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Matlab SVM training problem

Thu Oct 27, 2011 1:00 am

Am writing this topic to state a solution to a common MATLAB error that may appears to you if you are using it for your research and study. The problem happens when using SVMtrain for classification , here is the error log :
??? Error using ==> svmtrain at 470
Unable to solve the optimization problem:
Maximum number of iterations exceeded; increase options.MaxIter.
To continue solving the problem with the current solution as the
starting point, set x0 = x before calling quadprog.

The solution to this problem is to increase the number of iteration of support vector machine train function .

   options = optimset('maxiter', 200); %options settings for SVMTRAIN
   svmStructs(j)=svmtrain(currentDescriptors,currentLabels,'quadprog_opts' , options);

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