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R Scripts


I am trying to enhance a current Java Program which translates XML Query to SQL. The Java program is using Java Swing and MSSQL. I am unable to do recordset paging ie i want to show 10 records at a time. Then when i press the next link, it will show the next 10 records, meaning something like the google paging mechanism. I have been stuck at this for days. Anyone have any idea how to go about doing it? Or you need the source code to know how the program works? If you do, which file specifically you need? Cos i'm not sure if i could upload the whole folder here... Help needed urgently... Thanks!

User avatar Posts: 6
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Why don't you use a parameter like PageNumber and use this parameter in your SQL statement .and make a limit for results using is parameter .For example parameter equal 1 show the first 10 rows and parameter equal 2 show the second 10 rows and so on . :gOOd:
can you please post your xml code ..

here a link i think it may be useful ,

M. S. Rakha, Ph.D.
Queen's University

User avatar Posts: 2715
Have thanks: 74 time

msi_333 wrote:
Why don't you use a parameter like PageNumber and use this parameter in your SQL statement .and make a limit for results using is parameter .For example parameter equal 1 show the first 10 rows and parameter equal 2 show the second 10 rows and so on . :gOOd:
can you please post your xml code ..

here a link i think it may be useful , ... ursor-9388

Thanks alot for the suggestion!
Actually i do not know how to really begin in it and i'm stuck as to whether i need to use Java Swing to implement the paging?

Basically, there is already a program written. This program translates XQuery which the user types in into SQL statements. And after translation, the program reconstructs and displays the results in a form readable to the user in 3 forms, namely, table, text and tree. If the results are very long, the user will have to scroll. Eg in a tree, if the results are very long, user have to scroll to the node/element he wants to find. My job is to implement paging to the results, so that only 10 nodes/elements appear first, then when i click next, the next 10 nodes/elements will appear. Same goes for table and text format which i also have to do paging.

My java is not very good, i'm just a beginner, so would like to hear your advice and how to go about doing it, cos totally stuck =(.

User avatar Posts: 6
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so do u need help in Java swing , like Frame and u need codes of doing trees in java swing . :grin: .can u post any code of yours to help you in it.

M. S. Rakha, Ph.D.
Queen's University

User avatar Posts: 2715
Have thanks: 74 time

msi_333 wrote:
so do u need help in Java swing , like Frame and u need codes of doing trees in java swing . :grin: .can u post any code of yours to help you in it.

I am not really sure how to go about doing it.

You suggested: ... ursor-9388
but i referred to: ... -java-9473 as i am doing it in Java
This example uses Oracle server. How to code it if i'm using MSSQL server?
How do i import the library of MSSQL? If Oracle is used, and if i import the import statement provided:
import oracle.jdbc.OracleTypes;
import oracle.xdb.XMLType;
it gives me error.

I have a problem: from the link provided, i see that the paging is done on a fixed specific set of data coded, "select last_name from employees"
For my program, the user enters the XQuery, meaning it is flexible and then the program translates to SQL statements and displays the results in table, text or tree.
I have to do paging for the results for all table, text and tree. Is it possible if the SQL statement is flexible based on the XQuery?

Should i include the codes in the file since it is already created? Or create a new file to do the paging function?

I am not sure should i do the paging code in the main program or in the file where i do the reconstruction, as that is the
file i translate XQuery to SQL statements.

Attached is some codes i use for my program. Please help me look through it.

Help greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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User avatar Posts: 6
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msi_333 wrote:
so do u need help in Java swing , like Frame and u need codes of doing trees in java swing . :grin: .can u post any code of yours to help you in it.

Sorry, to add on:

How do you "use a parameter like PageNumber and use this parameter in your SQL statement .and make a limit for results using is parameter " as suggested? Is it possible to implement in my program? How do you code it?


User avatar Posts: 6
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there was a topic about paging in following post

is it help u ? the idea is to create a variable that carry your page and every time the user press next button this variable is increased .

Please recommend my post if you found it helpful

User avatar Posts: 95
Have thanks: 2 time

mileloader wrote:
there was a topic about paging in following post

is it help u ? the idea is to create a variable that carry your page and every time the user press next button this variable is increased .

I saw that link. I think it is using Javascript, jsp and mysql while i'm doing it in Java and using MSSQL.

User avatar Posts: 6
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Example of the code used :
package dbsucxent.pathProcessor;

import java.sql.Connection;
import dbsucxent.constant.Constant;
import java.util.regex.*;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Translator {

String _xPath;
String _fromSQL;
String XPathErrMsg = "";
boolean _updated;
CurrentPath _currentPath;
WhereSQL _whereSQL;
boolean _isPositionPredicate;
Connection _dbConnection;
boolean _singleDoc;
boolean _showPath; // to include path of every leaf
boolean _useTemp;
int _depth;
String _lastElement; // added by LTM
boolean _ishardcode = false;
public int stepIndex = 1;
public String[] pathString;
public int _minDLevel = 0;
boolean _isNewQuery = true;
boolean _isFirstPredicate = true;
boolean _isWriteSQLToFile = false;

public String[] element; // containing parts of XQuery splitted by descendant axis with position predicates omitted
public String[] pos_ele; // containing parts of XQUery splitted by descendant axis
public int[] p; // storing starting level of each parts of XQuery splitted by descendant axis
public int[] Pos ; //storing starting level of each part of XQuery splitted by descendant axis
public int[] start_from; // start position for seacrh substring
public int[] Info; // storing the position vector's information
//public int num; // number of rows/tuples in the table Info
public int n; //number of elements splitted by descendant axis
public int height;
public int _pathId;
public String _pathExp;
public int subtreeId;

public Translator(String xPath, Connection conn, boolean single, boolean showPath, boolean useTemp) {
_xPath = xPath;
_fromSQL = "";
_updated = false;
_dbConnection = conn;
_currentPath = new CurrentPath(_dbConnection);
_singleDoc = single;
_useTemp = useTemp;
_showPath = showPath;
_ishardcode = single;
_whereSQL = new WhereSQL(_singleDoc, _showPath);

//added by Hanh
subtreeId = 0;
Pos = new int[4];
Info = new int[12];

//added by john start - for validating node comparison query
//returns the total size of the number of operators in the XPath
public String[] getOperands(String operator)
ArrayList tempresult = new ArrayList();
int bracketCounter = 0, prevPos = 0;
boolean quote = false;
boolean doublequote = false;
boolean stringliteral = false;
for (int i = 0; i < _xPath.length(); i++) {
//if XPath does not contain string literal and if XPath consists of '\'
//or '"', set quote (') and doublequote (") to true and stringliteral to true
if (!stringliteral) {
if (_xPath.charAt(i) == '\'') {
quote = true;
stringliteral = true;
} else if (_xPath.charAt(i) == '"') {
doublequote = true;
stringliteral = true;
} else {
//if XPath contains string literal, but does not contain quote (') and
//doublequote (") ie set to false, therefore stringliteral is set to false
if (quote && _xPath.charAt(i) == '\'') {
quote = false;
stringliteral = false;
} else if (doublequote && _xPath.charAt(i) == '"') {
doublequote = false;
stringliteral = false;
//if XPath contains position predicates
if ((_xPath.charAt(i) == '[') && (!stringliteral)) {
//start of position predicate, increase bracketCounter
} else if ((_xPath.charAt(i) == ']') && (!stringliteral)) {
//end of position predicate, decrease bracketCounter
//if operator at previous XPath position are equal, and does not consists of any brackets
//add the extracted operator into the tempresult array, then i+4 for prevPos to go on to compare next operator
if ((_xPath.charAt(i) == operator.charAt(0) && _xPath.charAt(i+1) == operator.charAt(1)
&& _xPath.charAt(i+2) == operator.charAt(2) && _xPath.charAt(i+3) == operator.charAt(3))
&& (bracketCounter == 0)) {
tempresult.add(_xPath.substring(prevPos, i));
prevPos = i + 4;
//adds the full string from prevPos onwards into the tempresult array
//cast the ArrayList to a String array to store the size of the the tempresult array and returns the size
String[] result = (String[]) tempresult.toArray(new String [tempresult.size ()]);
return result;
//added by john end

@SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
//SQL Query Translation --> XQuery --> SQL
public String translate() throws NoSuchPathException {
/* ------------------------------------------------
Added by Erwin 25-Jul-2007
To check if the given XPath is a well-formed XPath
------------------------------------------------- */
if (!isXPathWellFormed(_xPath) && !_xPath.contains("closest::")) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("\"" + _xPath + "\" is not a well-formed XPath!\n\r\n\rError message from XPath parser:\n\r" + XPathErrMsg);

//node comparison translation added by john begin
String[] operands = null;
int comparison = 0;
//check if XPath contains occurances of following operands: is, <<, >> (1 operand only)
//if contains, set comparison and operands
if(_xPath.indexOf(" is ")>0)
comparison = Constant.IS_OPERATOR;
operands = getOperands(" is ");
else if(_xPath.indexOf(" << ")>0)
comparison = Constant.PRECEDE_OPERATOR;
operands = getOperands(" << ");
else if(_xPath.indexOf(" >> ")>0)
comparison = Constant.FOLLOW_OPERATOR;
operands = getOperands(" >> ");
//if 2 operands
if(operands != null && operands.length == 2)
return processComparison(operands, comparison);
//node comparison translation added by john end

/* ------------------------------------------------
Added by Erwin 2007-Sep-04
To rewrite some XPath
- /a/b[position()>=1] is equal to /a/b
- /a/b[position()<=last()] is equal to /a/b
------------------------------------------------- */
if (_xPath.contains("[position()>=1]")) {
_xPath = _xPath.replace("[position()>=1]", "");
} else if (_xPath.contains("[position()<=last()]")) {
_xPath = _xPath.replace("[position()<=last()]", "");

/* ------------------------------------------------
Added by Erwin 25-Jul-2007
To translate simple XPath
E.g: /a/b/c/d, /a/(star)/c/d, /a/b/c/@d, //a/b/c, /a//b/(star)/c, /a//b/(star)/@c, //a/@*, /a/(star)/c/@*
------------------------------------------------- */

//added by HANH
//made it into comment by HANH --> later delete comment sign
boolean recursive = true;
if (!_xPath.contains("attribute::")
&& !_xPath.contains("following::")
&& !_xPath.contains("following-sibling::")
&& !_xPath.contains("preceding::")
&& !_xPath.contains("preceding-sibling::")
&& !_xPath.contains("namespace::")
&& (_xPath.contains("descendant::")||(_xPath.contains("//"))))
/*if (!_xPath.contains("::") && !_xPath.contains("//"))
if (!_xPath.contains("["))
String sql_exp = "";
sql_exp = _xPath.substring(1);
sql_exp = sql_exp.replaceAll("/","#.");
sql_exp = "." + sql_exp + "#";
return "select V.LeafValue, V.PathId, V.BranchOrder, " +
"V.DeweyOrderSum, V.DocId, V.LeafOrder " +
"from PathValue V, Path P " +
"where V.PathId = P.PathId and P.PathExp like '" +
sql_exp + "%' order by V.DeweyOrderSum";
String sql_pos_exp = "";
sql_pos_exp = _xPath.substring(1);
sql_pos_exp = sql_pos_exp.replaceAll("/", "#.");
sql_pos_exp = "." + sql_pos_exp + "#";

String sql_exp = sql_pos_exp;
while (sql_exp.indexOf('[') != -1)
int start_pos = sql_exp.indexOf('[');
int end_pos = sql_exp.indexOf(']');
sql_exp = sql_exp.substring(0,start_pos) + sql_exp.substring(end_pos+1);

String sqlquery = "";
Statement stmt = _dbConnection.createStatement();
sqlquery = "delete from Temp";

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("Select count(Level) as Height from DocumentRValue");
height = rs.getInt("Height") + 1;

System.out.println("Height = "+height); // debug purpose --> delete later

sqlquery = "select PathId, PathExp from Path where PathExp like '"+sql_exp+"%' and PathExp not like '@'";
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlquery);

while (
for (int i = 0; i<=height+1; i++)
Info[i] = 0;

_pathId = rs.getInt("PathId");
_pathExp = rs.getString("PathExp");

//just paste
int pos_open = 0;
int pos_close = 0;

pos_open = sql_pos_exp.indexOf('[',pos_close);
pos_close = sql_pos_exp.indexOf(']',pos_open);

Info[0] = _pathId;
Info[1] = subtreeId;

while (pos_open != -1)
System.out.println("pos_open = " + pos_open); //debug purpose --> delete later
String str = sql_pos_exp.substring(pos_open+1,pos_close);
int pos = Integer.parseInt(str);

int count = 0;
for(int j=0; j<pos_open; j++)
if (sql_pos_exp.charAt(j)=='.') count++;
int lv = count;
if (lv == 1 && pos == 1) Info[lv+1] = 0;
else Info[lv+1] = pos;

pos_open = sql_pos_exp.indexOf('[',pos_close);
pos_close = sql_pos_exp.indexOf(']',pos_open);

sqlquery = "Insert into Temp values(";

for (int k=0; k<11; k++) //change 11 to height+1 later
sqlquery += Info[k] + ",";
sqlquery += Info[11] + ")";
Statement stmt1 = _dbConnection.createStatement();
catch (Exception ex)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,ex.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

sqlquery = "select V.LeafValue, V.PathId, " +
"V.BranchOrder, V.DeweyOrderSum, V.DocId, V.LeafOrder " +
"from dbo.PathValue V, dbo.Temp T " +
"where V.PathId = T.PathId ";

for (int i=1; i<=height; i++)
sqlquery += "and dbo.Child(V.SiblingSum,"+i+",T.["+i+"])=1 ";
sqlquery += "order by V.DeweyOrderSum option (force order)";
return sqlquery;

catch (Exception ex)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,ex.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
return "ERROR";

