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sample project

Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:14 am

Can you please send us a sample java servlet project using MS Access
database and Context.xml and web.xml file code for MS Access database.

Re: sample project

Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:54 pm

web.xml is use for navigation configuration something like this :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee"
     xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee/web-app_2_4.xsd"

here is example but for mysql ( reading subtitles of films).

import java
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
public class allsubtitles 
        private final int limit=25;
    /** Creates a new instance of allsubtitles */
      public String DoFilmSearch(String page,String letter) throws IOException
      String returnTable 
= "";
      int mypage=Integer.parseInt(page);
      int myBase=(limit*mypage)-limit;
      int myLimit=(limit*mypage);        
        boolean flag
            try {
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
         Connection connection =
                          String sql=null;
                    Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
                      sql="Select Films.FILM_ID,FILM_NAME As 'Film name' ,COUNT(TRGMA_ID)As 'Subtitles' ,FILM_YEAR" +
                            "  from Films Left join Trgma on(Films.FILM_ID=Trgma.FILM_ID) where FILM_NAME like('0%') OR " +
                              "FILM_NAME like('1%')  OR FILM_NAME like('2%')  OR FILM_NAME like('3%')  OR FILM_NAME like('4%')  OR FILM_NAME like('5%')  OR " +
                              "FILM_NAME like('6%')  OR FILM_NAME like('7%')  OR FILM_NAME like('8%')  OR FILM_NAME like('9%')  " +
                            " group by FILM_NAME,FILM_YEAR order by 'Film name' ,Subtitles limit "+myBase+","+myLimit+ ";";
="Select Films.FILM_ID,FILM_NAME As 'Film name' ,COUNT(TRGMA_ID)As 'Subtitles' ,FILM_YEAR" +
                            "  from Films Left join Trgma on(Films.FILM_ID=Trgma.FILM_ID) where FILM_NAME like('"+letter+"%')" +
                            " group by FILM_NAME,FILM_YEAR order by 'Film name' ,Subtitles limit "+myBase+","+myLimit+ ";";
                    ResultSet myresult= (ResultSet) statement.executeQuery(sql);
                    ResultSetMetaData myMetaData 
=(ResultSetMetaData) myresult.getMetaData();
                    int size=myMetaData.getColumnCount();   

= "<table   >";
                   returnTable+="<tr >";
                    for(int i=2;i<=size-1;i++)
                       returnTable+="<td><a href=FilmTrgma.jsp?FILM_ID="+myresult.getString(1)+">"+myresult.getString(2)+"("+myresult.getString(4)+")"+"</a></td>";
                       returnTable+="<tr><td colspan=2> No results found </td></tr>";
                      sql="Select  COUNT(FILM_ID)  " +
                            "  from Films  where FILM_NAME like('0%') OR " +
                              "FILM_NAME like('1%')  OR FILM_NAME like('2%')  OR FILM_NAME like('3%')  OR FILM_NAME like('4%')  OR FILM_NAME like('5%')  OR " +
                              "FILM_NAME like('6%')  OR FILM_NAME like('7%')  OR FILM_NAME like('8%')  OR FILM_NAME like('9%')  " +
                            " ;";
="Select COUNT(FILM_ID) from Films  where FILM_NAME like('"+letter+"%')";
                        myresult= (ResultSet) statement.executeQuery(sql);
                         returnTable+="<tr><td colspan=2>Page: "; 
                        int count
                        int i=0;
                            returnTable+="<a href=FilmSearchResult.jsp?page="+i+"&&letter="+letter+">"+i+"</a>|";
                   returnTable+="</td></tr></table> ";         
(SQLException ex) {
     return returnTable


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