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Which language is required to set up a web application?

Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:03 am

I just want to know that how to create a web application like facebook. I want to create an application so i want to know how to create an application and what things are required to set up a web application?


Re: Which language is required to set up a web application?

Sat Mar 21, 2009 5:23 am

Firstly, u will need to understand HTML code, that the basic to make any web application. Other than that, u can add the dynamicity of the web using javascript and for database usage u have to build php application so that it can communicate between client and server. Those are the basics. I duno if u r a newbie in web developing, but if u r then u can use dreamweaver to start. It supports all the features i mentioned above. Have a nice try. :-)

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