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Nanny/Housekeeper and driver/Gardener needed in UK

Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:39 pm

Job location: London, England

Description: Hello, Jon Bodenhamer, England (6 Lovat Lane, London City, EC3R 8DR), I am an Armored Cavalry Officer. I have two daughters, Ashley and Corinn. I am stationed at West Point where I am the "engines guy" teaching the automotive systems courses in the Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department. Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering Teach Automotive Engineering, Design, and Thermal/Fluid System Courses, used to teach West Point cadets how to be Mechanical Engineers and hopefully Armor Officers, recently divorced, my family is moving to England (6 Lovat Lane, London City, EC3R 8DR) to join and stay with my grandparents in a new house I bought a few days ago, so I need the following job space services rendered urgently, simultaneously as they move into the house and also before I travel back to WestPoint.

NANNY: £3000 Monthly/weekly £100
HOUSEKEEPER: £5000 Monthly/weekly £167
DRIVER: £3500 Monthly/weekly £117
GARDNER: £3000 Monthly/weekly £100

Accommodation would be provided by us, a room (bathroom and kitchen attached, semi- furnished) with all available utilities and services, you are allowed to also recommend any added service which was not originally provided, but deem necessary by you..

Free feeding
Free accommodation
24 hrs internet browsing
Tax free Wages

Job Offer
Travel arrangements would be processed by both parties, a 60% part of the traveling expenses (visa, ticket, other miscellaneous expenses) would be provided by us, you would be assisted.. An email address is provided, do contact (Interested applicants should send their application with resume)
[email protected] or call +447045753147

Thank you

Jon Bodenhamer

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