} // end of if for _xPath contains only child axis
else */
{ //temprorarily only response to descendant axis not ancestor
if (!_xPath.contains("["))
System.out.println("descendant axis without position predicate");
boolean firstStepIsDescendantAxis = false;

String sql_exp = _xPath;

System.out.println("sql_exp = "+sql_exp);
if ( (sql_exp.substring(0,2)).compareTo("//") == 0 )
System.out.println("case 1");
sql_exp = sql_exp.substring(2);
sql_exp = "%." + sql_exp;
firstStepIsDescendantAxis = true;
System.out.println("sql_exp = "+sql_exp);

else if ( (sql_exp.length() > 13) && (sql_exp.substring(0,13)).compareTo("/descendant::") == 0 )
System.out.println("case 2");
sql_exp = sql_exp.substring(13);
sql_exp = "%." + sql_exp;
firstStepIsDescendantAxis = true;
System.out.println("sql_exp = "+sql_exp);
System.out.println("case 3");
sql_exp = sql_exp.substring(1);
sql_exp = "." + sql_exp;
System.out.println("sql_exp = "+sql_exp);
sql_exp = sql_exp.replaceAll("//", "#%.");
sql_exp = sql_exp.replaceAll("/descendant::", "#%.");
sql_exp = sql_exp.replaceAll("/", "#.");
sql_exp = sql_exp + "#";

System.out.println("sql_exp = "+sql_exp); //debug purpose --> delete later

element = sql_exp.split("%");

n = element.length;

if (firstStepIsDescendantAxis)
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
element[i] = element[i+1];

int refLevel = 0;

for (int i=0; i<element[n-1].length();i++)
if (element[n-1].charAt(i) == '.') refLevel++;

//debug purpose --> delete later
for (int i =0; i<n; i++)
System.out.println("element["+i+"] = "+element[i]);

p = new int[n];
start_from = new int[n];

String sqlquery = "";
Statement stmt = _dbConnection.createStatement();
String PVPathId = "0";

sqlquery = "select PathId from Path where PathExp like '"+sql_exp+"%' and PathExp like '%@%'";
ResultSet ars = stmt.executeQuery(sqlquery);
String AttributePathId = "0";
while( {
int _attrPathId = ars.getInt("PathId");
AttributePathId = AttributePathId + ", " + _attrPathId;

System.out.println("xpath like sql_exp which is "+sql_exp);
sqlquery = "select PathId, PathExp from Path where PathExp like '"+sql_exp+"%' and PathExp not like '%@%'";
int clr = stmt.executeUpdate("delete from Pos");
stmt.executeUpdate("delete from Temp");
System.out.println("clr = "+clr);

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(sqlquery);
_pathId = rs.getInt("PathId");
PVPathId = PVPathId + ", " + _pathId;
_pathExp = rs.getString("PathExp");

System.out.println("_pathId = "+_pathId); //debug purpose --> delte later
System.out.println("_pathExp = "+_pathExp); // debug purpose --> delete later

System.out.println("firstStepIsDescendantAxis = "+firstStepIsDescendantAxis); //debug purpose --> delete later

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
p[i] = 0;
start_from[i] = 0;

for (int i = 0; i<=height+1; i++)
Info[i] = 0;
if (recursive == false) {

else {
if (firstStepIsDescendantAxis) InfoFill_NoPredicate(0);
System.out.println("p[0] = "+p[0]);

if (recursive == false) {
sqlquery = "With V (LeafValue, PathId, BranchOrder, " +
"DeweyOrderSum, DocId, LeafOrder" +
")" + "As(\n" +
"Select V1.LeafValue, V1.PathId, " +
"V1.BranchOrder, V1.DeweyOrderSum, " +
"V1.DocId, V1.LeafOrder\n" +
"From dbo.PathValue V1\n" +
"Where V1.PathId in (" + PVPathId +")\n" +
")\n" +
"Select V.*, 1 As Attr\n" +
"From V\n" +
"Union All\n" +
"Select A.LeafValue, A.PathId, " +
"V.BranchOrder, V.DeweyOrderSum, " +
"A.DocId, A.LeafOrder, 0 As Attr\n" +
"From Attribute A, V\n" +
"Where A.docId = V.DocId\n" +
"And A.LeafOrder = V.LeafOrder\n" +
"And A.PathId in (" + AttributePathId + ")\n" +
"Order By DeweyOrderSum, Attr\n" +
"Option (force order)";
else {
sqlquery = "With V (LeafValue, PathId, BranchOrder, " +
"DeweyOrderSum, DocId, LeafOrder, " +
"refLevel)" + "As(\n" +
"Select V1.LeafValue, V1.PathId, " +
"V1.BranchOrder, V1.DeweyOrderSum, " +
"V1.DocId, V1.LeafOrder, " +
"(P.Position + " + refLevel + ") as refLevel\n" +
"From dbo.Pos P, dbo.PathValue V1\n" +
"Where V1.PathId in (" + PVPathId +")\n" +
"And V1.PathId = P.PathId\n" +
"And P.PartId = " + n + "\n" +
//"Order By rerLevel, V1.DeweyOrderSum\n" +
//"Option (force order)\n" +
")\n" +
"Select V.*, 1 As Attr\n" +
"From V\n" +
"Union All\n" +
"Select A.LeafValue, A.PathId, " +
"V.BranchOrder, V.DeweyOrderSum, " +
"A.DocId, A.LeafOrder, V.refLevel, 0 As Attr\n" +
"From Attribute A, V\n" +
"Where A.docId = V.DocId\n" +
"And A.LeafOrder = V.LeafOrder\n" +
"And A.PathId in (" + AttributePathId + ")\n" +
"Order By refLevel, DeweyOrderSum, Attr\n" +
"Option (force order)";



return sqlquery;
catch (Exception ex)
//JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,ex.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

return "ERROR";

} // end of if for _xPath contains only child and descendant/ancestor axes with no position predicate
boolean firstStepIsDescendantAxis = false;

String sql_pos_exp = _xPath;
if ( (sql_pos_exp.substring(0,2)).compareTo("//") == 0 )
sql_pos_exp = sql_pos_exp.substring(2);
sql_pos_exp = "%." + sql_pos_exp;
firstStepIsDescendantAxis = true;
else if ( (sql_pos_exp.length() > 13) && (sql_pos_exp.substring(0,13)).compareTo("/descendant::") == 0 )
sql_pos_exp = sql_pos_exp.substring(13);
sql_pos_exp = "%." + sql_pos_exp;
firstStepIsDescendantAxis = true;
sql_pos_exp = sql_pos_exp.substring(1);
sql_pos_exp = "." + sql_pos_exp;
sql_pos_exp = sql_pos_exp.replaceAll("//", "#%.");
sql_pos_exp = sql_pos_exp.replaceAll("/descendant::", "#%.");
sql_pos_exp = sql_pos_exp.replaceAll("/", "#.");
sql_pos_exp = sql_pos_exp + "#";

System.out.println("sql_pos_exp = "+sql_pos_exp); // debug purpose --> delete later

String sql_exp = sql_pos_exp;
while (sql_exp.indexOf('[') != -1)
int start_pos = sql_exp.indexOf('[');
int end_pos = sql_exp.indexOf(']');
sql_exp = sql_exp.substring(0,start_pos) + sql_exp.substring(end_pos+1);

System.out.println("sql_exp = "+sql_exp); //debug purpose --> delete later

element = sql_exp.split("%");
pos_ele = sql_pos_exp.split("%");

n = element.length;

if (firstStepIsDescendantAxis)
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
element[i] = element[i+1];
pos_ele[i] = pos_ele[i+1];

int refLevel = 0;

for (int i=0; i<element[n-1].length();i++)
if (element[n-1].charAt(i)=='.') refLevel++;

//debug purpose --> delete later
for (int i =0; i<n; i++)
System.out.println("element["+i+"] = "+element[i]);

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
System.out.println("element["+i+"] = "+element[i]);
System.out.println("pos_ele["+i+"] = "+pos_ele[i]);
}// debug purpose --. delete later

p = new int[n];
start_from = new int[n];

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
p[i] = 0;
start_from[i] = 0;

//num = 0;

String sqlquery = "";
Statement stmt = _dbConnection.createStatement();

stmt.executeUpdate("delete from Pos");
stmt.executeUpdate("delete from Temp");

ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("Select count(Level) as Height from DocumentRValue");
height = rs.getInt("Height") + 1;

System.out.println("Height = "+height); // debug purpose --> delete later

String PVPathId = "0";

sqlquery = "select PathId from Path where PathExp like '"+sql_exp+"%' and PathExp like '%@%'";
ResultSet ars = stmt.executeQuery(sqlquery);
String AttributePathId = "0";
while( {
int _attrPathId = ars.getInt("PathId");
AttributePathId = AttributePathId + ", " + _attrPathId;

sqlquery = "Select PathId, PathExp from Path where PathExp like '"+sql_exp+"%' and PathExp not like '%@%'";

ResultSet results = stmt.executeQuery(sqlquery);

_pathId = results.getInt("PathId");
PVPathId = PVPathId + ", " + _pathId;
_pathExp = results.getString("PathExp");

System.out.println("_pathId = "+_pathId); //debug purpose --> delte later
System.out.println("_pathExp = "+_pathExp); // debug purpose --> delete later

System.out.println("firstStepIsDescendantAxis = "+firstStepIsDescendantAxis); //debug purpose --> delete later

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
p[i] = 0;
start_from[i] = 0;

if (recursive == false) {
else {
if (firstStepIsDescendantAxis) InfoFill(0);


//num++; not increase value of num here

if (recursive == false) {
sqlquery = "With V (LeafValue, PathId, BranchOrder, " +
"DeweyOrderSum, DocId, LeafOrder" +
")" + "As(\n" +
"Select V1.LeafValue, V1.PathId, " +
"V1.BranchOrder, V1.DeweyOrderSum, " +
"V1.DocId, V1.LeafOrder\n " +
"From dbo.Temp T, dbo.PathValue V1\n" +
"Where V1.PathId in (" + PVPathId + ")\n" +
"And V1.PathId = T.PathId\n ";

for (int i=1; i<=height; i++)
sqlquery += "and dbo.Child(V1.SiblingSum,"+i+",T.["+i+"])=1\n";
sqlquery += ")\n" +
"Select V.*, 1 As Attr\n" +
"From V\n" +
"Union All\n" +
"Select A.LeafValue, A.PathId, " +
"V.BranchOrder, V.DeweyOrderSum, " +
"A.DocId, A.LeafOrder, 0 As Attr\n" +
"From Attribute A, V\n" +
"Where A.docId = V.DocId\n" +
"And A.LeafOrder = V.LeafOrder\n" +
"And A.PathId in (" + AttributePathId + ")\n" +
"Order By DeweyOrderSum, Attr\n" +
"Option (force order)";
else {
sqlquery = "With V (LeafValue, PathId, BranchOrder, " +
"DeweyOrderSum, DocId, LeafOrder, " +
"refLevel)" + "As(\n" +
"Select V1.LeafValue, V1.PathId, " +
"V1.BranchOrder, V1.DeweyOrderSum, " +
"V1.DocId, V1.LeafOrder, " +
"(P.Position + " + refLevel + ") as refLevel\n" +
"From dbo.Temp T, dbo.Pos P, dbo.PathValue V1\n" +
"Where V1.PathId in (" + PVPathId + ")\n" +
"And V1.PathId = T.PathId " +
"And P.PathId = T.PathId\n" +
"And T.SubtreeId = P.SubtreeId\n" +
"And P.PartId = "+n+"\n";

for (int i=1; i<=height; i++)
sqlquery += "and dbo.Child(V1.SiblingSum,"+i+",T.["+i+"])=1\n";
sqlquery += ")\n" +
"Select V.*, 1 As Attr\n" +
"From V\n" +
"Union All\n" +
"Select A.LeafValue, A.PathId, " +
"V.BranchOrder, V.DeweyOrderSum, " +
"A.DocId, A.LeafOrder, V.refLevel, 0 As Attr\n" +
"From Attribute A, V\n" +
"Where A.docId = V.DocId\n" +
"And A.LeafOrder = V.LeafOrder\n" +
"And A.PathId in (" + AttributePathId + ")\n" +
"Order By refLevel, DeweyOrderSum, Attr\n" +
"Option (force order)";


return sqlquery;
catch (Exception ex)
//JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,ex.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

return "ERROR";

