Thu Jan 10, 2013 12:17 pm
<title>Using firebug with JQuery</title>
<script src="//">
Note you can download the JQuery package instead of using Google version. -->
<script src="jquery-1.8.3.js"></script>
$.enableConsole = false;
$.fn.console = $.console = function(method){
if (window.console && console[method] && $.enableConsole)
console[method].apply(this, [],1))
return this;
// See console
$.enableConsole = true;
// calling firebug functions, here we use console functions
$.console('debug', 'Am debuging my code with firebug', 'debugging');
// Use firebug console chain function easily:
var color = 'yellow';
$('#divEnd').css('color', color).console('log', 'Setting font color to ', color);
// And the access to the other functions time and timeEnd
$('#divEnd').console('time', '1000').animate('message').console('timeEnd', '3000');
<div id="divEnd" style="background:#0414F4;color:white;width='100';">Content Here.</div>
<button id="btn1">Start Using Firebug</button>
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