import XSD file in another : To import an XSD schema file in another file, you quickly put the XSD file name in the include tag.
For example :
- Code:
<include schemaLocation="examplefile.xsd"></include>
Generally, this is an example of the "include" element. The "include" element is used to include other XSD schemas into the current schema. The "schemaLocation" attribute specifies the location (file path or URL) of the schema file to be included. The value of the attribute "examplefile.xsd" is the name or path to an external XSD file. When the XML document is validated against the current schema, it will also be validated against the schema specified in the "include" element.
It allows you to split a large schema into multiple smaller schemas and then include them in a single file, making it easier to manage and maintain your schemas. The included schema will be merged into the current schema at the location of the included element. The element and type definitions from the included schema will be available in the current schema. This is useful when you have standard definitions across multiple schemas, or you want to reuse the definitions in multiple schemas.
Note that both files must have the same namespace.
To import an XSD file with a different namespace, you can use the
<import> element.
- Code:
<import namespace="namespace" schemaLocation="your XSD file location"/>
This code is an example of the "import" element. The "import" element is used to import other XSD schemas into the current schema. The "namespace" attribute specifies the namespace that the imported schema belongs to. The "schemaLocation" attribute specifies the location (file path or URL) of the schema file to be imported. The "import" element is similar to the "include" element. Still, it has a namespace attribute that allows you to specify a namespace for the imported schema. It allows you to differentiate between elements and types with the same name but from different namespaces.
When the XML document is validated against the current schema, it will also be validated against the schema specified in the "import" element. It allows you to split a large schema into multiple smaller schemas and then import them in a single file, making it easier to manage and maintain your schemas. The imported schema will be merged into the current schema at the location of the import element, and the element and type definitions from the imported schema will be available for use in the current schema. Still, it will be in a different namespace.