} // end of else for _xPath contains child/descendant/ancestor axes with position predicate
} // end of modification by HANH

else {
if (!_xPath.contains("::") && !_xPath.contains("[") && !_xPath.contains("]")) {
SimpleXPathTranslator xpathtranslator = new SimpleXPathTranslator(_dbConnection, _xPath);
String _SQL = xpathtranslator.getTranslatedSQL(_showPath);

if (_SQL.equals("ERROR")) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("\"" + _xPath + "\" does not exist");
} else {
if (_useTemp) {
_SQL = rewriteSQLUsingTempTable(_SQL, false);
return _SQL;
/* ------------------------------------------------
Added by Clement Ng Zhifeng 12-Feb-2008
To translate simple closest axis XPath
E.g: /a/b/c/closest::d
------------------------------------------------- */
if ((_xPath.contains("closest::")) && (!_xPath.contains("[") && !_xPath.contains("]"))) {
SimpleClosestTranslator simpleclosest = new SimpleClosestTranslator(_dbConnection, _xPath);
String _SQL = simpleclosest.getTranslatedSQL(_showPath);

if (_SQL.endsWith("ERROR")) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("\"" + _xPath + "\" does not exist");
} else {
return _SQL;
if (((_xPath.contains("closest::"))) && (_xPath.contains("[")) && (_xPath.contains("]"))) {
String tempPath = "";
String tempPath1 = "";
int tempCount = 0, a = 0;
String positionPred = "";
tempCount = _xPath.lastIndexOf("/");
//in this case only can handle position predicate at the root's direct child
if (_xPath.charAt(0) == '/') {
tempPath1 = _xPath.substring(1, tempCount);
a = tempPath1.indexOf("/");
tempPath1 = _xPath.substring(a+1, tempCount);
System.out.println("tempPath1 is now " + tempPath1);
positionPred = tempPath1.substring(tempPath1.indexOf("[") + 1, tempPath1.indexOf("]") );
if (_xPath.contains("position()")) {
int g = tempPath1.indexOf("=") + 1;
System.out.println("g is " + g);
String temp1 = tempPath1.substring(tempPath1.indexOf("=") + 1, tempPath1.indexOf("]") );
System.out.println("temp1 now = " + temp1);
String lowerBound = temp1.substring(0, temp1.indexOf("t") );
String upperBound = temp1.substring(temp1.indexOf("o") + 1, temp1.length());
//int tmp = Integer.parseInt(lowerBound) - 1;
//lowerBound = Integer.toString(tmp);
System.out.println("lowerbound is " + lowerBound);
System.out.println("upperbound is " + upperBound);
SimpleClosestPositionPredicateTranslator scppt2 = new SimpleClosestPositionPredicateTranslator(_dbConnection, _xPath, lowerBound.trim(), upperBound.trim());
String _SQL = scppt2.getTranslatedSQL(_showPath);
if (_SQL.endsWith("ERROR")) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("\"" + _xPath + "\" does not exist");
} else {
return _SQL;
} else {
System.out.println("Position Predicate is " + positionPred);
SimpleClosestPositionPredicateTranslator scppt = new SimpleClosestPositionPredicateTranslator(_dbConnection, _xPath, positionPred, "@");
String _SQL = scppt.getTranslatedSQL(_showPath);

if (_SQL.endsWith("ERROR")) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("\"" + _xPath + "\" does not exist");
} else {
return _SQL;
} else {
System.out.println("Position Predicate is not at the correct place");

tempPath = _xPath.substring(0, tempCount);
tempCount = tempPath.lastIndexOf("/");
tempPath = tempPath.substring(0, tempCount);
//if (tempPath.lastIndexOf("]") == tempPath.length()-1){
// positionPred = tempPath.substring(tempPath.indexOf("[") + 1, tempPath.indexOf("]") );
// System.out.println("Position Predicate is " + positionPred);
// System.out.println("tempPath is " + tempPath);
//continue here with the Translation of the XPath with simple position predicate
// SimpleClosestPositionPredicateTranslator scppt = new SimpleClosestPositionPredicateTranslator(_dbConnection, _xPath, positionPred);
// String _SQL = scppt.getTranslatedSQL(_showPath);

// if (_SQL.endsWith("ERROR")) {
// throw new NoSuchPathException("\"" + _xPath + "\" does not exist");
// } else {
// return _SQL;
// }
//} else {
// System.out.println("Position Predicate is not at the correct place");
/* ------------------------------------------------
* end of add by Clement Ng Zhifeng
/* ------------------------------------------------
/* ------------------------------------------------
Added by Erwin 22-Oct-2007
To split the XPath based on steps
For example:
- /a/b[title='TCP/IP']/c will be split into
- ("", "a","b[title='TCP/IP']","c")
Remark: This replaces Klarinda's code
------------------------------------------------- */

int bracketCounter = 0;
int prevPos = 0;
ArrayList tempresult = new ArrayList();
boolean quote = false;
boolean doublequote = false;
boolean stringliteral = false;
for (int i = 0; i < _xPath.length(); i++) {
if (!stringliteral) {
if (_xPath.charAt(i) == '\'') {
quote = true;
stringliteral = true;
} else if (_xPath.charAt(i) == '"') {
doublequote = true;
stringliteral = true;
} else {
if (quote && _xPath.charAt(i) == '\'') {
quote = false;
stringliteral = false;
} else if (doublequote && _xPath.charAt(i) == '"') {
doublequote = false;
stringliteral = false;
if ((_xPath.charAt(i) == '"') && (!stringliteral)) {
quote = true;
if ((_xPath.charAt(i) == '[') && (!stringliteral)) {
} else if ((_xPath.charAt(i) == ']') && (!stringliteral)) {

if ((_xPath.charAt(i) == '/') && (bracketCounter == 0)) {
tempresult.add(_xPath.substring(prevPos, i));
prevPos = i + 1;
String[] result = (String[]) tempresult.toArray(new String[tempresult.size()]);

if (_xPath.contains("ancestor::") || _xPath.contains("descendant::") || _xPath.contains("ancestor-or-self::") || _xPath.contains("descendant-or-self::")) {
System.out.println("Translator.translate() HARDCODE");
_ishardcode = false;
_whereSQL.sethardcode(_ishardcode, _dbConnection);
} else if (_singleDoc) {
// added by erwin 2007-07-06
System.out.println("Translator.translate() HARDCODE");
_ishardcode = true;
_whereSQL.sethardcode(_ishardcode, _dbConnection);
_isNewQuery = true;
_isFirstPredicate = true;
for (int x = 1; x < result.length; x++) {
result[x] = result[x].trim(); // trim leading and trailing space
//System.out.println("\n\nTranslator.translate(), result[" + x + "] = " + result[x]); // klarinda 20060629
pathString = result; // added by wang geng
stepIndex = x; // added by wang geng
if (x == result.length - 1) {
// if the last step
processStep(result[x], false, true);
_depth = _currentPath.getLevel();
_lastElement = result[x];
} else {
// if not the last step
processStep(result[x], false, false);

// join with Path table to obtain paths
if (_showPath) {
String _SQL = _whereSQL.get();

if (_useTemp) {
_SQL = rewriteSQLUsingTempTable(_SQL, _whereSQL.getTables() == 1 ? true : false);

if (_isWriteSQLToFile) {
try {
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("c:/SQL-Query.sql", true));
out.write("XPath = " + _xPath + "\n\r");
out.write("SQL Query\n\r");
out.write(_SQL + "\n\r");
} catch (IOException e) {
return _SQL;

//added by Hanh
public void InfoFill_NoPredicate(int i)
System.out.println("call InfoFill_NoPredicate(_pathExp,i)");
System.out.println("_pathExp = "+_pathExp);
System.out.println("i = "+i); // debug purpose --> delete later
System.out.println("n = "+n);

//if(i >= n) return; //stop recursive

if (i>0 && i<n) start_from[i] = p[i-1] + element[i-1].length();
System.out.println("start_from["+i+"] = "+start_from[i]); // debug purpose --> delete later

while ((start_from[i]<_pathExp.length())&&( _pathExp.indexOf(element[i],start_from[i]) > -1) && (i<=n-1))
System.out.println("inside while loop");
p[i] = _pathExp.indexOf(element[i],start_from[i]);
System.out.println("p["+i+"] = "+p[i]);
if (i==(n-1))
start_from[i] = p[i] + element[i].length();
start_from[i] = p[i] + element[i].length();



//added by Hanh
public void Fill_NoPredicate()
System.out.println("Fill_NoPredicate is called");
System.out.println("subtreeId = "+subtreeId);

for (int i=0; i< n; i++)
Pos[0] = _pathId;
System.out.println("Pos[0] = "+Pos[0]);
Pos[1] = subtreeId;
System.out.println("Pos[1] = "+Pos[1]);
Pos[2] = i+1;
System.out.println("i + 1 = "+(i+1));
System.out.println("Pos[2] = "+Pos[2]);
if (p[i] == 0) Pos[3] = 1;
int level = 0;
for (int j=0; j<p[i]; j++)
if(_pathExp.charAt(j)=='.') level++;
Pos[3] = level;
System.out.println("Pos[3] = "+Pos[3]);
String sqlquery = "";
Statement stmt = _dbConnection.createStatement();
sqlquery = "Insert into Pos values(";
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
sqlquery = sqlquery + Pos[k] + ",";
sqlquery += Pos[3]+ ")";

catch (Exception ex)
//JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,ex.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);


//added by Hanh
public void InfoFill(int i)
System.out.println("call InfoFill(_pathExp,i)");
System.out.println("_pathExp = "+_pathExp);
System.out.println("i = "+i); // debug purpose --> delete later
System.out.println("n = "+n);

if (i>0 && i<n) start_from[i] = p[i-1] + element[i-1].length();
System.out.println("start_from["+i+"] = "+start_from[i]); // debug purpose --> delete later

while ((start_from[i]<_pathExp.length()) && (_pathExp.indexOf(element[i],start_from[i]) > -1) && (i<= n-1))
p[i] = _pathExp.indexOf(element[i],start_from[i]);
if (i==n-1)
start_from[i] = p[i] + element[i].length();
start_from[i] = p[i] + element[i].length();



//addded by Hanh
public void Fill()
System.out.println("Call Fill(_pathExp)"); //debug purpose -->delete later
for (int i=1; i<=height+1; i++)
Info[i] = 0;

Info[0] = _pathId;
Info[1] = subtreeId;

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
Pos[0] = _pathId;
Pos[1] = subtreeId;
Pos[2] = i+1;

int pos_open = 0;
int pos_close = 0;

System.out.println("pos_ele["+i+"] = " + pos_ele[i]); // debug purpose --> delete later
pos_open = pos_ele[i].indexOf('[',pos_close);
pos_close = pos_ele[i].indexOf(']',pos_open);

int level = 0;
if (p[i] == 0) level = 1;
for (int j=0; j< p[i]; j++)
if (_pathExp.charAt(j)=='.') level++;

Pos[3] = level;

String sqlquery = "";
System.out.println("Try to insert into Pos");
Statement stmt = _dbConnection.createStatement();

sqlquery = "Insert into Pos values(";
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
sqlquery = sqlquery + Pos[k] + ",";
sqlquery += Pos[3]+ ")";


catch (Exception ex)
//JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,ex.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

while (pos_open != -1)
System.out.println("now part "+i+" is tested");
System.out.println("pos_open = " + pos_open); //debug purpose --> delete later
String str = pos_ele[i].substring(pos_open+1,pos_close);
int pos = Integer.parseInt(str);

int count = 0;
for(int j=0; j<pos_open; j++)
if (pos_ele[i].charAt(j)=='.') count++;
int lv = level + count - 1;
if (lv == 1 && pos == 1) Info[lv+1] = 0;
else Info[lv+1] = pos;

pos_open = pos_ele[i].indexOf('[',pos_close);
pos_close = pos_ele[i].indexOf(']',pos_open);

//debug purpose ---> delete later
for (int k = 0; k< height+2; k++)
System.out.print("Temp["+k+"] = "+Info[k]+" ");


String sqlquery = "";
System.out.println("Try to insert into Temp");
Statement stmt = _dbConnection.createStatement();

sqlquery = "Insert into Temp values(";
for (int k=0; k<11; k++) //change 11 to height+1 later
sqlquery += Info[k] + ",";
sqlquery += Info[11] + ")";


catch (Exception ex)
//JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,ex.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

for (int i=0; i<=height; i++)
} //debug purpose --> delete later


// added by Hanh
public void fillTemp() {
System.out.println("Call Fill(_pathExp)"); //debug purpose -->delete later
for (int i=1; i<=height+1; i++)
Info[i] = 0;

Info[0] = _pathId;
Info[1] = subtreeId;

int pos_open =0;
int pos_close = 0;
int level = 0;

for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
pos_open = pos_ele[i].indexOf('[',pos_close);
if (pos_open != -1) {
level = 0;
System.out.println("[][]][][][][]][][][][]pos of element "+i+" is "+_pathExp.indexOf(element[i],0));
for (int j=0; j<_pathExp.indexOf(element[i],0); j++)
if (_pathExp.charAt(j) == '.') level++;
System.out.println("[][][[][][][][][][][][]level is "+level);
while (pos_open != -1) {
pos_close = pos_ele[i].indexOf(']', pos_close);
String str = pos_ele[i].substring(pos_open+1, pos_close);
int pos = Integer.parseInt(str);

int count = 0;
for(int j=0; j<pos_open; j++)
if (pos_ele[i].charAt(j)=='.') count++;
int lv = level + count;
if (lv == 1 && pos == 1) Info[lv+1] = 0;
else Info[lv+1] = pos;

pos_open = pos_ele[i].indexOf('[',pos_close);

String sqlquery = "";
System.out.println("Try to insert into Temp");
Statement stmt = _dbConnection.createStatement();

sqlquery = "Insert into Temp values(";
for (int k=0; k<11; k++) //change 11 to height+1 later
sqlquery += Info[k] + ",";
sqlquery += Info[11] + ")";


catch (Exception ex)
//JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,ex.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);

for (int i=0; i<=height; i++)
} //debug purpose --> delete later


// added by erwin

//added by john start
@SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
public String translateOperand(boolean byIdentity, int comparison) throws NoSuchPathException {
/* ------------------------------------------------
Added by Erwin 2007-Sep-04
To rewrite some XPath
- /a/b[position()>=1] is equal to /a/b
- /a/b[position()<=last()] is equal to /a/b
------------------------------------------------- */
if (_xPath.contains("[position()>=1]")) {
_xPath = _xPath.replace("[position()>=1]", "");
} else if (_xPath.contains("[position()<=last()]")) {
_xPath = _xPath.replace("[position()<=last()]", "");

/* ------------------------------------------------
Added by Erwin 25-Jul-2007
To translate simple XPath
E.g: /a/b/c/d, /a/(star)/c/d, /a/b/c/@d, //a/b/c, /a//b/(star)/c, /a//b/(star)/@c, //a/@*, /a/(star)/c/@*
------------------------------------------------- */

