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validate mail in jsp

Tue Jan 20, 2009 11:44 pm

validate mail in jsp (Java server pages ) , the following code contain two snippet ,the first one is using custom tags ,the second is a java bean class.

1. JSP FIle
<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/jstl/core" prefix="c" %>

<jsp:useBean id="mailcheck" class="codemiles.mailchecker" >
<jsp:setProperty name="mailcheck" property="*" />
<%-- get valid property from ClientValidator bean --%>
<c:set var="isValid" value="${mailcheck.valid}" />
<c:if test="${isValid}">
    <c:set var="useremail" value="${mailcheck.email}" scope="request" />
  <c:set var="userpassword" value="${mailcheck.password}" scope="request" />
<head><title>Mail validation</title></head>
<h2>Welcome to codemiles library</h2>
    <c:out value="${useremail}" /><br><br>
    <c:out value="${userpassword}" />


2. Java Class Bean

package codemiles;

* @author codemiles

public class mailchecker implements java.io.Serializable{

String email;
String password;
boolean valid;

public mailchecker()


public boolean isValid(){

  /*  This method is called in the jsp file , here you put your code to check on
    mail , and set the value of valid property .
   return valid;
// set the email value
public void setEmail(String _email){

     if(_email != null && _email.length() > 0)
        email = _email;
         email = "Unknown";
// Return the current email
public String getEmail(){

    return email; }
// Set the value of the password
public void setPassword(String _password){

     if(_password != null && _password.length() > 0)
        password = _password;
         password = "none";
// Return the value of password property
public String getPassword(){

    return password;


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