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Problems since upgrade to 3.0.6

Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:16 am


I have some problems with my forum, since i make an upgrade to 3.0.6

For example, polls don't works, some links, etc...

I make some modification on my 3.0.2 style, so, it's possible to merge with 3.0.4 ? or not ?



Re: Problems since upgrade to 3.0.6

Sat Dec 19, 2009 2:13 pm


It's a bug, I've also have it and fix it. But, I don't mind where I fixed it.

I modified Greenmiles for my forum and I removed and modified some lines, for compress in height and fusionnate the blocs "birthday", "statistics", and "whosonline" in one.

So, for find the missing command, try to compare the file in the template in the PCA.

Get the "viewforum_body.html" of Greenmile2 for example, and compare line by line with the same file of "Subsilver2". When you find a missing <bloc>, just add it. And test the kludge!

Don't forget to make a copy of the file before (just c/c in a txt)

Sorry for my bad engliche :tomato:

Re: Problems since upgrade to 3.0.6

Mon Dec 21, 2009 7:10 pm

Ya! traoù mad!

The update 3.06 fix the bug. Good!

Re: Problems since upgrade to 3.0.6

Mon Feb 22, 2010 8:24 pm

Ya! traoù mad!

The update 3.06 fix the bug. Good!

Well, you are right dude..I am also with 3.0.6 (Olympus)...no such bug!

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