//if it is just a simple XPath
if (!_xPath.contains("::") && !_xPath.contains("[") && !_xPath.contains("]")) {
SimpleXPathTranslator xpathtranslator = new SimpleXPathTranslator(_dbConnection, _xPath);
String _SQL = xpathtranslator.getOperandSQL(byIdentity, comparison);
if (_SQL.equals("ERROR")) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("\"" + _xPath + "\" does not exist");
} else {
//if XPath does not contain attribute, get attribute path
return _SQL;

/* ------------------------------------------------
Added by Erwin 22-Oct-2007
To split the XPath based on steps
For example:
- /a/b[title='TCP/IP']/c will be split into
- ("", "a","b[title='TCP/IP']","c")
Remark: This replaces Klarinda's code
------------------------------------------------- */

int bracketCounter = 0;
int prevPos = 0;
ArrayList tempresult = new ArrayList();
boolean quote = false;
boolean doublequote = false;
boolean stringliteral = false;
for (int i = 0; i < _xPath.length(); i++) {
if (!stringliteral) {
if (_xPath.charAt(i) == '\'') {
quote = true;
stringliteral = true;
} else if (_xPath.charAt(i) == '"') {
doublequote = true;
stringliteral = true;
} else {
if (quote && _xPath.charAt(i) == '\'') {
quote = false;
stringliteral = false;
} else if (doublequote && _xPath.charAt(i) == '"') {
doublequote = false;
stringliteral = false;
if ((_xPath.charAt(i) == '"') && (!stringliteral)) {
quote = true;
if ((_xPath.charAt(i) == '[') && (!stringliteral)) {
} else if ((_xPath.charAt(i) == ']') && (!stringliteral)) {

if ((_xPath.charAt(i) == '/') && (bracketCounter == 0)) {
tempresult.add(_xPath.substring(prevPos, i));
System.out.println(_xPath.substring(prevPos, i));
prevPos = i + 1;
String[] result = (String[]) tempresult.toArray(new String [tempresult.size ()]);

// klarinda 20070426 for hardcode rvalue
// if (result[0].trim().equals("HARDCODE")) { --> what is it?
// added by erwin 2007-09-04
// if there is ancestor/descendant axes, set _isharcode = false;
if (_xPath.contains("ancestor::") || _xPath.contains("descendant::") || _xPath.contains("ancestor-or-self::") || _xPath.contains("descendant-or-self::")) {
System.out.println("Translator.translate() HARDCODE");
_ishardcode = false;
_whereSQL.sethardcode(_ishardcode, _dbConnection);
} else if (_singleDoc) {
// added by erwin 2007-07-06
System.out.println("Translator.translate() HARDCODE");
_ishardcode = true;
_whereSQL.sethardcode(_ishardcode, _dbConnection);
_isNewQuery = true;
_isFirstPredicate = true;
for (int x = 1; x < result.length; x++) {
result[x] = result[x].trim(); // trim leading and trailing space
//System.out.println("\n\nTranslator.translate(), result[" + x + "] = " + result[x]); // klarinda 20060629
pathString = result; // added by wang geng
stepIndex = x; // added by wang geng
if (x == result.length - 1) {
// if the last step
processStep(result[x], false, true);
_depth = _currentPath.getLevel();
_lastElement = result[x];
} else {
// if not the last step
processStep(result[x], false, false);

// join with Path table to obtain paths
if (_showPath) {

return _whereSQL.getRightOperand(_currentPath.isLeafNode(), comparison);
return _whereSQL.getLeftOperand();

//process comparison between 2 operators
public String processComparison(String[] operands, int comparison) throws NoSuchPathException
_xPath = operands[0].trim();
String leftOperand = translateOperand(false, comparison);
Translator rightTranslator = new Translator(operands[1].trim(), _dbConnection, _singleDoc, _showPath, _useTemp);
String rightOperand, compareSQL;
//check whether rightOperand contains the following operators: is, precede
if(comparison == Constant.IS_OPERATOR)
rightOperand = rightTranslator.translateOperand(true, comparison);
compareSQL =, rightOperand, rightTranslator._whereSQL);
else if(comparison == Constant.PRECEDE_OPERATOR)
rightOperand = rightTranslator.translateOperand(true, comparison);
compareSQL = _whereSQL.precede(leftOperand, rightOperand, rightTranslator._whereSQL);
//if it is not is and precede operator implies it is follow operator
//rightOperand = rightTranslator.translateOperand(true, _whereSQL.getOnlyReturnAttribute(), comparison);
rightOperand = rightTranslator.translateOperand(true, comparison);
compareSQL = _whereSQL.follow(leftOperand, rightOperand, rightTranslator._whereSQL);
if (_useTemp)
compareSQL = rewriteSQLUsingTempTable(compareSQL, false);

return compareSQL;
//added by john end

private String rewriteSQLUsingTempTable(String input, boolean isSingleTable) {
String _NewSQL = "";

_NewSQL = input;

if (input.contains("FROM Attribute A, V") && input.contains("UNION ALL")) {
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace("WITH V", "INSERT INTO PVTemp");
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace("AS (", "");
if (isSingleTable) {
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace(") SELECT", "; \n SELECT");
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace(") SELECT", "; \n SELECT");
} else {
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace(") SELECT", "OPTION (FORCE ORDER); \n SELECT");
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace(") SELECT", "OPTION (FORCE ORDER); \n SELECT");
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace("FROM V", "FROM PVTemp V");
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace("FROM Attribute A, V", "FROM Attribute A, PVTemp V");
} else if (input.contains("FROM V, Attribute A") && input.contains("UNION ALL")) {
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace("WITH V", "INSERT INTO PVTemp");
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace("AS (", "");
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace(") SELECT", "; \n SELECT");
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace(") SELECT", "; \n SELECT");
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace("FROM V", "FROM PVTemp V");
_NewSQL = _NewSQL.replace("FROM Attribute A, V", "FROM Attribute A, PVTemp V");

return _NewSQL;

// added by LTM
public int getDepth() {
return _depth;

// added by LTM
public String getLastElement() {
return _lastElement;

// klarinda 20061206
// given an XPath step, return the Step class (Step class contains the
// summary for each step)
// this class contains some string manipulation
// ideally W3C XPath Parser should be used
private Step getStep(String splice) throws NoSuchPathException {
String axis;
String nameTest = null;
String predicates = null;
String[] predicate = {" "};
String[] equalityOperator = null;
String[] equality = null;
boolean hasPredicate = false;
boolean[] hasEquality = {false};

// split axis and predicate
String[] parts = splice.split("::");

// axis default?
if (parts.length == 1) {
// klarinda 20061103 add if @ -> attribute
if (parts[0].length() == 0) {

axis = "descendant";
} else if (parts[0].charAt(0) == '@') {
axis = "attribute";
} else {
axis = "child";
predicates = parts[0];
} else if (parts.length == 2) {
axis = parts[0];
predicates = parts[1];
} else {
throw new NoSuchPathException("Too many axis, axis undetermined");

// split predicate into nameTest and position based predicate(if any)
int x = predicates.indexOf("[");
int y = predicates.lastIndexOf("]");
String[] parts2 = null;
if (x >= 0) {
parts2 = new String[2];
parts2[0] = predicates.substring(0, x);
parts2[1] = predicates.substring(x + 1, y);
} else {
parts2 = new String[1];
parts2[0] = predicates;

//String[] parts2 = predicates.split("[\\[\\]]");
for (int k = 0; k < parts2.length; k++) {
// klarinda 20060629
parts2[k] = parts2[k].trim();

// klarinda 20061122 string manipulation to separate based on "and",
// "or", "(", or ")"
// for example, the predicate: [title="abc" and ( ( publisher='xyz' and
// price>400) or position()= 2 to 4 )]
// i and or ( "expr" )
// 0 false false 0 "title="abc"" 0
// 1 true false 2 "publisher='xyz'" 0
// 2 true false 0 "price>400" 1
// 3 false true 0 "position()= 2 to 4" 1
String[] expr = new String[20]; // assume 20 is max
int[] noOfOpenParenthesis = new int[20];
int[] noOfCloseParenthesis = new int[20];
boolean[] andExpr = new boolean[20];
boolean[] orExpr = new boolean[20];

int state = 1;
int pos = 0;
int begin = pos;
int exprIndex = 0;
boolean quote = false;
boolean doublequote = false;
boolean stringliteral = false;
boolean functioncall = false;
String pred = "";

if (parts2.length == 2) {
// changed by erwin
pred = parts2[1];
} else if (parts2.length > 2) {
for (int i = parts2.length - 2; i > 1; i--) {
while (pos < pred.length()) {
if (state == 1) {
if (pred.charAt(pos) == ' ') {
} else if (pred.charAt(pos) == '(') {
} else {
state++; // go to the next state
quote = false;
doublequote = false; // initialization for the next state
stringliteral = false;
functioncall = false;
begin = pos;
pos--; // need to minus because the pos will be incremented
} else if (state == 2) {
if (!stringliteral) {
if (pred.charAt(pos) == '\'') {
quote = true;
stringliteral = true;
} else if (pred.charAt(pos) == '"') {
doublequote = true;
stringliteral = true;
} else if (pred.charAt(pos) == '(') {
functioncall = true;
} else if (pred.charAt(pos) == ')' && functioncall) {
functioncall = false;
} else if (pred.charAt(pos) == ')' && !functioncall) {
expr[exprIndex] = pred.substring(begin, pos).trim();
} else if (pos == pred.length() - 1) {
expr[exprIndex] = pred.substring(begin, pos + 1).trim();
} else if (pos + 5 < pred.length() && pred.substring(pos, pos + 5).compareTo(" and ") == 0) {
expr[exprIndex] = pred.substring(begin, pos).trim();
andExpr[exprIndex] = true;
pos = pos + 4;
state = 1;
} else if (pos + 4 < pred.length() && pred.substring(pos, pos + 4).compareTo(" or ") == 0) {
expr[exprIndex] = pred.substring(begin, pos).trim();
orExpr[exprIndex] = true;
pos = pos + 3;
state = 1;
} else {
if (quote && pred.charAt(pos) == '\'') {
quote = false;
stringliteral = false;
if (pos == pred.length() - 1) {
expr[exprIndex] = pred.substring(begin, pos + 1).trim();
} else if (doublequote && pred.charAt(pos) == '"') {
doublequote = false;
stringliteral = false;
if (pos == pred.length() - 1) {
expr[exprIndex] = pred.substring(begin, pos + 1).trim();
} else if (state == 3) {
if (pred.charAt(pos) == ' ') {
} else if (pred.charAt(pos) == ')') {
noOfCloseParenthesis[exprIndex - 1]++;
} else {
state++; // go to the next state
} else if (state == 4) {
if (pred.substring(pos, pos + 3).compareTo("and") == 0) {
andExpr[exprIndex] = true;
} else if (pred.substring(pos, pos + 2).compareTo("or") == 0) {
orExpr[exprIndex] = true;
state = 1;
} else {
throw new NoSuchPathException("Invalid state!");

if (parts2.length == 1) {
nameTest = parts2[0];
String[] temp = {" "};
predicate = temp;
hasPredicate = false;
} else if (parts2.length == 2) {
// changed by erwin
nameTest = parts2[0];
// predicate = parts2[1];
hasPredicate = true;

if (exprIndex == 0 && parts2[1].endsWith("last()")) {
expr[0] = parts2[1];

// actually the name predicate supposed to be changed to expression.
// but there are too many parts need to be changed because of this.
// so i just keep the original
predicate = new String[exprIndex];
for (int i = 0; i < exprIndex; i++) {
predicate[i] = expr[i];
equality = new String[predicate.length];
hasEquality = new boolean[predicate.length];
equalityOperator = new String[predicate.length];
_isPositionPredicate = false;
for (int i = 0; i < predicate.length; i++) {
hasEquality[i] = false;
equalityOperator[i] = "";
equality[i] = "";

String[] equalityParts = predicate[i].split("!=");
if (equalityParts.length > 1) {
equalityOperator[i] = "!=";
predicate[i] = equalityParts[0];
equality[i] = equalityParts[1];
hasEquality[i] = true;
} else {
equalityParts = predicate[i].split("<=");
if (equalityParts.length > 1 && !hasEquality[i]) {
if (equalityParts[0].trim().equals("position()")) {
predicate[i] = equalityParts[1].trim();
equalityOperator[i] = "<=";
_isPositionPredicate = true;
equalityParts = predicate[i].split(">=");
} else {
equalityOperator[i] = "<=";
predicate[i] = equalityParts[0];
equality[i] = equalityParts[1];
hasEquality[i] = true;
} else {
equalityParts = predicate[i].split(">=");
if (equalityParts.length > 1 && !hasEquality[i]) {
if (equalityParts[0].trim().equals("position()")) {
predicate[i] = equalityParts[1].trim();
equalityOperator[i] = ">=";
_isPositionPredicate = true;
equalityParts = predicate[i].split("=");
} else {
equalityOperator[i] = ">=";
predicate[i] = equalityParts[0];
equality[i] = equalityParts[1];
hasEquality[i] = true;
} else {
equalityParts = predicate[i].split("=");
if (equalityParts.length > 1 && !hasEquality[i]) {
if (equalityParts[0].trim().equals("position()")) {
predicate[i] = equalityParts[1].trim();
// added by erwin
equalityParts = predicate[i].split("<");
_isPositionPredicate = true;
} else {
equalityOperator[i] = "=";
if (equalityParts.length > 2) {
equality[i] = equalityParts[equalityParts.length - 1];
predicate[i] = "";
for (int xx = equalityParts.length - 2; xx >= 0; xx--) {
if (xx != equalityParts.length - 2) {
predicate[i] = equalityOperator[i] + predicate[i];
predicate[i] = equalityParts[xx] + predicate[i];
} else {
predicate[i] = equalityParts[0];
equality[i] = equalityParts[1];

