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Java Chat Program with client & Server

Fri Apr 06, 2007 12:32 pm

This is the Chat program with Client and Server .
It include two projects Server and Chat.
Both of them are netBeans 5.5 project.
The executables file exits in dist folder in both projects

:idea: Allow you multi client and single server . The Center Server we forward the massages to other clients in his stack.
1- one server.
2- multi-clients.

How to run :

    1.Open the serverchat .
    2.Start the serverchat .
    3.Open the Clientchat.
    4.Specify the server name or ip address.

To get the code :
Follow this link : finished-projects/java-chat-t644.html

Re: Java Chat Program with client & Server

Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:33 pm

An new in Java programming and I run your application in two PCs linked by a normal network cable and it worked fine.
But when I tried to connect them throw a Bluetooth connection, it didn't worked.

Do you know why?

Re: Java Chat Program with client & Server

Tue Jul 03, 2007 2:47 pm

Blue tooth is different .it use other specifications.And it has its own API. :grin:
import javax.bluetooth.*;
import javax.microedition.io.*;
import com.atinav.BCC;

public class WirelessDevice implements DiscoveryListener {
    LocalDevice localDevice = null;
    public WirelessDevice (){
        //setting the port number using Atinav's BCC
        //setting the baud rate using Atinav's BCC
        //connectable mode using Atinav's BCC
        //Set discoverable mode using Atinav's BCC
            localDevice = LocalDevice.getLoaclDevice();
        catch (BluetoothStateException exp) {
        // implementation of methods in DiscoveryListener class
        // of javax.bluetooth goes here
        // now do some work

Checkout this link:

Re: Java Chat Program with client & Server

Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:49 am

from where to download this?????

Re: Java Chat Program with client & Server

Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:25 pm

login and you find download link , ? :)

Re: Java Chat Program with client & Server

Wed Feb 11, 2009 8:27 pm


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