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Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Thu May 28, 2009 11:06 am

Wide Friso wrote:Hi,

Never Use The Same Usernames: for all the bookmarking sites that you intend to use. This will create a little footprint for someone to track you down especially the search engines. If you are using any social bookmarking tool, make sure it is able to create different usernames across different sites.
Why You Need To Bookmark: your websites to many sites automatically. If you are manually bookmarking your sites using some form filling social bookmarking script, you are wasting your time. Bookmarking is an extremely time consuming process and you need as much automation as possible. With automation, you will need to do it smartly so that your bookmarks don't appear spammy. Never spam as it is never a long term business strategy.

Your post is gloomy and i dont think there is any base for it?
I am using same username for near about 7 bookmarking sites,
Still receive lots of hits... your second point is true regarding spammy.

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Tue Jun 23, 2009 5:55 pm

i like digg. if you post artricles there, they will get ranked on google if there in a niche

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Tue Jun 23, 2009 8:21 pm

Yes gavner you are right..

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:00 am

All you need to do is simply drag this button SocialMarker.com to your Firefox bookmarks toolbar, in order to create a submission bookmarklet. When you are on a website that you want to socially mark, simply select the text and click the SocialMarker button to pre-populate the submission form with the selected information.

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:56 pm

Social Bookmarking List

I would like to Share about list of Social Bookmarking Site...

Join this list... Hope it will be Usefull and complete your collection of social Bookmarking site :-)

1. http://TagQu.com (recommended)
2. reddit.com (recommended)
3. sphinn.com (recommended)
4. propeller.com
5. fark.com
6. slashdot.org
7. metafilter.com
8. bloggingzoom.com
9. mixx.com
10. shoutwire.com (recommended)
11. newscloud.com
12. hugg.com
13. plime.com
14. saerchles.com
15. linkinn.com
16. earthfrisk.com
17. stumbleupon.com (recommended)
18. Digg.com
19. hypediss.com
20. iliketotallyloveit.com
21. scribd.com
22. hubpages.com
23. youtube.com
24. gather.com
25. flickr.com
26. flixya.com(video submitter)
27. hubspot.com
28. wordsy.com
29. squidoo.com (recommended)
30. bloggerparty.com
31. stirrdup.com
32. xomba.com
33. metacafe.com(video submitter)
34. technorati.com
35. helium.com
36. marktd.com
37. kirtsy.com
38. dealigg.com(jual barang)
39. socialmarker.com
40. http://mysitevote.com
41. myspace.com
42. Furl.net
43. FaceBook.com
44. MSN
45. simpy.com
46. Diigo.com
47. spurl.com
48. Mister-wong
49. Backflip.com
50. seganlo
51. twitter.com
52. aol.com
53. multiply
54. faves.com
55. linkagogo.com
56. ma.gnolia.com
57. delicious
58. www.linkedin.com
59. www.stylehive.com
60. yardbarker.com
61. ballhype.com
62. netvibes.com
63. newsvine.com
64. Kaboodle.com
65. nujij.nl
66. thisnext.com
67. Aim.com
68. tumblr.com

Thank u :-) :yahoo:

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Fri Feb 19, 2010 8:48 am

Depends what your site is and what your content is.
If you site is new on the block, I'd look at using StumbleUpon to promote it as you can get good traffic from it quite easily. On the other hand there are sites like Digg which can get you both traffic and visibility. :gOOd:

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Sun Feb 21, 2010 3:00 pm

You've given me a good list of websites to check through.

Thanks very much.

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:49 pm

Despite of the fact that social bookmarking traffic is not targeted i.e not always looking for your type of products unlike the traffic from search engines, it has got its own advantages in creating a brand name of your company!...in fact whole social media optimization or SMO is based on this concept only...BTW I use twitter and digg, only these two...if you focus on all of them out there, you will not be benefited...because here what matters is, how popular you are in particular community on a particular social bookmarking site...not a little fame on each of them!

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:51 am

Best social bookmarking sites in my opinion are:
# Digg
#Google Buzz
# Yahoo Buzz
# StumbleUpon
# Reddit
# Propeller
# Technorati
# del.icio.us
# Newsvine

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Fri Aug 27, 2010 1:31 pm

If you plan to go for Social bookmarking service, then make sure you check the following things.

1. That the site is do-follow
2. that the site is indexed in google
3. Make sure you profile and bookmarks are public and not private.
4. don't bookmark in 500 sites, instead bookmark only in the top 75-100 sites.

i hope this helps

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