// SQL can't accept ", can only accept '
// SQL need to escape ', ex: Smith's --> Smith''s
String temp = equalityParts[equalityParts.length - 1].trim();
if (temp.charAt(0) == '\'' || temp.charAt(0) == '"') {
equality[i] = "'" + temp.substring(1, temp.length() - 1).replaceAll("'", "''") + "'";
} else {
equality[i] = temp;
hasEquality[i] = true;
} else {
equalityParts = predicate[i].split("<");
if (equalityParts.length > 1 && !hasEquality[i]) {
if (equalityParts[0].trim().equals("position()")) {
predicate[i] = equalityParts[1].trim();
_isPositionPredicate = true;
//hasEquality[i] = predicate[i].contains("last()") == true ? false : true;
equalityOperator[i] = "<";
equalityParts = predicate[i].split(">");
} else {
equalityOperator[i] = "<";
predicate[i] = equalityParts[0];
equality[i] = equalityParts[1];
hasEquality[i] = true;
} else {
equalityParts = predicate[i].split(">");
if (equalityParts.length > 1 && !hasEquality[i]) {
if (equalityParts[0].trim().equals("position()")) {
predicate[i] = equalityParts[1].trim();
_isPositionPredicate = true;
equalityOperator[i] = ">";
} else {
equalityOperator[i] = ">";
predicate[i] = equalityParts[0];
equality[i] = equalityParts[1];
hasEquality[i] = true;
} else if (equalityParts.length == 1 && equalityParts[0].equals(predicate[i]) && equalityOperator[i].length() == 0) {
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+ (TO) ([0-9])+");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(predicate[i].toUpperCase());
if (mat.matches()) {
} else if (predicate[i].contains("last()")) {
predicate[i] = equalityParts[0];
hasEquality[i] = false;
} else if (!isNumber(predicate[i])) {
equalityOperator[i] = "!!!";
predicate[i] = equalityParts[0];
hasEquality[i] = true;
predicate[i] = predicate[i].trim();

/* System.out.println("Translator.getStep(), createStep");
System.out.println(" axis : " + axis);
System.out.println(" nameTest : " + nameTest);
System.out.print(" predicate : ");
if (predicate != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < predicate.length; k++) {
System.out.print(predicate[k] + ", ");
System.out.print(" equality : ");
if (equality != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < equality.length; k++) {
System.out.print(equality[k] + ", ");
System.out.println(" hasPredicate : " + hasPredicate);
System.out.print(" hasEquality : ");
if (hasEquality != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < hasEquality.length; k++) {
System.out.print(hasEquality[k] + ", ");
System.out.print(" equalityOp : ");
if (equalityOperator != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < equalityOperator.length; k++) {
System.out.print(equalityOperator[k] + ", ");
System.out.print(" no of ( : ");
if (predicate != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < predicate.length; k++) {
System.out.print(noOfOpenParenthesis[k] + ", ");
System.out.print(" no of ) : ");
if (predicate != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < predicate.length; k++) {
System.out.print(noOfCloseParenthesis[k] + ", ");
System.out.print(" andExpr : ");
if (predicate != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < predicate.length; k++) {
System.out.print(andExpr[k] + ", ");
System.out.print(" or Expr : ");
if (predicate != null) {
for (int k = 0; k < predicate.length; k++) {
System.out.print(orExpr[k] + ", ");
Step step = new Step(axis, nameTest, predicate, equality, hasPredicate, hasEquality, equalityOperator, noOfOpenParenthesis, noOfCloseParenthesis, andExpr, orExpr);
return step;

* process each step first step: processStep(result[x],true,false); -->
* always ignore 1st step others : processStep(result[x],false,false); last
* step : processStep(result[x],false,true);
void processStep(String splice, boolean first, boolean last) throws NoSuchPathException {
// added by erwin to handle /a/b[x=1][y=2]
if (splice.contains("][")) {
String[] temp = splice.split("[\\[\\]]");
String newPred = "[";
for (int i = 1; i < temp.length; i += 2) {
//checks predicate pattern
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(\\[(position\\(\\)(>|<|(<=)|(>=)|=))?(([0-9])+( (to) ([0-9])+)?|(last\\(\\))((-)([0-9])+)?)\\])");
Matcher m = p.matcher("[" + temp[i] + "]");
//if pattern matches, gets the split predicate,
//else return normal predicate [x=1][y=2] ie no splitting done
if (m.matches()) {
if (newPred.length() == 1) {
newPred += temp[i] + "]";
} else {
newPred += "][" + temp[i];
} else {
if (newPred.length() == 1) {
newPred += temp[i];
} else {
newPred += " and " + temp[i];
newPred += "]";
splice = temp[0] + newPred;

Step step = getStep(splice); // 20061206 separate the string manipulation part to another function
if ((step.getAxis().compareTo("child") == 0) && (step.hasPredicate() == false)) {
_currentPath.add(step.getNameTest(), "child");
_updated = true;
} else if (step.getAxis().compareTo("self") == 0) {
if (_whereSQL.getTables() == 0) {
String lastStep = _currentPath.getLastStep();
String inpath = "";
String inpathAttr = "";

// wild card needs to return the principal node kind of the step
// axis
// For example, child::* will select all element children of the
// context node (doesn't include attribute or text node)
// node() matches any node
// child::node() selects all the children of the context node; no
// attribute nodes are returned, b'cos attributes are not children
if (lastStep.compareTo("*") == 0) {
inpath = _currentPath.getPathExcludeAttrText(false);
inpathAttr = _currentPath.getPathExcludeAttrText(true);
} else if (lastStep.compareTo("node()") == 0) {
inpath = _currentPath.getPathExcludeAttr(false);
inpathAttr = _currentPath.getPathExcludeAttr(true);
} else {
inpath = _currentPath.getPath(false);
inpathAttr = _currentPath.getPath(true);

if (inpath.equals("()")) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("The path does not exist");
_whereSQL.add("VK.PathID IN " + inpath, false);
_whereSQL.setAttributePath(inpathAttr); // klarinda 20060908
// (separate Attribute table)
if (step.hasPredicate() == false) {
_updated = true;
} else {
_currentPath.removeLast(); // klarinda 20061208
_currentPath.add(step.getNameTest()); // klarinda 20061208
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel()); // klarinda 20061208
// (because the newRV from processPredicate is removed)
} else if (step.getAxis().compareTo("attribute") == 0) {
if (!last) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("Attribute axis should be the last step");
String inpathAttr = _currentPath.getPath(true);
_updated = false;
} else {
// To check if there is position predicate
// added by E.L 22-Oct-2007
boolean _curStepHasEquality = true;
boolean[] temp = step.hasEquality();
for (int x = 0; x < temp.length; x++) {
if (!temp[x]) {
_curStepHasEquality = false;

// update to SQL
if (_updated == true && _currentPath.getLevel() > 1 && !_curStepHasEquality) {
if (_whereSQL.getTables() == 0) {
String inpath = "";
String inpathAttr = "";

inpath = _currentPath.getPath(false);
inpathAttr = _currentPath.getPath(true);

if (inpath.equals("()")) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("The path does not exist");
_whereSQL.add("VK.PathID IN " + inpath, false);
_whereSQL.setAttributePath(inpathAttr); // klarinda 20060908
_updated = false;

if (_currentPath.getLevel() > 1 && !_curStepHasEquality) {
if (_whereSQL.getTables() == 0) {
_whereSQL.newTable(); // } fix added by LTM
int j = _currentPath.getLevel();
if (_currentPath.getPathString().indexOf("%") < 0) {
// for descendant step, BranchOrder can not be determined
// ---Wang Geng
_whereSQL.add("VK.BranchOrder < " + j, false); // to get the
// context nodes (represented by 1st desc leaf node)

// process axis
// process predicate
if (step.hasPredicate()) {
_isFirstPredicate = false;

if (step.getAxis().compareTo("attribute") == 0) {
if (!last) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("Attribute axis should be the last step");
_updated = false;

// last step finalization (update path to SQL if not updated)
if (last && _updated == true) {
if (_whereSQL.getTables() == 0) {

String inpath = "";
String inpathAttr = "";

// wild card needs to return the principal node kind of the step axis
// For example, child::* will select all element children of the
// context node (doesn't include attribute or text node)
// node() matches any node
// child::node() selects all the children of the context node; no
// attribute nodes are returned, b'cos attributes are not children
if (step.getNameTest().compareTo("*") == 0) {
inpath = _currentPath.getPathExcludeAttrText(false);
inpathAttr = _currentPath.getPathExcludeAttrText(true);
} else if (step.getNameTest().compareTo("node()") == 0) {
inpath = _currentPath.getPathExcludeAttr(false);
inpathAttr = _currentPath.getPathExcludeAttr(true);
} else {
inpath = _currentPath.getPath(false);
inpathAttr = _currentPath.getPath(true);

if (inpath.equals("()")) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("The path does not exist");
_whereSQL.add("VK.PathID IN " + inpath, false);

void processChildAxis(Step step) {
//get current level of child element
int j = _currentPath.getLevel() - 1;
//if current level not root
if (_currentPath.getLevel() > 1) {
int noTables = _whereSQL.getTables();
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + 1);

if (_isFirstPredicate) {


// j will always be greater than zero
if (noTables > 0) {
if (j > 0) {
// theorem 1
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RL.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RL.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", false);
} else {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum >= 0", false);
} else {
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + 1);

// never reachable
if (_currentPath.getLevel() > 1) {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", false);
_currentPath.add(step.getNameTest()); // klarinda 20061205 (move inside if-else)

void processFollowingAxis(Step step) {
int j = _currentPath.getLevel();

if (step.getNameTest().compareTo("*") == 0 && step.getNameTest().compareTo("node()") == 0) {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum >= VL.DeweyOrderSum + 1 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", false);
} else {
int k = _currentPath.getQNameLevel_setCurrentPath(step.getNameTest()); // level from root to QName
if (k >= j) {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum >= VL.DeweyOrderSum + 1 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", false);
} else {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum >= VL.DeweyOrderSum + 1 * CAST(RL.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + "+ CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", false);

void processPrecedingAxis(Step step) {
int j = _currentPath.getLevel();
_currentPath.clearPath(); // klarinda 20060912 to facilitate nametest after fol / prec
_currentPath.add("*"); // klarinda 20060912 to facilitate nametest after fol / prec
if (step.getNameTest().compareTo("*") == 0 && step.getNameTest().compareTo("node()") == 0) {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum < VL.DeweyOrderSum ", false);
} else {
int k = _currentPath.getQNameLevel_setCurrentPath(step.getNameTest()); // level from root to QName
if (k >= j) {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum < VL.DeweyOrderSum ", false);
} else {
// since QName level (k) < context node level (j),
// so need to exclude the nodes which has common ancestor at
// QName level using theorem 1
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum < VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1 ", false);

void processFollowingSiblingAxis(Step step) {
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() - 1);
int j = _currentPath.getLevel() - 1;

if (j > 1 && _whereSQL.getTables() > 0) {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum + 2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1" + "\n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RL.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", false);
} else if (j < 1) {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum < 0", false);
} else {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum >= VL.DeweyOrderSum + 2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1", false);

void processPrecedingSiblingAxis(Step step) {
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() - 1);

int j = _currentPath.getLevel() - 1;

if (j > 1) {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RL.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + "\n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum - 1 ", false);
} else {
// klarinda 20060629 - add else
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum < VL.DeweyOrderSum ", false);

void processAxis(Step step) throws NoSuchPathException {
int type = step.getType();
if (type == Constant.CHILD) {
} else if (type == Constant.FOLLOWING) {
} else if (type == Constant.PRECEDING) {
} else if (type == Constant.FOLLOWING_SIBLING) {
} else if (type == Constant.PRECEDING_SIBLING) {
} else if (type == Constant.ATTRIBUTE) {

} else if (type == Constant.PARENT) {
// parent --> note implemented yet
if (step.getNameTest().compareTo("*") == 0 || step.getNameTest().compareTo("node()") == 0) {
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + 1);

if (_currentPath.getLevel() > 0) {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RL.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + "\n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RL.RValue as BIGINT) - 1", false);
} else {
throw new NoSuchPathException("Parent axis incorrect");
} else if (type == Constant.SELF) {

} else if (type == Constant.ANCESTOR || type == Constant.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF) {
// ancestor



_whereSQL.add("A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".AncestorId=" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex, false);

if (_whereSQL._ADMonitor == -1) {
// last AD step is ancestor
if (type == Constant.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF) {
_whereSQL.add("A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".Level<=A" + (_whereSQL._ancestorIndex - 1) + ".Level-2+" + _currentPath.getLevel(), false);
} else {
_whereSQL.add("A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".Level<A" + (_whereSQL._ancestorIndex - 1) + ".Level-2+" + _currentPath.getLevel(), false);
_whereSQL.add("VL.BranchOrder<A" + (_whereSQL._ancestorIndex - 1) + ".Level-2+" + _currentPath.getLevel(), false);
} else if (_whereSQL._ADMonitor == 1) {
// last AD step is
// descendant
if (type == Constant.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF) {
_whereSQL.add("A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".Level<=D" + (_whereSQL._descendantIndex) + ".Level+" + _currentPath.getLevel(), false);
} else {
_whereSQL.add("A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".Level<D" + (_whereSQL._descendantIndex) + ".Level+" + _currentPath.getLevel(), false);
_whereSQL.add("VL.BranchOrder<D" + (_whereSQL._descendantIndex) + ".Level+" + _currentPath.getLevel(), false);
} else {
// no ancestor or descendant before
if (type == Constant.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF) {
_whereSQL.add("A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".Level<=" + _currentPath.getLevel(), false);
} else {
_whereSQL.add("A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".Level<" + _currentPath.getLevel(), false);

