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What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Tue May 05, 2009 3:59 am

I'm trying to promote my website by social bookmarking the content on my site? Which social bookmarking site should I spend my time on? And does anyone have any tips on the best practices or strategies for this type of search engine

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Tue May 05, 2009 11:24 am

What is Social Bookmarking?
Social bookmarking involves saving bookmarks (web addresses) to a public Web site such as Digg or Del.icio.us so you can access these bookmarks from any computer connected to the web. Your favorite bookmarks are also available for others to view and follow as well, hence the social aspect. If you wish to create your own social bookmarks, you must register with a social bookmarking site (we have many listed below). No you are able to store bookmarks, tag your bookmarks, and share with anyone interested in your bookmarks.

Hopefully you can see the value and power of social bookmarks. You can think of it as viral or guerrilla marketing in a way. It can be a powerful grassroots method of marketing your site. Be careful though, like everything else on the web you can spam these sites and make your list of bookmarks appear unappealing or an obvious marketing ploy which will net you very little.

Keep it honest
Bookmark sites you generally would like to share or feel are valuable, which of course can contain bookmarked web addresses of your own site. If enough people agree with the value of a bookmark you have placed they will bookmark it to and as the popularity grows your site traffic will grow.

Don’t abuse this by submitting every page of your site, try to be judicious and think about what pages of your site may be helpful and of interest to other web surfers.

All things must end
At some point you will reach a place where you are no longer drawing significant traffic from your older bookmarks, but that’s okay. Your social bookmark page should be included in the search engine’s cached sites and they are following your links like any normal web user. In fact, you have created an external link to your site that should be using useful keyword text in the link. The real beauty of this is the fact that others are also providing free one-way links from their own social bookmark pages. So even after the traffic from the bookmarks slow you have the added benefit of a grass roots linking campaign providing solid links to your site, increasing your site’s ranking in the search engines.

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Wed May 06, 2009 11:46 am

Here are some of the more popular social bookmarking sites:

1. Digg
2. Del.icio.us
3. StumbleUpon
4. Reddit
5. Squidoo
6. Furl
7. BlinkList
8. Blogmarks.net
9. Ma.gnolia
10. Simpy
11. Spurl
12. BlinkBits
13. Shadows
14. Raw Sugar
15. Yahoo MyWeb

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Thu May 07, 2009 7:24 am


Never Use The Same Usernames: for all the bookmarking sites that you intend to use. This will create a little footprint for someone to track you down especially the search engines. If you are using any social bookmarking tool, make sure it is able to create different usernames across different sites.
Why You Need To Bookmark: your websites to many sites automatically. If you are manually bookmarking your sites using some form filling social bookmarking script, you are wasting your time. Bookmarking is an extremely time consuming process and you need as much automation as possible. With automation, you will need to do it smartly so that your bookmarks don't appear spammy. Never spam as it is never a long term business strategy.

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Thu May 14, 2009 12:08 pm

thanks for the list :)

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Sat May 16, 2009 1:15 pm

I have listed the most top page ranking social bookmark site:
1. http://www.contentpop.com (PR3)
2. http://www.pixelmo.com (PR3)
3. http://www.memfrag.com (PR3)
4.http://getigadget.com (PR3)
5.http://www.jumptags.com (PR3)
6.http://www.plugim.com (PR3)
7.http://www.syncone.net (PR3)
8.http://postonfire.com (PR3)
9.http://www.business-planet.net (PR3)
10.http://www.hatedorloved.com (PR3)
11.http://www.bookmarks.com (PR3)
12.http://www.yattle.com (PR2)
13.http://www.kapely.net (PR2)
14.http://www.givealink.org (PR2)
15.http://totagit.com (PR2)
Please try this list....

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Wed May 20, 2009 3:51 pm

Depends what your site is and what your content is.
If you site is new on the block, I'd look at using StumbleUpon to promote it as you can get good traffic from it quite easily. On the other hand there are sites like Digg which can get you both traffic and visibility.

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Sat May 23, 2009 2:22 pm

I use stumbleupon and digg.
But social bookmarking traffic does not convert well, as the visitors are not targeted.

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Tue May 26, 2009 3:35 pm

Basically, the best social bookmarking sites for technology company are sites that allow users to post their favorite sites, using tags (or keywords) to categorize and organize them; then other users can take these bookmarks and add them to their own collection or share them with even more users. Here are some social bookmarking sites that we use.

del.icio.us is a social bookmarking site that has rapidly taken off even more in popularity
Digg is social bookmarking and social networking

take the time and create quality links it does take time and patience but is well worth it

Re: What are the best social bookmarking sites for SEO?

Wed May 27, 2009 5:50 pm

wow....... awesome links.....
Thanks for sharing..... :gOOd:

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