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tomcat session tracking

Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:50 am

As a part of my project (using servlets and tomcat 6 webserver), I want
to list all active tomcat sessions. Can anybody help me with source

Re: tomcat session tracking

Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:51 am

* There is no way to get the all session ids apart from HttpSessionContext.

*But you can implement it yourself with a collection. *

*Make a class that is using hash map or hash table object which is global to
the application. Whenever a user logs in make an entry into hashmap or hash
table and remove it when he/she logs out. *

*At any point you can retrieves keys and their values from that class that
coresponds to user identification and session object. *

*for example if you are using JSP look at this code- *


<jsp:useBean id="allsessions" scope="application" class="java.util.HashTable"/>


String user=null;
Enumeration users= allsessions.keys();
user = users.nextElement();
out.println("Userid ="+user);
out.println("session = "+allsessions.get ((String)user));

*[This code doesn't quite work -- where is "userid" acquired? How do you
capture logout? But it's a nice hack anyway...

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