_whereSQL.add("VK.PathID=A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".PathID", false);

_whereSQL.newRv("A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".level-1");

_whereSQL.add("VL.DeweyOrdersum<=(SELECT Min(VTmp.deweyordersum) from PathValue as VTmp where VTmp.PathId=VL.PathId AND VTmp.DocId=VL.DocId AND ABS(VTmp.DeweyOrderSum-dbo.getMinDeweyOrder(VL.DeweyOrderSum,RK.RValue,VL.DocId)) < CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT))", false);
_whereSQL.add("ABS(VK.DeweyOrderSum-dbo.getMinDeweyOrder(VL.DeweyOrderSum,RK.RValue,V2.DocId)) < CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT)", false);
if (_whereSQL._ADMonitor == -1) {
int tempIndex = _whereSQL._ancestorIndex - 1;
_whereSQL.newRv("A" + tempIndex + ".level-3+" + _currentPath.getLevel());

if (_whereSQL._ADMonitor == 1) {
_whereSQL.newRv("D" + _whereSQL._descendantIndex + ".level-1+" + _currentPath.getLevel());
if (_whereSQL._ADMonitor == 0) {
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + "-1");

_whereSQL.add("(ABS(VK.DeweyOrderSum-dbo.getMinDeweyOrder(VL.DeweyOrderSum,RK.RValue,V2.DocId)) > CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) OR ABS(VK.DeweyOrderSum-dbo.getMinDeweyOrder(VL.DeweyOrderSum,RK.RValue,V2.DocId)) < 3)", false);

try {
Statement statement = _dbConnection.createStatement();
Statement statement2 = _dbConnection.createStatement();
String sqlquery;
if (_isNewQuery) {
sqlquery = "TRUNCATE TABLE AncestorTemp ";
_isNewQuery = false;

if (_whereSQL._ancestorIndex == 1) {
sqlquery = "DELETE FROM AncestorTemp WHERE NOT Level<0";

String tempCurrentStepNameTest = "." + step.getNameTest() + "#";
while (stepIndex < pathString.length) {
Step tempStep = getStep(pathString[stepIndex]);
if (tempStep.hasPredicate() || tempStep.getType() != Constant.CHILD) {
tempCurrentStepNameTest = tempCurrentStepNameTest + "." + tempStep.getNameTest() + "#";

sqlquery = "SELECT PathExp,PathId FROM Path WHERE PATHEXP LIKE '%" + tempCurrentStepNameTest + "%'";
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(sqlquery);
int count;
while ( {
count = 0;
String pathExpTemp = results.getString("PathExp");

while (pathExpTemp.indexOf(tempCurrentStepNameTest) >= 0) {

String tempString = pathExpTemp;

pathExpTemp = pathExpTemp.substring(0, pathExpTemp.indexOf(tempCurrentStepNameTest)) + "." + step.getNameTest() + "#";

for (int i = 0; i < pathExpTemp.length(); i++) {
if (pathExpTemp.charAt(i) == '.') {

sqlquery = "INSERT INTO AncestorTemp (PathId,AncestorId,Level,AnceBranchOrd) VALUES (" + results.getString("PathId") + "," + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + "," + count + ",0)";
pathExpTemp = tempString.substring(pathExpTemp.length(), tempString.length());

sqlquery = "SELECT ALL P.PathId AS PathId,P.PathExp AS PathExp,A.Level AS Level FROM Path AS P,AncestorTemp AS A WHERE P.PathId=A.PathId AND A.AncestorId=" + (_whereSQL._ancestorIndex) + "ORDER BY P.PathId";
ResultSet resultPathExp = statement.executeQuery(sqlquery);;

String prePathExp = resultPathExp.getString("PathExp");
String currentPathExp;
while ( {
currentPathExp = resultPathExp.getString("PathExp");
String[] tempPathExp1 = prePathExp.split("\\.");
String[] tempPathExp2 = currentPathExp.split("\\.");
int i = 1;
while (i < tempPathExp1.length && tempPathExp1[i].trim().indexOf(tempPathExp2[i].trim()) == 0) {
sqlquery = "UPDATE AncestorTemp SET AnceBranchOrd=" + i + " WHERE AncestorId=" + (_whereSQL._ancestorIndex) + " AND PathId=" + resultPathExp.getString("PathId") + " AND Level=" + resultPathExp.getString("Level");
prePathExp = currentPathExp;

if (_whereSQL._ADMonitor == 1) {

_whereSQL.add("A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".Level>D" + (_whereSQL._descendantIndex) + ".DescBranchOrd", false);
if (_whereSQL._ADMonitor == -1) {

_whereSQL.add("A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".Level>A" + (_whereSQL._ancestorIndex - 1) + ".AnceBranchOrd", false);
} catch (Exception ex) {
_whereSQL._ADMonitor = -1;
} else if (type == Constant.ANCESTOR_OR_SELF) { // ancestor-or-self
} else if (type == Constant.DESCENDANT || type == Constant.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF) {
// descendant
if (type == Constant.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF) {
String[] partsTemp = _currentPath.getPathString().split("\\.");
String TempNameTest = partsTemp[partsTemp.length - 1].substring(0, partsTemp[partsTemp.length - 1].length() - 1);

if (TempNameTest.indexOf("%") == 0) {
TempNameTest = TempNameTest.substring(1, TempNameTest.length());
if (TempNameTest.compareTo(step.getNameTest()) == 0) {
} else {


if (_currentPath.getLevel() > 1) {
} else {
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + 1);

if (_whereSQL._ADMonitor == 1) {
_whereSQL.add("D" + _whereSQL._descendantIndex + ".Level<=D" + (_whereSQL._descendantIndex + 1) + ".Level", false);
_whereSQL.add("VK.BranchOrder<RK.Level+1", false);
if (_whereSQL._ADMonitor == -1) {
_whereSQL.add("A" + _whereSQL._ancestorIndex + ".Level<D" + (_whereSQL._descendantIndex + 1) + ".Level+1+" + _currentPath.getLevel(), false);
_whereSQL.add("VK.BranchOrder<RK.Level+1", false);



if (_currentPath.getLevel() > 1) {
_whereSQL.add("VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum " + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + 2*CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 2 ", false);

_currentPath.addForDescendantAxis(step.getNameTest()); // change by erwin
String tempCurrentPath;
tempCurrentPath = _currentPath.getPathString();

String tempCurrentStepNameTest = "." + step.getNameTest() + "#";

while (stepIndex < pathString.length) {
Step tempStep = getStep(pathString[stepIndex]);
if (tempStep.hasPredicate() || tempStep.getType() != Constant.CHILD) {
tempCurrentStepNameTest = tempCurrentStepNameTest + "." + tempStep.getNameTest() + "#";

String inpath;
inpath = _currentPath.getPath(false);
inpath = inpath.substring(1, inpath.length() - 1);


String[] inpathId = inpath.split(",");
try {
Statement statement = _dbConnection.createStatement();
Statement statement2 = _dbConnection.createStatement();
int tempIndex = 0;
String[] tempPathExpStepArr;
String tempStepPathExp;
String sqlquery;
int tempLevel;

if (_isNewQuery) {
sqlquery = "TRUNCATE TABLE DescendantTemp ";
_isNewQuery = false;

if (_whereSQL._descendantIndex == 1) {
sqlquery = "DELETE FROM DescendantTemp WHERE NOT Level<0";
String[] tempStepCurrentPath;

if (_whereSQL._ADMonitor == -1) {
tempStepCurrentPath = _currentPath.getPathString().substring(3, _currentPath.getPathString().length()).split("\\.");
} else {
tempStepCurrentPath = _currentPath.getPathString().split("\\.");

for (int i = 1; i < tempStepCurrentPath.length - 1; i++) {

if (tempStepCurrentPath[i].indexOf("%") == 0) {
tempStepCurrentPath[i] = tempStepCurrentPath[i].substring(1, tempStepCurrentPath[i].indexOf("#"));
} else {
tempStepCurrentPath[i] = tempStepCurrentPath[i].substring(0, tempStepCurrentPath[i].indexOf("#"));

for (int i = 0; i < inpathId.length; i++) {
String tempPathExp;
sqlquery = "SELECT PathExp FROM Path WHERE PathId=" + inpathId[i];
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(sqlquery);;
tempPathExp = results.getString("PathExp");

for (int i2 = 1; i2 < tempStepCurrentPath.length - 1; i2++) {
tempIndex = tempPathExp.indexOf("." + tempStepCurrentPath[i2] + "#", tempIndex);
tempIndex += tempStepCurrentPath[tempStepCurrentPath.length - 2].length();

int minLevel = -1;

while (tempPathExp.indexOf(tempCurrentStepNameTest, tempIndex) > tempIndex) {
tempIndex = tempPathExp.indexOf(tempCurrentStepNameTest, tempIndex);
tempStepPathExp = tempPathExp.substring(0, tempIndex) + "." + step.getNameTest() + "#";
tempPathExpStepArr = tempStepPathExp.split("\\.");

tempLevel = tempPathExpStepArr.length - 1 - _currentPath.getLevel();
if (tempLevel < minLevel || minLevel == -1) {
minLevel = tempLevel;
sqlquery = "INSERT INTO DescendantTemp (PathId,DescendantId,Level,DescBranchOrd) VALUES (" + inpathId[i] + "," + _whereSQL._descendantIndex + "," + tempLevel + ",0)";

tempIndex = 0;
_minDLevel = minLevel;

sqlquery = "SELECT ALL P.PathId AS PathId,P.PathExp AS PathExp,D.Level AS Level FROM Path AS P,DescendantTemp AS D WHERE P.PathId=D.PathId AND D.DescendantId=" + _whereSQL._descendantIndex + "ORDER BY P.PathId";
ResultSet resultPathExp = statement.executeQuery(sqlquery);;

String prePathExp = resultPathExp.getString("PathExp");
String currentPathExp;
while ( {
currentPathExp = resultPathExp.getString("PathExp");
String[] tempPathExp1 = prePathExp.split("\\.");
String[] tempPathExp2 = currentPathExp.split("\\.");
int i = 1;
while (i < tempPathExp1.length && tempPathExp1[i].trim().indexOf(tempPathExp2[i].trim()) == 0) {
sqlquery = "UPDATE DescendantTemp SET DescBranchOrd=" + i + " WHERE DescendantId=" + _whereSQL._descendantIndex + " AND PathId=" + resultPathExp.getString("PathId") + " AND Level=" + resultPathExp.getString("Level");
prePathExp = currentPathExp;
} catch (Exception ex) {


_whereSQL.add("D" + _whereSQL._descendantIndex + ".PathId=VK.PathId", false);
_whereSQL.add("D" + _whereSQL._descendantIndex + ".DescendantId=" + _whereSQL._descendantIndex, false);

_whereSQL._ADMonitor = 1;
} else if (type == Constant.DESCENDANT_OR_SELF) { // descendant-or-self
} else {
throw new NoSuchPathException("Path axis incorrect");
_updated = true;

void processPredicate(Step step) throws NoSuchPathException {
int n_from = 0;
int n_to = 0;
int nf;
int nt;
int noOfEquality = 0; // k
boolean additionalPred = false;
String additionalPredStr = "";
for (int i = 0; i < step.getPredicate().length; i++) {
if (step.hasEquality(i)) {
noOfEquality++; // count how many tables need to be added
// new table only needed if the predicate is not position based predicate
_whereSQL.setNoOfNewTables(noOfEquality); // klarinda 20061123
for (int i = 0; i < step.getPredicate().length; i++) {
if (step.hasEquality(i)) {
CurrentPath tempPath = new CurrentPath(_dbConnection);
// for predicate > 1 steps (klarinda 20061120)
String[] predicateStep = step.getPredicate(i).split("/");
for (int x = 0; x < predicateStep.length; x++) {
if (!predicateStep[x].trim().equals("text()")) {
if ((predicateStep[x].trim().contains("[")) && (predicateStep[x].trim().contains("]"))) {
//pattern consists of attribute @(from a through z, A through Z, 0 through 9 (inclusive) and position (>, <, <=, >=, =), 0 through 9 (inclusive, can be double digit, eg 88) to
//0 through 9 (inclusive, can be double digit, eg 88) OR last - 0 through 9 (inclusive)
//@abc\\[position()(equality sign) (0-9) to (0-9) OR @abc\\[last()-(0-9)]
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("([@a-zA-Z_0-9])+(\\[(position\\(\\)(>|<|(<=)|(>=)|=))?(([0-9])+( (to) ([0-9])+)?|(last\\(\\))((-)([0-9])+)?)\\])?");
Matcher m = p.matcher(predicateStep[x].trim());
if (m.matches()) {
//if pattern matches --> >1 predicate, get additional predicate numbers (0-9) to (0-9)
additionalPred = true;
additionalPredStr = predicateStep[x].trim().substring(predicateStep[x].trim().indexOf("[") + 1, predicateStep[x].trim().lastIndexOf("]"));
predicateStep[x] = predicateStep[x].trim().substring(0, predicateStep[x].trim().indexOf("["));
//add predicate path ie, before "[" to the string array, tempPath
} else {
throw new NoSuchPathException("Currently, XCalibur does not support your XPath!");
} else {

if (step.getEquality(i).trim().length() > 0) {
if ((step.getEquality(i).trim().charAt(0) == '"') && (step.getEquality(i).trim().charAt(step.getEquality(i).trim().length() - 1) == '"')) {
step.setEquality(i, step.getEquality(i).trim().replaceAll("\"", "'"));
boolean isJoin = false;
// if ((step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("=") || step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("!=")) && step.getEquality(i).charAt(0) != '\'') {
if (!step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("!!!") && !_isPositionPredicate) {
if (step.getEquality(i).charAt(0) != '\'') {
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
isJoin = true;
boolean isSlash = (step.getEquality(i).charAt(0) == '/') ? true : false;
boolean isJoinAttribute = false;

