Avoid showing/printing figures, text or tables after conclusion, sometimes after compiling the latex document you found that some parts not in the right place and also no the same order that exists in document, if you are writing a research paper and you have a big table, sometimes you found that this table appears after the conclusion section for example which is not the desired place. To fix this suggest to flush the content using following command :
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another solution fix the paper layout may be using the new page tag,
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The command "\clearpage" is a way to signal to LaTeX that you want to force the current page to be finished, regardless of whether there is remaining content or not. This command effectively ensures that a particular element, such as a table, figure, or section, starts on a new page, making it a great way to separate different parts of your document and emphasize specific content. This command also ensures that any floating elements, such as figures or tables that haven't been placed yet, will be printed before the new page starts. It can also be used to create a clean break between sections of your document, or to ensure that a table or figure is not split across multiple pages. It's different from the command "\newpage" as it doesn't only start a new page but also forces the remaining content to be printed.
The command "\clearpage" can be used in conjunction with other formatting commands to create a specific layout for your document. For example, you can use "\clearpage" in combination with "\thispagestyle{empty}" to create a page with no page number or header/footer. It can also be useful in conjunction with the package "afterpage" which allows to issue a \clearpage command at a specific place in the document, rather than at the point where it is used. This package allows to specify the \clearpage command to be executed after a certain amount of text has been processed. Additionally, it can be used to ensure that a certain element is not split across multiple pages, which can be important for maintaining consistency and readability in your document. In some cases, it may also be useful to use the command "\enlargethispage" which increases the height of the current page. This command is useful when you have a page with little content and you want to avoid creating a page with a large amount of white space. It's worth noting that the command "\clearpage" is a way to end the current page, but if you need to start a new page without ending the current page you can use "\newpage" command.