What is JDBC?
---------------------------- Java Database Connectivity -
JDBC is a Java API for executing SQL statements. By using the
JDBC API a program can access almost any data source, from relational databases to spreadsheets to flat files.
Following are some benefits of
JDBC: Aside from being easy to write, using the
JDBC API also brings the following benefits:
- Since JDBC is included with the Java Platform, it is available everywhere Java is available. This makes the Java application that uses the JDBC API portable to a lot of platforms.
- Since Java applications that uses the JDBC API uses only interfaces from the JDBC packages, the code has a high likelihood of being portable from one vendors database to another's.
- The JDBC API encourages Java applications to be designed into multiple tiers, separating business logic from presentation logic. This will aid the scalability, reliability and maintainability of the application tremendously.
- Robustness, security, automatically downloadable code, and other Java pluses. By virtual of being written in Java, the JDBC application automatically enjoys these benefits that Java offers .