CurrentPath joinPath = new CurrentPath(_dbConnection);
if (!isSlash) {
String[] joinStep = step.getEquality(i).split("/");
for (int x = 0; x < joinStep.length; x++) {

isJoinAttribute = (joinStep[joinStep.length - 1].trim().charAt(0) == '@') ? true : false;
String joinPathId = joinPath.getOnePath();
if (joinPathId.equals("()")) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("The join path does not exist");
String joinValue;
if (isJoinAttribute) {
// attribute table is separated from elements
_whereSQL.add("ALj.PathID IN " + joinPathId, true); // j is for join
joinValue = " ALj.LeafValue ";
if (!isSlash) {
_whereSQL.add(" ALj.docId = VL.docId \n AND VLj.leafOrder = ALj.LeafOrder ", true);
} else {
_whereSQL.newJoinTable(); // the order of table in
// fromSQL is not so correct (ignore this prob for time being)
_whereSQL.add("VLj.PathID IN " + joinPathId, true); // j is for join
joinValue = " VLj.LeafValue ";

String joinNotSlash = "";
if (!isSlash) {
joinNotSlash = "\n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VLj.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VLj.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ";

if (step.getPredicate(i).charAt(0) == '@') {
// attribute, need to join with attribute table
_whereSQL.add("AL.LeafOrder = VL.LeafOrder ", true);
if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("=")) {
// added by erwin
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+.([0-9])+");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(joinValue);
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "AL.LeafValue LIKE " + joinValue + " \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "AL.LeafValue LIKE " + joinValue + " COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
// added by erwin
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+.([0-9])+");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(joinValue);
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "AL.LeafValue NOT LIKE " + joinValue + " \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "AL.LeafValue NOT LIKE " + joinValue + " COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("=")) {
// added by erwin
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+.([0-9])+");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(joinValue);
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "VL.LeafValue LIKE " + joinValue + " \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "VL.LeafValue LIKE " + joinValue + " COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("=")) {
// added by erwin
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+.([0-9])+");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(joinValue);
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "VL.LeafValue NOT LIKE " + joinValue + " \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "VL.LeafValue NOT LIKE " + joinValue + " COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals(">")) {
// added by erwin
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+.([0-9])+");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(joinValue);
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "CAST(VL.LeafValue as FLOAT) > CAST(" + joinValue + " as FLOAT) \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "CAST(VL.LeafValue as FLOAT) > CAST(" + joinValue + " as FLOAT) \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals(">=")) {
// added by erwin
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+.([0-9])+");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(joinValue);
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "CAST(VL.LeafValue as FLOAT) >= CAST(" + joinValue + " as FLOAT) \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "CAST(VL.LeafValue as FLOAT) >= CAST(" + joinValue + " as FLOAT) \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("<")) {
// added by erwin
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+.([0-9])+");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(joinValue);
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "CAST(VL.LeafValue as FLOAT) < CAST(" + joinValue + " as FLOAT) \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "CAST(VL.LeafValue as FLOAT) < CAST(" + joinValue + " as FLOAT) \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("<=")) {
// added by erwin
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+.([0-9])+");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(joinValue);
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "CAST(VL.LeafValue as FLOAT) <= CAST(" + joinValue + " as FLOAT) \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "CAST(VL.LeafValue as FLOAT) <= CAST(" + joinValue + " as FLOAT) \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 " + joinNotSlash, step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));


if (!isJoin) {
if (step.getPredicate(i).indexOf("@") >= 0) {
// added bby erwin 2007-08-02
// -> for /a/b[c/@id] need to join with attribute table
String dummy = tempPath.removeLast2();
String inpath = tempPath.getPath(false);
_whereSQL.add("VL.PathID IN " + inpath, false);
_whereSQL.add("AL.LeafOrder = VL.LeafOrder ", true);
if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("=")) {
// added by erwin
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+.([0-9])+");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(step.getEquality(i));
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "AL.LeafValue LIKE " + step.getEquality(i) + " \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "AL.LeafValue LIKE " + step.getEquality(i) + " COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("!=")) {
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+.([0-9])+");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(step.getEquality(i));
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "AL.LeafValue NOT LIKE " + step.getEquality(i) + " \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "AL.LeafValue NOT LIKE " + step.getEquality(i) + " COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("!!!")) {
// added by erwin
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "\n\t VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
try {
Float temp = Float.valueOf(step.getEquality(i));
if (temp == null) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("Predicate value incorrect");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("Precicate value incorrect");
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "CAST(AL.LeafValue as FLOAT) " + step.getEqualityOperator(i) + " " + step.getEquality(i) + "\n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
// For MINT query only
if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("!!!")) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExprMINT(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("=")) {
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+(.([0-9])+)?");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(step.getEquality(i));
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "VL.LeafValue LIKE " + step.getEquality(i) + " \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "VL.LeafValue LIKE " + step.getEquality(i) + " COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("!=")) {
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+(.([0-9])+)?");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(step.getEquality(i));
if (mat.matches()) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "VL.LeafValue NOT LIKE " + step.getEquality(i) + " \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "VL.LeafValue NOT LIKE " + step.getEquality(i) + " COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CS_AS \n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
try {
Float temp = Float.valueOf(step.getEquality(i));
if (temp == null) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("Predicate value incorrect");
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("Precicate value incorrect");
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "CAST(VL.LeafValue as FLOAT) " + step.getEqualityOperator(i) + " " + step.getEquality(i) + "\n\t AND VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) + 1" + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
String inpath = tempPath.getOnePath();

// klarinda 20070108 for MINT query only
if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("!!!")) {
if (step.getPredicate(i).indexOf("@") < 0) {
inpath = tempPath.getPath(false);

// end of klarinda 20070108
if (inpath.equals("()")) {
throw new NoSuchPathException("The path does not exist");

if (step.getPredicate(i).indexOf("@") >= 0) {
// added bby erwin
// 2007-08-02 -> for /a/b[c/@id]
_whereSQL.add("AL.PathID IN " + inpath, true);
} else {
_whereSQL.add("VL.PathID IN " + inpath, true);
// klarinda 20070108 for MINT query only
if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("!!!")) {
// to get the context nodes (represented by 1st desc leaf node)
_whereSQL.add("VL.BranchOrder < " + tempPath.getLevel(), false);
} else {
switch (step.getType()) {
case Constant.CHILD:
n_from = step.getPredicateFrom(i);
n_to = step.getPredicateTo(i);
case Constant.FOLLOWING:
n_from = step.getPredicateFrom(i) + 1;
n_to = step.getPredicateTo(i) + 1;
case Constant.PRECEDING:
n_from = -step.getPredicateFrom(i) + 1;
n_to = -step.getPredicateTo(i) + 1;
n_from = step.getPredicateFrom(i) + 1;
n_to = step.getPredicateTo(i) + 1;
n_from = -step.getPredicateFrom(i) + 1;
n_to = -step.getPredicateTo(i) + 1;
case Constant.SELF:
n_from = step.getPredicateFrom(i);
n_to = step.getPredicateTo(i);
System.out.println("ERROR:Axis type cannot have predicate\n"); // ???

switch (step.getPredicateType()) {
case 0:
// position based predicate without name test
nf = n_from - 1;
nt = n_to;
if (!_isFirstPredicate) {
if (step.getPredicate(i).startsWith("last()")) {
String inpathAttr = _currentPath.getPath(false);

int c = _whereSQL.getLastTempTableCounter();
String additionExp2 = step.getPredicate(i).replace("last()", "");
String additionExp1 = "(L" + (c + 1) + ".MAXI " + additionExp2 + " - 1 )";
String myQuery = "";
try {
Statement stmt = _dbConnection.createStatement();
if (c == 0) {
stmt.executeUpdate("TRUNCATE TABLE [LASTTEMP] ");

if (_currentPath.getLevel() == 2) {
myQuery = "INSERT INTO [LASTTEMP]" + "SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY DOCID ORDER BY LEAFORDER), " + "DOCID, SiblingSum, " + (c + 1) + " AS FLAG, " + "0 AS DEWEYORDERSUM, 0 AS PDOS " + "FROM PATHVALUE " + "WHERE PathID IN " + inpathAttr + " " + " AND (BRANCHORDER = " + _currentPath.getLevel() + " - 1 OR BRANCHORDER = 0) ";
} else {
String parentPath = _currentPath.getPrevPath(false);
myQuery = "INSERT INTO [LASTTEMP]" + "SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY DOCID ORDER BY LEAFORDER), " + "DOCID, SiblingSum, " + "0 AS FLAG, " + "DEWEYORDERSUM, 0 AS PDOS " + "FROM PATHVALUE " + "WHERE PathID IN " + parentPath + " " + " AND (BRANCHORDER = " + _currentPath.getLevel() + " - 2 OR BRANCHORDER = 0) ";

myQuery = "INSERT INTO [LASTTEMP]" + "SELECT " + " ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY P.DOCID,L.DEWEYORDERSUM ORDER BY P.DOCID, P.DEWEYORDERSUM) AS RID, " + " P.DOCID, P.SIBLINGSUM, 1 AS FLAG, P.DEWEYORDERSUM, L.DEWEYORDERSUM AS PDOS " + "FROM LASTTEMP AS L, PATHVALUE AS P, DocumentRValue R " + "WHERE L.DOCID = P.DOCID " + " AND L.DOCID = R.DOCID " + " AND L.FLAG = 0 " + " AND R.LEVEL = " + (_currentPath.getLevel() - 2) + " " + " AND P.PathID IN " + inpathAttr + " " + " AND P.BRANCHORDER < " + _currentPath.getLevel() + " " + " AND P.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN L.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(R.RValue as BIGINT) + 1 " + " AND L.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(R.RValue as BIGINT) - 1" + " AND P.SiblingSum >= L.SiblingSum ";
} else {
// multi last predicate
} catch (Exception e) {


if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("<")) {
additionExp1 = "0";
additionExp2 = "-1";
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), " VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VM.DeweyOrderSum + " + additionExp1 + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1)" + " \n\t\t AND VM.DeweyOrderSum + " + " (L" + (c + 1) + ".MAXI " + additionExp2 + " )" + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {

if (_isFirstPredicate) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VM.DeweyOrderSum + " + nf + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) " + " \n\t\t AND VM.DeweyOrderSum + " + nt + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), "VK.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN VL.DeweyOrderSum + " + nf + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) " + " \n\t\t AND VL.DeweyOrderSum + " + nt + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));

case 1:
nf = n_from - 1;
nt = n_to;
// k20061123 change VL to VM
if (step.getPredicate(i).startsWith("last()")) {
String inpathAttr = _currentPath.getPath(false);

int c = _whereSQL.getLastTempTableCounter();
String additionExp2 = step.getPredicate(i).replace("last()", "");
String additionExp1 = "(L" + (c + 1) + ".MAXI " + additionExp2 + " - 1 )";

String myQuery = "";
try {
Statement stmt = _dbConnection.createStatement();
if (c == 0) {
stmt.executeUpdate("TRUNCATE TABLE [LASTTEMP] ");

if (_currentPath.getLevel() == 2) {
myQuery = "INSERT INTO [LASTTEMP]" + "SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY DOCID ORDER BY LEAFORDER), " + "DOCID, SiblingSum, " + (c + 1) + " AS FLAG, " + "0 AS DEWEYORDERSUM, 0 AS PDOS " + "FROM PATHVALUE " + "WHERE PathID IN " + inpathAttr + " " + " AND (BRANCHORDER = " + _currentPath.getLevel() + " - 1 OR BRANCHORDER = 0) ";

} else {

String parentPath = _currentPath.getPrevPath(false);

myQuery = "INSERT INTO [LASTTEMP]" + "SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY DOCID ORDER BY LEAFORDER), " + "DOCID, SiblingSum, " + "0 AS FLAG, " + "DEWEYORDERSUM, 0 AS PDOS " + "FROM PATHVALUE " + "WHERE PathID IN " + parentPath + " " + " AND (BRANCHORDER = " + _currentPath.getLevel() + " - 2 OR BRANCHORDER = 0) ";

myQuery = "INSERT INTO [LASTTEMP]" + "SELECT " + " ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY P.DOCID,L.DEWEYORDERSUM ORDER BY P.DOCID, P.DEWEYORDERSUM) AS RID, " + " P.DOCID, P.SIBLINGSUM, 1 AS FLAG, P.DEWEYORDERSUM, L.DEWEYORDERSUM AS PDOS " + "FROM LASTTEMP AS L, PATHVALUE AS P, DocumentRValue R " + "WHERE L.DOCID = P.DOCID " + " AND L.DOCID = R.DOCID " + " AND L.FLAG = 0 " + " AND R.LEVEL = " + (_currentPath.getLevel() - 2) + " " + " AND P.PathID IN " + inpathAttr + " " + " AND P.BRANCHORDER < " + _currentPath.getLevel() + " " + " AND P.DeweyOrderSum BETWEEN L.DeweyOrderSum - CAST(R.RValue as BIGINT) + 1 " + " AND L.DeweyOrderSum + CAST(R.RValue as BIGINT) - 1" + " AND P.SiblingSum >= L.SiblingSum ";
} else {
// multi last predicate
} catch (Exception e) {
if (step.getEqualityOperator(i).equals("<")) {
additionExp1 = "0";
additionExp2 = "-1";

