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Game code request

Mon Jun 11, 2012 6:03 pm

A Player is Good All rounder if:

The name of the player has atleast 10 characters, not counting the spaces in the name.
If he plays for "India" then his name must not end in "Akram".
(His batting average is greater than or equal to 35 and bowling economy rate is less than 6 ) OR (Batting average is in between 25 to 35 inclusively and economy rate is less than 4)
Number of countries where player has scored a century should be greater than 5 and he must have scored century in his own home country.
His ranking is less than 100
Player Name is of minimum two words and first name is of more than 8 characters, and surname contains character 'A' or 'd' (ignore case)
Write a method:

boolean isGoodAllRounder(String playerName, String country, String[] centuryScoringCountries, int ranking, int battingAverage, int economyRate, boolean isRetired)

playerName Name of the player.
country Name of the country the player plays for.
centuryScoringCountries String array of countries where the player has scored century. Can be null if the player has not scored any centrury.
ranking ICC ranking of player.
battingAverage batting average of the player.
economyRate bowling economy rate of player.
isRetired whether a player is retired or not.

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Paste your program below and click on submit program.

You can write the program in C, C++, Java or C#. Change variable types accordingly.

Please note that you have only two hours to submit the program. Late entries will be disqualified.

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