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Link to download in my website..jsp or jsf to download file

Tue May 18, 2010 1:03 pm


I need an example of a code in java that would be as follows:

In my webpage has a link to the download area (directory on my server with some files to users., Restricted area).

Do you have any examples? please ..(jsp...jstl..mysql)


hugs .

fabio alonso

Re: Link to download in my website..jsp or jsf to download file

Tue May 18, 2010 1:42 pm

like this .

if you want to do a link do download something , just write its full path for example

<a href=http://www.yoursute.com/src.rar>download</a>

Re: Link to download in my website..jsp or jsf to download file

Fri May 21, 2010 3:33 pm


It did not work..! :/

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