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Need Advise

Fri May 22, 2009 11:06 am


I have lot of interest to make web applications in java . With that interest I have :read: java topics, servelts and JSP. But I don't have any programming knowledge except that I had solved few exercise problems from java books. I just did paper work. firstly, I want to do a small project in java. So, First I need help regarding below:

1. What all installations should be made to create a runtime environment for java applications. Please mention whether they are free of cost to download ?
Kindly mention the whole process to setup the environment.

Re: Need Advise

Fri May 22, 2009 12:59 pm


Re: Need Advise

Wed May 27, 2009 10:40 am

Thank you. I have successfully created the java program environment . Thank you for providing me the hint.

next ,
I have browsed many sites, but I couldn't get nice material (softcopy) for strengthening myself in java topics through programming :cry: . I want a nice material or site where I can get guidence to strengthen my java programming skills. I browsed many but as I am new to java I am confused of which is the best :confused: . Also I want to learn topic wise. Could somebody help me out in this. I want an advise on right way to strengthen java programming .

Re: Need Advise

Sat May 30, 2009 6:32 pm

for book.
Thinking in java is a good book to start with ..

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