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infix to postfix converter

Sat Jan 26, 2013 9:28 pm

infix to postfix java converter implementation.
java code
/* Data Structure Project 
Converting Infix to Post-fix


import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

class InfixToPostfixConverter
private static String ADD = "+";
private static String SUBTRACT = "-";
private static String MULTIPLY = "*";
private static String DIVIDE = "/";
private static String EXP = "^";
private static String LPAREN = "(";
private static String RPAREN = ")";

public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("processing, wait...");
ArrayList infixArrayList = readInfixList("input.txt");
if(infixArrayList != null){
writePostfixList("itop.txt", infixListToPostfixList(trimInfixList(infixArrayList)));

//function that reads infix values line by line from a file, saving each as an ArrayList item
//then returns the ArrayList.
public static ArrayList readInfixList(String infixFile){
ArrayList infixList = new ArrayList();

BufferedReader infixLines = null;
try {
infixLines = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(infixFile) );
String infixLine = null;
while (( infixLine = infixLines.readLine()) != null){
catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println("Input file '" + infixFile + "' not found!");
return null;
catch (IOException e){
System.out.println("I/O error!");;
return null;
finally {
try {
if (infixLines != null) {
catch (IOException e) {
return null;
return infixList;

//function that writes back the generated postfix values to a file
public static void writePostfixList(String postfixFile, ArrayList postfixList){
BufferedWriter postfixLines = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(postfixFile));
for(int i = 0; i < postfixList.size(); i++){
if(i < (postfixList.size() - 1)){
catch(IOException e){

//function that strips the "begin " and " end" strings to each item on the infixList
public static ArrayList trimInfixList(ArrayList infixList) {
String line = "";
String beginText = "begin ";
String endText = " end";
for(int i=0; i<infixList.size(); i++){
line = infixList.get(i).toString().trim();
line = line.replaceAll(beginText, "").replaceAll(endText, "");
infixList.set(i, line);
return infixList;

//function that loops on the infixList generating the required output to a postfixList
public static ArrayList infixListToPostfixList(ArrayList infixList) {
ArrayList postfixList = new ArrayList();
String infix = "";
String postfix = "";
int postfixVal = 0;

for(int i=0; i<infixList.size(); i++){
infix = infixList.get(i).toString();
postfix = infixToPostfix(infix);
postfixVal = evaluatePostfix(postfix);
postfixList.add("Infix: " + infix);
postfixList.add(" Postfix:" + postfix);
postfixList.add(" Result: " + postfixVal);
return postfixList;

//function that returns the priority level of the passed operator parameter
public static int getOperatorPriority(String operator){
int retval = -1;
retval = 0;
else if(operator.equals(ADD) || operator.equals(SUBTRACT)){
retval = 1;
else if(operator.equals(MULTIPLY) || operator.equals(DIVIDE)){
retval = 2;
else if(operator.equals(EXP)){
retval = 3;
return retval;

//function that tests if the parameter is an operator
public static boolean isOperator(String operator){
return operator.equals(ADD) || operator.equals(SUBTRACT)
|| operator.equals(MULTIPLY) || operator.equals(DIVIDE)
|| operator.equals(EXP);

//function that converts from infix to postfix notation
public static String infixToPostfix(String Infix){
MyStackArray operatorStack = new MyStackArray();
String tokens[] = Infix.split(" ");
String token = "";
String postfix = "";
int tokenPriority = 0;

for(int i=0; i<tokens.length; i++){
else if(tokens[i].equals(RPAREN)){
token = operatorStack.topAndPop();
postfix += " " + token;
else if(isOperator(tokens[i])){
tokenPriority = getOperatorPriority(tokens[i]);

while(!operatorStack.isEmpty() && getOperatorPriority(operatorStack.top()) > tokenPriority){
token = operatorStack.topAndPop();
postfix += " " + token;
while(!operatorStack.isEmpty() && getOperatorPriority(operatorStack.top()) >= tokenPriority){
token = operatorStack.topAndPop();
postfix += " " + token;
postfix += " " + tokens[i];

token = operatorStack.topAndPop();
postfix += " " + token;
return postfix;

//function which evaluates the given postfix parameter
public static int evaluatePostfix(String Postfix){
MyStackArray operandStack = new MyStackArray();
String tokens[] = Postfix.trim().split(" ");
int token;
String operand1 = "";
String operand2 = "";
int retval = 0;

for(int i=0; i<tokens.length; i++){
operand2 = operandStack.topAndPop();
operand1 = operandStack.topAndPop();
token = evaluateExpression(tokens[i], Integer.parseInt(operand1), Integer.parseInt(operand2));
retval = Integer.parseInt(operandStack.topAndPop());
return retval;

//function that returns result from the given expression
public static int evaluateExpression(String operator, int operand1, int operand2){
int retval = 0;

retval = operand1 + operand2;
else if(operator.equals(SUBTRACT)){
retval = operand1 - operand2;
else if(operator.equals(MULTIPLY)){
retval = operand1 * operand2;
else if(operator.equals(DIVIDE)){
retval = operand1 / operand2;
else if(operator.equals(EXP)){
retval = myExponent(operand1, operand2);

return retval;

//custom exponent function
public static int myExponent(int base, int exp){
return (exp == 0) ? 1 : (base * myExponent(base, exp-1));

//custom array-based stack class.
class MyStackArray{
private String[] theArray;
private int topOfStack;

static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 255;

public MyStackArray(){

public MyStackArray(int capacity){
theArray = new String[capacity];
topOfStack = -1;

//tests whether the stack is empty or not
public boolean isEmpty( ){
return topOfStack == -1;

//function that tests whether the stack is already full
public boolean isFull(){
return topOfStack == theArray.length - 1;

//function which sets the stack to empty
public void makeEmpty(){
topOfStack = -1;

//function which returns the top of the stack
public String top(){
return null;
return theArray[topOfStack];

//function which pops the top item on the stack
public void pop(){
theArray[topOfStack--] = null;

//function which inserts item on the stack
public void push(String x){
theArray[++topOfStack] = x;

//function which pops the top item on the stack and then returns it.
public String topAndPop(){
return null;
String topItem = top();
theArray[topOfStack--] = null;
return topItem;

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