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Problem with compilation for this project

Sun Jul 29, 2012 4:02 pm


I not understand how compile the server side code which need to write in J2SE , and i have a error in mobile side j2me code for this->CameraMIDlet this say can not find symbol, could you/anyone help me please

MD Kamrul Islam

Re: Problem with compilation for this project

Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:31 pm

Your question is not clear, i need to see code ? anyway , it seems that you are compiling a J2me project , so please make sure that u have the J2me jars.

Re: Problem with compilation for this project

Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:38 pm

msi_333 wrote:Your question is not clear, i need to see code ? anyway , it seems that you are compiling a J2me project , so please make sure that u have the J2me jars.


sorry for I not cleared you , yes I am saying about this project http://www.codemiles.com/java/connecting-to-pc-from-mobile-using-bluetooth-in-java-t711.html

MD Kamrul Islam

Re: Problem with compilation for this project

Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:56 pm

Oh , yes i wrote this application from about 4 years but anyway i think it is easy to run because i was working with netBeans with mobile application support ( includes j2me toolkit) , go to netbeans.org

Re: Problem with compilation for this project

Sun Jul 29, 2012 9:59 pm

msi_333 wrote:Oh , yes i wrote this application from about 4 years but anyway i think it is easy to run because i was working with netBeans with mobile application support ( includes j2me toolkit) , go to netbeans.org

Thanks, yes i just complied the code but have some error in server side -> MOBILEOR_GUI frame ; this line saying error for 'can not find symbol' could you say me please for which is solution for this,

Or I am trying to send text except image to PC , could you please give me the code block for this?

MD Kamrul Islam

Re: Problem with compilation for this project

Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:13 pm

what about this one :

Re: Problem with compilation for this project

Sun Jul 29, 2012 10:16 pm

i think you should remove the MOBILEOR_GUI reference because it was related to using in my project (Object recognition)

Re: Problem with compilation for this project

Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:05 am

msi_333 wrote:i think you should remove the MOBILEOR_GUI reference because it was related to using in my project (Object recognition)

Yes I can remove this, could you please edit this two code blocks for text sending except image

MD Kamrul Islam

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