Sat Nov 08, 2008 1:32 am
// Disclaimer and Copyright Information
// WinFileInfo.cs : Implementation of Windows Form Application
// All rights reserved.
// Written by Naveen K Kohli ([email protected])
// Version 1.0
// Distribute freely, except: don't remove my name from the source or
// documentation (don't take credit for my work), mark your changes (don't
// get me blamed for your possible bugs), don't alter or remove this
// notice.
// No warrantee of any kind, express or implied, is included with this
// software; use at your own risk, responsibility for damages (if any) to
// anyone resulting from the use of this software rests entirely with the
// user.
// Send bug reports, bug fixes, enhancements, requests, flames, etc. to
// [email protected]
// Summary:
// This tutuorial is designed to show how to write a Windows Form application
// in Microsoft.NET framework. Although Microsoft has provided the SDK with some
// /preliminary documentation but it is not enough. There are a lot of features
// that surface with trial and error. This tutorial is not a very comprehensive
// Windows Form application but it will show you some basic steps to get you
// started.
// The application shows how to write a dialog based application that can be used
// to check attributes of a file. This dialog box is similar to one that can be
// brought up by right clicking on a file and clicking on Properties option in
// Menu.
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Diagnostics;
public class WinFileInfo : Form
Constructor : WinFileInfo
Abstract: Constructs an instance of WinFileInfo, calls Window's default
Input Parameters:
public WinFileInfo ()
InitForm ();
// Define some window control variables...
Bitmap m_Bkground = new Bitmap ("bk_bitma.bmp");
TextBox wndFileName = new TextBox ();
Panel wndPanel = new Panel ();
GroupBox wndAttribBox = new GroupBox ();
Label wndLabelFileName = new Label ();
Button wndFindButton = new Button ();
Button wndCloseButton = new Button ();
CheckBox wndFileExistCheck = new CheckBox ();
CheckBox wndArchiveCheck = new CheckBox ();
CheckBox wndReadOnlyCheck = new CheckBox ();
CheckBox wndHiddenCheck = new CheckBox ();
Label wndCreateTimeLabel = new Label ();
Label wndLastAccessLabel = new Label ();
Label wndLastWriteLabel = new Label ();
Label wndCreateTime = new Label ();
Label wndLastAccessTime = new Label ();
Label wndLastWriteTime = new Label ();
Label wndLocationLabel = new Label ();
Label wndLocation = new Label ();
Function: InitForm
Abstract: Creates UI elements (buttons, edit controls, ...) on the
WinFileInfo Form.
Input Parameters: None
Returns: Void
public void InitForm ()
// Since this class has been inherited from Form, so we will make use of
// this (pointer) to call methods on Form.
// Set the text to be shown as the title of application.
this.Text = "File Information Application";
// Set the client area of the form.
// Make sure that we have imported System.Drawing namespce to use Size.
this.ClientSize = new Size(400, 280);
// Indicate that we need Help button to be shown on the form.
this.HelpButton = true;
// We don't need a maximize box for this form.
this.MaximizeBox = false;
// Set the Find button to ACCEPT button for this form.
this.AcceptButton = wndFindButton;
// Set the close button to Cancel operation button.
this.CancelButton = wndCloseButton;
// Set the start position of the form to be center of screen.
this.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;
// Set the backgound image for the form.
//this.BackgroundImage = m_Bkground;
// Activate the Form.
this.Activated += new EventHandler (this.WinFileInfo_activate);
// Set some properties for static text control..
wndLabelFileName.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Left;
wndLabelFileName.Text = "File Name:";
wndLabelFileName.Location = new Point (0, 5);
wndLabelFileName.Size = new Size (60, 25);
wndLabelFileName.TabStop = false;
// Set some properties for the edit control..
wndFileName.TabIndex = 0;
wndFileName.BackColor = Color.White;
wndFileName.Dock = DockStyle.Right;
wndFileName.Location = new Point (65, 5);
wndFileName.Size = new Size (140, 30);
// Set some properties for Checkboxes now.
wndFileExistCheck.Text = "File Exist";
wndFileExistCheck.Enabled = false;
wndFileExistCheck.Location = new Point (5, 45);
wndArchiveCheck.Text = "Archive";
wndArchiveCheck.Enabled = false;
wndArchiveCheck.Size = new Size (72, 24);
wndArchiveCheck.Location = new Point (5, 15);
wndReadOnlyCheck.Text = "Read Only";
wndReadOnlyCheck.Enabled = false;
wndReadOnlyCheck.Size = new Size (115, 24);
wndReadOnlyCheck.Location = new Point (135, 15);
wndHiddenCheck.Text = "Hidden";
wndHiddenCheck.Enabled = false;
wndHiddenCheck.Size = new Size (72, 24);
wndHiddenCheck.Location = new Point (300, 15);
// Some properties for controls displaying various times.
wndCreateTimeLabel.Text = "Created on:";
wndCreateTimeLabel.Location = new Point (5, 160);
wndCreateTimeLabel.Size = new Size (75, 24);
wndLastAccessLabel.Text = "Last accessed on:";
wndLastAccessLabel.Location = new Point (5, 185);
wndLastAccessLabel.Size = new Size (100, 24);
wndLastWriteLabel.Text = "Last write on:";
wndLastWriteLabel.Location = new Point (5, 210);
wndLastWriteLabel.Size = new Size (75, 24);
wndCreateTime.Location = new Point (110, 160);
wndLastAccessTime.Location = new Point (110, 185);
wndLastWriteTime.Location = new Point (110, 210);
wndCreateTime.Size = new Size (220, 24);
wndLastAccessTime.Size = new Size (220, 24);
wndLastWriteTime.Size = new Size (220, 24);
// Some properties for location controls.
