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subtract number from memory locations

Sat May 11, 2013 10:10 pm

Subtract a number from a specific location at the memory.

#include <p18F8720.inc>
           org 0x00
           goto start
           org 0x08
           org 0x18
           start movlw 0x05 
; WREG <- 0x05
           subwf 0x10
,F,; 0x10 <-[0x10] – 0x05
           subwf 0x11
,F,; 0x11 <-[0x11] – 0x05
           subwf 0x12
,F,; 0x12 <-[0x12] – 0x05
           subwf 0x13
,F,; 0x13 <-[0x13] – 0x05

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