not to have bugs to be fixed for me in order to make this work properly it toob me days and question with time other people to help in order to make it work correctly thats what i have to say ...if someone will make the change so it will work with opening index.php and do all what is included to be done then i ll tell you that it is finished project if no one will do it then you have to wait till i return from the vacation and give you it .....

Re: PHP Phone Book

Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:57 pm

First I want add my thanks to all the others. This was great stuff and very easy to modify and in the process I've taught myself more PHP in 3 days than I ever picked up in years of frontend web design. Second I don't know why anyone would think this needs to be fixed before sharing. It is not a perfectly polished project but it is finished and any changes people need to make it deployable are a good learning exercise. Oh and if any php/scripting noobs like me are worried about the 'unsanitized inputs' comments, check out this page for a fast easy solution: http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/php/sanitize-and-validate-data-with-php-filters/

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