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[Java][C#][Skype][WinAPI] simple plugin for Skype, sound red

Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:35 pm


I'd like to call from mobile phone with Skype to server with WinXP and Skype. Skype on server would be sending sound for speech recognition in application Sphinx4. In order to enable communication between Skype and Sphinx4, I need to develop plugin for Skype, i.e. so-called "3rd party application" (which would be in C#). I would do it with the use of Skype4COM, a little bit using SEHE and this: http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=260361&st=0&p=1158301&#entry1158301 .

In the example from link above there is a function OurCallStatus, called every time when the status of call is changed (https://developer.skype.com/Docs/Skype4COMLib/ISkypeEvents). So as I understand (I hope I'm not mistaken) only at the beginning and end of the call. I'd like this function to change default output of Skype sound from speakers to something like "port" (after first call of function OurCallStatus). Second (last) call would restore default behaviour of Skype output. Later in my application for Sphinx4 (it would be in Java), at the beginning of main function I will need to change line "Microphone microphone = (Microphone) cm.lookup("microphone");" to such a line which would be able to receive sound from this "port" to which I would be redirecting output of Skype, instead of speakers. (The whole code of examplary file HelloWorld.java can be found in Sphinx4 here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/cmusphinx/files/sphinx4/1.0%20beta3/sphinx4-1.0beta3-src.zip/download).

And my question is as follows: What can be this so-called "port"? How to implement such a "port" in C# and use in Java? I thought that WinAPI may be somehow helpful. More information about plugins for Skype here: http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=464711&st=20&start=20 . Main idea of my plugin here: http://images38.fotosik.pl/230/e4cdc1e83a11a77d.jpg .


Re: [Java][C#][Skype][WinAPI] simple plugin for Skype, sound red

Wed Dec 09, 2009 8:01 pm


I found that it should be possible to do it with the use of ordinary TCP socket or with IPC (Inter-Process Communication -> look at wikipedia for more info).

I think that solving my problem with the use of TCP socket shouldn't be difficult because it is rather well-known term. May I ask you for any advices, please?


PS Let me summarize what I want to do. I'd like to create plugin for Skype. Normally Skype sends received speech to speakers. I'd like it to send it to the other application. This other application is speech recognition engine. I thought it can be done through some kind of port. So it would be not: Skype -> speaker AND microphone -> Sphinx4. But it would be: Skype -> port -> Sphinx4 and vice versa. I am more or less familiar with creating plugins for Skype (3rd party applications).

Re: [Java][C#][Skype][WinAPI] simple plugin for Skype, sound red

Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:35 pm

thanks for sharing .

Re: [Java][C#][Skype][WinAPI] simple plugin for Skype, sound red

Mon Dec 14, 2009 5:46 pm

Wow thanks for the great info.

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