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JavaScript Editor is a major improvement

Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:15 pm

Dear fellow web developer,

Whether you are a JavaScript novice or a seasoned professional, JavaScript Editor turns your website into the real magnet for your visitors - and gives you the edge to set you miles apart from your competitors.

If you are like me, you are probably using Dreamweaver, Front Page or some other visual HTML editor for your web design. They do a great job in many ways, but have you ever tried to use them to do any of the following:

* Add rollover multilevel menu to your pages
* Make sure people enter a valid email
* Hide your email from spammers, but show it to visitors,
* Design games that work on multiple browsers and operating systems
* Validate a form and make sure every field is entered correctly
* Add sliders, calendars, color selectors and other elements not supported by HTML
* Update just one portion of your web page
* Debug your JavaScript code and eradicate logical errors
* Draw ovals, circles, lines, arrows and polygons on your web pages
* Add a countdown, text effect, tooltips
* Write PHP scripts, design XHTML pages, create CSS styles and XML files

To design a great website, basic support for JavaScript that visual editors and competing code editors are offering is no longer enough.

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