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Problem in creating manifest file

Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:57 pm

I created a jar file of a package.
And in the manifest file ,wrote the code


There is no problem in creating the jar file using the following

c:\>jar -cmf abc.mf MyJar.jar com

but when I tried to execute the program using

c:\>java -jar MyJar.jar
It thrown an error
Failed to load main class from manifest file.

Please provide solution to this problem.
Thanks in advance.

Re: Problem in creating manifest file

Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:58 pm

U have to create the jar file by giving the Main class in the
You can create a file Manifest.txt having the following line

Main-Class: com.MyClass

then create the jar using the following command

jar -cmf Myjar.jar Manifest.txt com.MyClass

Then execute the command to run the jar file

java -jar Myjar.jar

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