_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), " VK.SiblingSum BETWEEN VM.SiblingSum + " + additionExp1 + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1)" + " \n\t\t AND VM.SiblingSum + " + " (L" + (c + 1) + ".MAXI " + additionExp2 + " )" + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {
if (nt == -1) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), " VK.SiblingSum > VM.SiblingSum + " + nf + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) + 1", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else if (nf == -1) {
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), " VK.SiblingSum < VM.SiblingSum + " + nt + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) - 1", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));
} else {

_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(step.getAndExpr(i), step.getOrExpr(i), step.getNoOfOpenParenthesis(i), " VK.SiblingSum BETWEEN VM.SiblingSum + " + nf + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1)" + " \n\t\t AND VM.SiblingSum + " + nt + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) - 1 ", step.getNoOfCloseParenthesis(i));

if (additionalPred) {
Pattern pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+(.([0-9])+)?");
Matcher mat = pat.matcher(additionalPredStr);
if (mat.matches()) {
nf = Integer.parseInt(additionalPredStr) - 1;
nt = Integer.parseInt(additionalPredStr);
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + 1);
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(true, false, 0, " VL.SiblingSum BETWEEN 0 + " + nf + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1)" + " \n\t\t AND 0 + " + nt + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) - 1 ", 0);
} else if (additionalPredStr.startsWith("position()")) {
pat = Pattern.compile("([0-9])+ (TO) ([0-9])+");
mat = pat.matcher(additionalPredStr.toUpperCase());
if (mat.matches()) {
String[] toParts = additionalPredStr.toUpperCase().split("TO");
Integer castedInt = new Integer(toParts[0].trim());
nf = castedInt.intValue() - 1;
castedInt = new Integer(toParts[1].trim());
nt = castedInt.intValue();
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + 1);
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(true, false, 0, " VL.SiblingSum BETWEEN 0 + " + nf + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1)" + " \n\t\t AND 0 + " + nt + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) - 1 ", 0);
} else if (additionalPredStr.contains(">=")) {
String[] toParts = additionalPredStr.toUpperCase().split(">=");
Integer castedInt = new Integer(toParts[1].trim());
nt = -1;
nf = castedInt.intValue() - 1;
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + 1);
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(true, false, 0, " VL.SiblingSum > 0 + " + nf + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) + 1 ", 0);
} else if (additionalPredStr.contains("<=")) {

String[] toParts = additionalPredStr.toUpperCase().split("<=");
Integer castedInt = new Integer(toParts[1].trim());
nf = 0;
nt = castedInt.intValue();
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + 1);
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(true, false, 0, " VL.SiblingSum BETWEEN 0 + " + nf + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1)" + " \n\t\t AND 0 + " + nt + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) - 1 ", 0);
} else if (additionalPredStr.contains(">")) {
String[] toParts = additionalPredStr.toUpperCase().split(">");
Integer castedInt = new Integer(toParts[1].trim());
nf = castedInt.intValue();
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + 1);
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(true, false, 0, " VL.SiblingSum > 0 + " + nf + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) + 1 ", 0);
} else if (additionalPredStr.contains("<")) {
String[] toParts = additionalPredStr.toUpperCase().split("<");
Integer castedInt = new Integer(toParts[1].trim());
nt = castedInt.intValue() - 1;
nf = 0;
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + 1);
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(true, false, 0, " VL.SiblingSum BETWEEN 0 + " + nf + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1)" + " \n\t\t AND 0 + " + nt + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) - 1 ", 0);
} else if (additionalPredStr.contains("=")) {
String[] toParts = additionalPredStr.toUpperCase().split("=");
Integer castedInt = new Integer(toParts[1].trim());
nf = castedInt.intValue() - 1;
castedInt = new Integer(toParts[1].trim());
nt = castedInt.intValue();
_whereSQL.newRv(_currentPath.getLevel() + 1);
_whereSQL.addAndOrExpr(true, false, 0, " VL.SiblingSum BETWEEN 0 + " + nf + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1)" + " \n\t\t AND VK.SiblingSum + " + nt + " * (2 * CAST(RK.RValue as BIGINT) - 1) - 1 ", 0);


// add by erwin 2007-07-04
private boolean isNumber(String s) {
try {
int I = Integer.parseInt(s);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return false;
return true;

// added by erwin 25-Jul-2007
private boolean isXPathWellFormed(String XPath) {
long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
dbsucxent.pathProcessor.w3cxpathparser.XPath parser = new dbsucxent.pathProcessor.w3cxpathparser.XPath(new;
dbsucxent.pathProcessor.w3cxpathparser.SimpleNode tree;
tree = parser.XPath2();
if (((dbsucxent.pathProcessor.w3cxpathparser.SimpleNode) tree.jjtGetChild(0)).toString().equals("XPath")) {
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
return true;
} catch (dbsucxent.pathProcessor.w3cxpathparser.ParseException pe) {
XPathErrMsg = pe.getMessage();
} catch (dbsucxent.pathProcessor.w3cxpathparser.TokenMgrError tme) {
XPathErrMsg = tme.getMessage();
long t2 = System.currentTimeMillis();

return false;

void ProcessChildAncestor(String[] OriginalPath, int arrIndex) {
if (arrIndex < 3) {
for (int i = 0; i < OriginalPath.length; i++) {
OriginalPath[i] = "";
} else {
OriginalPath[arrIndex] = OriginalPath[arrIndex].substring(0, 8) + "-or-self" + OriginalPath[arrIndex].substring(8);

OriginalPath[arrIndex - 1] = "[child::" + OriginalPath[arrIndex - 1].substring(0, OriginalPath[arrIndex - 1].length()) + "]";

OriginalPath[arrIndex - 2] = OriginalPath[arrIndex - 2] + OriginalPath[arrIndex - 1];

OriginalPath[arrIndex - 1] = "";

void ProcessSelfAncestor(String[] originalPath, int arrIndex) {
if (arrIndex < 4) {
for (int i = 0; i < originalPath.length; i++) {
originalPath[i] = "";
} else {
originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = "[" + originalPath[arrIndex - 1] + "]";
originalPath[arrIndex - 2] = originalPath[arrIndex - 2] + originalPath[arrIndex - 1];
originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = "";

void ProcessFollowingSiblingAncestor(String[] originalPath, int arrIndex) {
if (arrIndex < 4) {
for (int i = 0; i < originalPath.length; i++) {
originalPath[i] = "";
} else {
originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = "[" + originalPath[arrIndex - 1] + "]";
originalPath[arrIndex - 2] = originalPath[arrIndex - 2] + originalPath[arrIndex - 1];
originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = "";

void ProcessDescendantAncestor(String[] originalPath, int arrIndex) {
if (arrIndex < 3) {
for (int i = 0; i < originalPath.length; i++) {
originalPath[i] = "";
} else {
String tempOriginalPath = "[" + originalPath[arrIndex - 1] + "]";
originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = "[" + originalPath[arrIndex - 1] + "]/";

for (int i = arrIndex; i < originalPath.length; i++) {
originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = originalPath[arrIndex - 1] + originalPath[i] + "/";

originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = originalPath[arrIndex - 1].substring(0, originalPath[arrIndex - 1].length() - 1);
originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = originalPath[arrIndex - 1] + "|";

originalPath[arrIndex] = "/descendant-or-self" + originalPath[arrIndex].substring(originalPath[arrIndex].indexOf("::")) + tempOriginalPath;

for (int i = arrIndex - 2; i > 0; i--) {
originalPath[arrIndex] = "/" + originalPath[i] + originalPath[arrIndex];

originalPath[arrIndex - 2] = originalPath[arrIndex - 2] + originalPath[arrIndex - 1];
originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = "";

if (originalPath[arrIndex].indexOf("/") == 0) {
originalPath[arrIndex] = originalPath[arrIndex].substring(1, originalPath[arrIndex].length());

void ProcessFollowingAncestor(String[] originalPath, int arrIndex) {
if (arrIndex < 4) {
for (int i = 0; i < originalPath.length; i++) {
originalPath[i] = "";
} else {
String tempOriginalPath = originalPath[arrIndex - 1];

originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = "following" + originalPath[arrIndex].substring(originalPath[arrIndex].indexOf("::")) + "[descendant" + originalPath[arrIndex - 1].substring(originalPath[arrIndex - 1].indexOf("::")) + "]/";

for (int i = arrIndex + 1; i < originalPath.length; i++) {
originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = originalPath[arrIndex - 1] + originalPath[i] + "/";

originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = originalPath[arrIndex - 1].substring(0, originalPath[arrIndex - 1].length() - 1);
originalPath[arrIndex - 1] = originalPath[arrIndex - 1] + "|";

originalPath[arrIndex] = "/ancestor-or-self::*[following-sibling::*/descendant-or-self" + tempOriginalPath.substring(tempOriginalPath.indexOf("::")) + "]/" + originalPath[arrIndex];

for (int i = arrIndex - 2; i > 0; i--) {
originalPath[arrIndex] = "/" + originalPath[i] + originalPath[arrIndex];

if (originalPath[arrIndex].indexOf("/") == 0) {
originalPath[arrIndex] = originalPath[arrIndex].substring(1, originalPath[arrIndex].length());

String mergeString(String[] modifiedPath) {
String finalPath = "/";
for (int i = 1; i < modifiedPath.length; i++) {
finalPath = finalPath + modifiedPath[i];
if (modifiedPath[i].length() > 0 && i < modifiedPath.length - 1) {
finalPath = finalPath + "/";
if (finalPath.length() == 1) {
finalPath = "";
return finalPath;

String splitAncestorOrSelf(String originalPath) {
String finalPath = "";

if (originalPath.indexOf("/ancestor-or-self::") > 0) {
finalPath = originalPath.substring(0, originalPath.indexOf("/ancestor-or-self::")) + "/ancestor::" + originalPath.substring(originalPath.indexOf("/ancestor-or-self::") + 19);
finalPath = finalPath + "|" + originalPath.substring(0, originalPath.indexOf("/ancestor-or-self::")) + "/self::" + originalPath.substring(originalPath.indexOf("/ancestor-or-self::") + 19);
} else {
finalPath = originalPath;

return finalPath;

String symmetryPath(String originalPath) {
String finalPath = "";
String[] unionPathArr = originalPath.split("\\|");

for (int i = 0; i < unionPathArr.length; i++) {

if (unionPathArr[i].indexOf("/ancestor::") > 0) {
String[] stepsArr = unionPathArr[i].split("/");
int k = 1;
while (k < stepsArr.length && stepsArr[k].indexOf("ancestor::") != 0) {

if (stepsArr[k - 1].indexOf("self::") == 0) {
ProcessSelfAncestor(stepsArr, k);
unionPathArr[i] = splitAncestorOrSelf(mergeString(stepsArr));
} else if (stepsArr[k - 1].indexOf("following-sibling::") == 0) {
ProcessFollowingSiblingAncestor(stepsArr, k);
unionPathArr[i] = splitAncestorOrSelf(mergeString(stepsArr));
} else if (stepsArr[k - 1].indexOf("descendant::") == 0) {
ProcessDescendantAncestor(stepsArr, k);
unionPathArr[i] = splitAncestorOrSelf(mergeString(stepsArr));
} else if (stepsArr[k - 1].indexOf("following::") == 0) {
ProcessFollowingAncestor(stepsArr, k);
unionPathArr[i] = splitAncestorOrSelf(mergeString(stepsArr));
} else {
ProcessChildAncestor(stepsArr, k);
unionPathArr[i] = splitAncestorOrSelf(mergeString(stepsArr));

if (unionPathArr[i].indexOf("/ancestor::") > 0) {
unionPathArr[i] = symmetryPath(unionPathArr[i]);

for (int i = 0; i < unionPathArr.length; i++) {
finalPath = finalPath + "|" + unionPathArr[i];
finalPath = finalPath.substring(finalPath.indexOf("/"));
return finalPath;
// added by Wang Geng, Following code is used to generate CPathId for
// Sandeep's algo
void generateCPath() {
try {
Statement statement = _dbConnection.createStatement();
Statement statement2 = _dbConnection.createStatement();
Statement statement3 = _dbConnection.createStatement();
String sqlquery;
sqlquery = "SELECT PathExp,PathId FROM Path WHERE CPathId=0 ORDER BY PathId";
ResultSet results = statement.executeQuery(sqlquery);
int count = 0;
String[] partsTemp;
String TempNameTest;
int maxLeafNum = 0;
String maxLeafNode = ".#";
while (true) {

while ( {

partsTemp = results.getString("PathExp").split("\\.");
TempNameTest = "." + partsTemp[partsTemp.length - 1].trim();
if (TempNameTest.compareTo(maxLeafNode) != 0) {
sqlquery = "SELECT Count(*) as CPathNum FROM Path WHERE PathExp LIKE '%" + TempNameTest.trim() + " %'";
ResultSet Results2 = statement2.executeQuery(sqlquery);;
if (maxLeafNum < Results2.getInt("CPathNum")) {
maxLeafNum = Results2.getInt("CPathNum");
maxLeafNode = TempNameTest;

if (maxLeafNum != 0) {
sqlquery = "SELECT PathId FROM Path WHERE PathExp LIKE '%" + maxLeafNode + " %' ORDER BY PathId";
ResultSet Results3 = statement2.executeQuery(sqlquery);

int i = 1 + count;
while ( {
sqlquery = "UPDATE Path SET CPathId=" + i + " WHERE PathId=" + Results3.getString("PathId");
count = count + maxLeafNum;
maxLeafNum = 0;
} else {
sqlquery = "SELECT PathExp,PathId FROM Path WHERE CPathId=0 ORDER BY PathId";
results = statement.executeQuery(sqlquery);
} catch (Exception ex) {

M. S. Rakha, Ph.D.
Queen's University

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