wndLocationLabel.Text = "Location:";
wndLocationLabel.Location = new Point (5, 130);
wndLocationLabel.Size = new Size (72, 24);
wndLocation.Location = new Point (75, 130);
wndLocation.Size = new Size (325, 24);
// Set some properties for Find Button.
wndFindButton.Text = "Find";
wndFindButton.TabIndex = 0;
wndFindButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right;
wndFindButton.Size = new Size (72, 24);
wndFindButton.Location = new Point (110, 250);
wndFindButton.Click += new EventHandler (this.buttonFind_click);
// Set some properties for Close button.
wndCloseButton.Text = "Close";
wndCloseButton.TabIndex = 1;
wndCloseButton.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right;
wndCloseButton.Size = new Size (72, 24);
wndCloseButton.Location = new Point (190, 250);
wndCloseButton.Click += new EventHandler (this.ButtonClose_Click);
// Set what edges of panel are going to be anchored to container's edges.
// In this case, Each edge of the control anchors to the corresponding
// edge of its container.
//wndPanel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.All;
wndPanel.Location = new Point (5, 5);
wndPanel.Size = new Size (200, 30);
wndPanel.Text = "File Name";
// wndPanel.BackColor = Color.Blue;
// Set the properties for the Attribue GroupBox.
wndAttribBox.Location = new Point (5, 65);
wndAttribBox.Text = "Attributes";
wndAttribBox.Size = new Size (385, 50);
// Add the CheckBox controls to the Attribute GroupBox.
wndAttribBox.Controls.Add (wndArchiveCheck);
wndAttribBox.Controls.Add (wndReadOnlyCheck);
wndAttribBox.Controls.Add (wndHiddenCheck);
// Add controls to the Form.
this.Controls.AddRange(new Control [] {
// Add the controls to the panel.
wndPanel.Controls.AddRange(new Control [] {
Function: WinFileInfo_activate
Abstract: Invoked when the WinFileInfo application window becomes active.
Input Parameters: source(Object), e(EventArgs)
Returns: Void
private void WinFileInfo_activate (Object source, EventArgs e)
Function: buttonFind_click
Abstract: Invoked when the "Find" button is clicked.
Input Parameters: source(Object), e(EventArgs)
Returns: Void
private void buttonFind_click(Object source, EventArgs e)
Console.WriteLine("Find Button clicked!!!");
Console.WriteLine (wndFileName.Text);
bool bFileExists = File.Exists(wndFileName.Text);
if (bFileExists)
wndFileExistCheck.Checked = true;
Console.WriteLine ("File found");
FileInfo myFile = new FileInfo(wndFileName.Text);
String strDir = myFile.DirectoryName;
DateTime dt = myFile.CreationTime;
FileAttributes attribs = myFile.Attributes;
wndLocation.Text = strDir;
DumpFileAttributes ();
if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Archive) == FileAttributes.Archive)
wndArchiveCheck.Checked = true;
if ((attribs & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
wndReadOnlyCheck.Checked = true;
if ((attribs & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden)
wndHiddenCheck.Checked = true;
// First get the time when file was created.
DateTime timeFile = myFile.CreationTime;
wndCreateTime.Text = (timeFile.GetDateTimeFormats('F'))[0];
// Get the last access time.
timeFile = myFile.LastAccessTime;
wndLastAccessTime.Text = (timeFile.GetDateTimeFormats('F'))[0];
// Get the last write time.
timeFile = myFile.LastWriteTime;
wndLastWriteTime.Text = (timeFile.GetDateTimeFormats('F'))[0];
///ButtonClose_Click Method:
///This method is invoked when Close button on the dialog box is clicked.
///This method closes the application.
Function: ButtonClose_Click
Abstract: Invoked when the "Close" button is clicked.
Input Parameters: source(Object), e(EventArgs)
Returns: Void
private void ButtonClose_Click(Object source, EventArgs e)
Application.Exit ();
///Description for DumpFileAttributes method.
///Dumps the underlying values associated with various file
///attributes. The execution of this function is conditional.
///For this function to execute symbol NAVEEN_DEBUG needs to
///defined at the top of the file.
Function: DumpFileAttributes
Abstract: Dumps the underlying values associated with various file
attributes. The execution of this function is conditional.
For this function to execute symbol NAVEEN_DEBUG needs to
defined at the top of the file.
Input Parameters:
Returns: Void
[Conditional("NAVEEN_DEBUG")] private void DumpFileAttributes ()
Console.WriteLine ("Dumping all File Attribute Values");
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.Archive);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.Compressed);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.Directory);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.Encrypted);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.Hidden);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.Normal);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.NotContentIndexed);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.Offline);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.ReadOnly);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.ReparsePoint);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.SparseFile);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.System);
Console.WriteLine (FileAttributes.Temporary);
Function: Main
Abstract: Entry point into application.
Input Parameters:
Returns: void
public static void Main ()
Application.Run (new WinFileInfo ());
// We need to import the Win32 API calls used to deal with
// image loading.
public static extern int LoadIcon(int hinst, String name);
public static extern int DestroyIcon(int hIcon);
public static extern int LoadImage(int hinst, String lpszName, uint uType, int cxDesired, int cyDesired, uint fuLoad);
public static extern int DeleteObject(int hObject);
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