Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:41 am
Time: 3 hours 25 minutes
Grade: 98
Status: Fully operational with correct output
import java.text.*;
class rectype
This class defines the structure of the data to be stored in the hash table.
String name;
int age;
float weight;
public rectype()
name = "";
age = 0;
weight = 0;
} // rectype
} // clase rectype
class hashtbl
This class provides the machinery necessary to implement a hash table
lookup mechanism.
// constants
final int MAXHASH = 50;
final int MAXRECS = 25;
final int NIL = -1;
// types
private class tblrow
rectype rec;
int next;
// private data
private int avail;
private int[] htbl;
private tblrow[] rectbl;
// private functions
private int getnode()
This routine retrieves from the pool of available storage a pointer to
a new node to link onto a hash chain. If no such node is available,
the value NIL is returned.
int p;
p = avail;
if (p != NIL) avail = rectbl[avail].next;
} // getnode
private void putnode(int p)
This routine returns a node back to the pool of available storage
rectbl[p].next = avail;
avail = p;
} // putnode
private int hash(String key)
This hash function transforms a record key into an integer.
int i,sum;
sum = 0;
for (i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) sum += key.charAt(i);
sum += key.length();
return (sum % MAXHASH);
} // hash
// public functions
public hashtbl()
Consructor to establish an empty instance of a hash table.
int i;
htbl = new int[MAXHASH];
rectbl = new tblrow[MAXRECS];
for (i = 0; i < MAXHASH; i++) htbl[i] = NIL;
avail = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAXRECS; i++)
rectbl[i] = new tblrow();
rectbl[i].rec = new rectype();
rectbl[i].next = i + 1;
rectbl[MAXRECS-1].next = NIL;
} // hashtbl
public int insert(rectype rec)
Inserts a record with the specified key into the hash table. The
status return value has the following meaning:
0 = record was inserted in table
1 = record is already present in the table
2 = no more space in table
(Note: name field of rec contains key value)
int status;
} // insert
public int find(rectype rec)
Retrieves from the hash table the record having the specified key.
The status return value has the following meaning:
0 = record was found in table
1 = record is not in table
(Note: name field of rec contains key value)
int status;
} // find
public int remove(String key)
Removes record with the specified key from the hash table. The
status return value has the following meaning:
0 = item was deleted from table
1 = item was not in the table
(Note: name field of rec contains key value)
int status;
} // remove
public void dumphash()
Prints out a snapshot of the hash table data values
int i;
DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("####0.0");
System.out.println("Dump of hash table:");
System.out.println(" avail: " + avail);
for (i = 0; i < MAXHASH; i++)
System.out.print(pad(Integer.toString(i),4,'R') +
if (i < MAXRECS)
pad(Integer.toString(i),6,'R') + " " +
pad(rectbl[i],15,'L') +
pad(Integer.toString(rectbl[i].rec.age),5,'R') +
pad(fmt.format(rectbl[i].rec.weight),7,'R') +
} // dumphash
public String pad(String instr, int width, char justify)
This function will left or right justify the input string in an
output string of length "width" by adding leading or trailing
blanks to the string as necessary.
StringBuffer outstr = new StringBuffer(instr);
while (outstr.length() < width)
if (justify == 'L') outstr.append(' ');
else outstr.insert(0,' ');
} // pad
} // class hashtbl
class Prog08
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
This function reads a data file named hash.dat that contains a number
of transactions to test the operation of the hash table machinery
implemented by the hashtbl class.
int status;
String line;
String[] t;
char option;
String name;
int age;
float weight;
hashtbl tbl = new hashtbl();
rectype rec = new rectype();
DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("####0.0");
// initialize
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("hash.dat"));
// process transactions
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
t = line.split("\\s+");
option = t[0].charAt(0);
name = t[1]; age = 0; weight = 0;
if (option == 'I')
age = Integer.parseInt(t[2]);
weight = Float.parseFloat(t[3]);
switch (option)
case 'I': = new String(name);
rec.age = age;
rec.weight = weight;
status = tbl.insert(rec);
System.out.println(" status: " + status);
if (name.compareTo("KOOL") == 0) tbl.dumphash(); /**/
case 'F': = new String(name);
status = tbl.find(rec);
System.out.println(" status: " + status);
if (status == 0)
System.out.println(" name: " + +
" age: " + rec.age +
" weight: " + fmt.format(rec.weight));
case 'R':
status = tbl.remove(name);
System.out.println(" status: " + status);
if (name.compareTo("BARKER") == 0) tbl.dumphash(); /**/
// finalize
} // main
} // class Prog08
Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:18 am
Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:57 pm
Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:34 pm
Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:42 am
1 **************************************************************************
2 //
4 import*;
5 import java.util.*;
6 import java.text.*;
8 class Timer
9 {
10 private long starttick;
12 public void StartTimer()
13 // This function starts the timer
14 {
15 starttick = System.currentTimeMillis();
16 } // StartTimer
17 public double ElapsedSeconds()
18 /*
19 This function returns the number of seconds that have elapsed
20 (to the nearest millisecond) since the StartTimer function was
21 called.
22 */
23 {
24 return((System.currentTimeMillis() - starttick) / 1000.0);
25 } // ElapsedSeconds
26 } // class Timer
27 public class Timertest
28 {
29 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
30 // This function tests the functionality of the Timer class
31 {
32 int inbyte;
33 long mscount;
34 double seconds1,seconds,seconds3;
35 Timer t = new Timer();
36 DecimalFormat fmt = new DecimalFormat("###0.000");
38 System.out.println(
39 "Press one of the letters below, followed by Enter:");
40 System.out.println(" r = run timer");
41 System.out.println(" b = begin timer");
42 System.out.println(" s = stop timer");
43 System.out.println(" q = quit program");
44 do
45 {
46 do
47 {
48 inbyte =;
49 } while (inbyte != 'b' && inbyte != 'q' && inbyte != 'r');
50 if (inbyte == 'r')
51 {
52 mscount = System.currentTimeMillis();
53 while (System.currentTimeMillis() - mscount < 50)
54 System.out.println(System.currentTimeMillis());
55 }
56 else if (inbyte != 'q')
57 {
58 System.out.println("Timing...");
59 t.StartTimer();
60 do
61 {
62 inbyte =;
63 } while (inbyte != 's' && inbyte != 'q');
64 seconds = t.ElapsedSeconds();
65 System.out.println("Elapsed seconds: " + fmt.format(seconds));
66 }
67 } while (inbyte != 'q');
68 System.out.println("End of program.");
69 } // main
70 } // class Timertest
71 **************************************************************************
72 //
74 import java.util.*;
76 public class Randomtest
77 {
78 public static void fillArray(int[] a)
79 /*
80 This function will fill an array with the numbers from 1 to
81 a.length and then will shuffle those numbers into a random
82 sequence.
83 */
84 {
85 int i,j,temp;
86 Random randnum = new Random();
88 for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = i + 1;
89 for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
90 {
91 j = randnum.nextInt(a.length);
92 temp = a[j]; a[j] = a[i]; a[i] = temp;
93 }
94 } // fillArray
95 public static void main(String[] args)
96 // This function tests the fillArray function
97 {
98 int i;
99 int[] a = new int[10];
101 fillArray(a);
102 System.out.println("Random shuffle of numbers from 1 to " + a.length);
103 for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++)
104 {
105 System.out.println(" "+a[i]);
106 }
107 } // main
108 } // class Randomtest
109 **************************************************************************
111 **************************************************************************
112 The following illustrates how to translate pseudocode for the bubble sort
113 algorithm into Java code:
114 **************************************************************************
116 void bubblesort(int[] a, int n)
117 {
118 int i,j;
119 int temp;
121 for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
122 {
123 for (j = n-1; j >= i; j--);
124 {
125 if (a[j-1] > a[j])
126 {
127 temp = a[j-1];
128 a[j-1] = a[j];
129 a[j] = temp;
130 }
131 }
132 }
133 } // bubblesort
135 public static void main(String[] args)
136 {
137 final int MAX = 10000;
138 int n;
139 int[] a = new int[MAX];
140 double seconds;
141 Timer t = new Timer();
143 ...
144 fillArray(a);
145 ...
146 t.StartTimer();
147 bubblesort(a,n);
148 seconds = t.ElapsedSeconds();
149 ...
150 } // main
151 **************************************************************************
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